
Chapter Twenty


AN: I am not a nurse or doctor. I have attempted to get advice on the subject matter but have only gotten the sketchiest of help. So if I make any errors, I am sorry. I have done the best I can to be realistic.




Cordelia and Fred walk down the hall. Each is carrying a cardboard tray of large foam cups. They set them on the coffee table of the waiting room. Fred reaches in the pockets of her sweater and pulls out handfuls of sugar packets and creamer. She tosses them on the table and looks up. The ladies watch Willow, Xander, Anya, Tara, and Giles walk towards them.

Cordy: Any matches?

They all shake their heads.

Fred: Well we bought coffee, oh and one hot tea.

Giles: Thank you.

Cordy: Gunn went to get food and stop by the hotel for something for Angel.

Fred: I bet it is hard on him with all the you know blood around.

Willow: He’ll be fine.

Giles: Is Dawn with Buffy?

Cordy: Not sure.

Willow walks down the hall and glances in the window. She hurries back to the others.

Willow: No, she’s not.

Anya: She probably just went to sulk. She does that you know.

Willow: We better find her.

Xander: And before Buffy finds she went AWOL.

Giles: Xander, you and Anya search the first floor. Cordelia, can you and Fred go back to the cafeteria and see if she found her way there.

Willow: I’ll check the stairwell over there.

Tara: I will check the other one.

Willow: Someone needs to wait here in case she comes back or in case Buffy or Angel come out.

Giles: I can.

Cordy: And when Gunn shows up, he can help.

The others move off quickly and Giles picks up the cup of tea. He takes a sip and makes a face.

Giles: This American stuff is not tea.

He proceeds to add sugar and cream.

Willow stands in the stairwell and listens. She moves upward and begins opening the door on each floor and glancing around. Tara is at the other end of the building moving upward in a similar search. Xander and Anya walk down the hallway of the first floor.

Xander: I’ll go back that way. You go out to the front doors and see if she is outside.

Anya: Fine.

Cordelia and Fred step into the cafeteria and scan over the occupants.

Fred: I don’t see her.

Cordy: Me either.

Fred: Maybe we should check the restrooms.

Cordy: Good idea.

Xander walks down the hall and enters the gift shop. He looks around but does not find Dawn but does see a little bear in a hard hat and tool belt. He quickly purchases it before continuing the search.

Anya walks across the lobby and the front doors automatically open. She steps out into the bright sun and shading her eyes with her hand she looks around. She shrugs her shoulders and re-enters the building. As she moves back across the lobby she sees Dawn sitting watching the front door. She stomps over to her and puts her hands on her hips.

Anya: There you are. You have made everyone else worry. Everyone is looking for you.

Dawn: Sorry.

Anya: Well let’s go.

Dawn: I can’t. I have to stay here.

Anya: No you have to go back.

Dawn: I will when….

She stops and moves toward the door.

Anya: Now wait a minute.

Dawn throws her arms around the man entering the hospital.

Hank: Hey there pumpkin.

Dawn: I am so glad you came.

Hank looks around.

Hank: What is going on here? Where is Buffy? Why did you call me here? Is she hurt?

Dawn: Buffy is fine. Just we need your help.

She takes his hand.

Dawn: Anya, where is the lab?

Anya: Who is this?

Dawn: My dad. Now will you show us the lab?

Anya: Sure it is just down the hall from where Buffy is.

Dawn: Then show us.

Hank: Hold on sweetheart. Tell me what is going on.

Dawn bites her lip and puts her hand over Anya’s mouth before she can speak.

Dawn: I think Buffy should explain.

Hank: Then where is she.

Dawn: I will show you, but the lab first.

She looks at Anya who throws up her hands and leads them to the lab. Hank looks around suspiciously as they enter.

Anya: Here you go.

Dawn: Hello.

Lab Tech: Can I help you?

Dawn: My dad is here to be tested? Name is Hank Summers.

Lab Tech: For what?

Dawn: Connor O’Hara.

Lab Tech: Oh, another one. Right this way.

Hank looks at Dawn as she pushes him to follow. He sits down as the tech takes the blood sample.

Lab Tech: That’s it.

Dawn: Any luck so far?

Lab Tech: Just the first one.

Dawn: Okay.

Anya: Can we go now?

Dawn: Sure. Dad?

Hank stands up and looks down at his youngest daughter.

Hank: I want answers.

Dawn: You will get them. But from Buffy.

Anya leads them down the hall and stops at the waiting room.

Xander: There you are.

He watches Dawn and Hank approach.

Xander: And you found her….uh and Mr. Summers.

Hank: Where is Buffy?

Giles walks up.

Giles: Dawn, you had us all worried. Where did you go?

Dawn: I’m sorry. I just thought my Dad might match.

Giles: Oh.

Hank: Okay, I want to know what is going on and now.

Dawn: Come with me.

She takes his hand and leads him to the closed door. Hank glances in and sees Buffy and a large male in black leaning over the side of a metal crib. As Dawn raises her hand to knock, a nurse rushes up.

Nurse: Excuse me.

The nurse enters the room and Hank watches as the two adults turn toward her.

Buffy: What is it?

Nurse: Just got word from the lab. We have a second match.

Buffy: Oh thank god.

Angel: Who?

Nurse: Not sure. I just need to make sure he is ready for the exchange.

In the waiting room, Dr. Henry walks up and looks around.

Dr. Henry: I’m looking for a Hank Summers.

Xander: He is down the hall. Is he a match?

Dr. Henry: Yes.

Xander points at Hank looking in the window. The doctor walks to him.

Dr. Henry: Mr. Summers?

Hank turns around.

Hank: Yes?

Dr. Henry: Good news. You’re a match. We need you back to the lab.

Hank: What?

Dawn: Oh thank god. Will Connor be okay now?

Dr. Henry: It improves his odds.

Buffy steps out into the hall.

Buffy: Dad? What are you doing here?

Hank: I am asking the same thing. But all I am told is you have all the answers.

Dawn: Buffy, he’s a match. I called him and he’s a match.

Buffy: Oh god.

Dr. Henry: I’m sorry Mr. Summers but we really need you in the lab if we are going to help your grandson.

Hank: My what?

Buffy takes a deep breath.

Buffy: I will walk with you. We need to talk.

She takes his arm and leads him down the hall. As the doctor enters the room, Angel walks out.

Angel: Where is Buffy?

Dawn looks at him and smiles.

Dawn: We have a match.

Angel: I know. Who is it?

Dawn: Our dad. Buffy is taking him to the lab.

Angel: You told him about Connor?

Dawn: She is doing that now I guess.

Angel leans against the wall and closes his eyes.

Dawn: It will be okay. She is not going to tell him the truth. She will just tell him the story and he will believe her.

Angel: That is what I am worried about.

Dawn: What?

Angel: Yes, every father wants to hear how their daughter has a child she never mentioned with a man he never met and hey they are not married either.

Dawn: Oh. I see you point.

Angel looks up as Gunn walks down the hall and signals him. Gunn hands him a paper bag and he glances in before moving off to the nearby restroom. The others watch him until Gunn drops his box on the table.

Gunn: Hope everyone likes tacos.

Fred: Tacos?

She grabs one and proceeds to unwrap it. Dawn slowly sits down.

Xander: You okay?

Dawn: I hope I did the right thing.

Xander: I think you did. Connor is getting what he needs and your dad was going to find out eventually.

Dawn: I know but Buffy looked so nervous.

Willow: It will be okay. Besides how can anyone not adore Connor.

Cordy: Exactly.

They are still eating when Angel returns and stands outside the room watching the doctor and nurse.

Giles: He will make it.

Angel: From your mouth.

Giles: He is strong. Look at his father.

Angel just frowns and continues to stare into the room. He only steps back when a man approaches with the bag of blood.

Giles: Did you get enough to eat?

Angel: I’m fine.

He watches as they hook up his son. He is still watching when he feels a warm body snuggle against his side.

Buffy: Another pint. Think it will be enough.

Angel: I do.

Buffy: My dad is still in shock.

Angel: Does he want to kill me?

Buffy: He does but he is more concerned for Connor now I think to act on the anger.

Angel pulls her closer and kisses the top of her head.

Buffy: But after he is better you might want to be prepared.

Angel only nods.

Hank stands down the hall and watches.

Dawn: Dad, come sit down. We have tacos.

Hank lets her maneuver him into a chair.

Willow: I am glad to see you gain Mr. Summers. It has been a long time.

He nods and tips his head to look back down the hall. He looks back at the group of people.

Hank: Are you all friends?

Everyone nods. Hank looks at Giles.

Hank: Are you his father?

Giles: What? Me? No. No. I am just a friend of Buffy’s. I have been for a few years.

Hank: Where is his family?

Willow: He doesn’t have any. Well except Connor and Buffy.

Gunn: We may not all be related but that don’t mean we’re not family.

Cordelia: He’s right.

Hank slumps back in his chair. He sits there a moment and then glances at Dawn.

Hank: I need to go. I left the office as soon as you called. I should get back.

Dawn: I understand. I will tell Buffy.

He stands up.

Dawn: And daddy, thank you.

Hank: For what?

Dawn: For helping to save Connor.

Hank closes his eyes and rubs them.

Hank: I wish she had told me before.

Dawn just smiles.

Hank: Call me if he……

Dawn: I will.

Hank: I will try and come by tomorrow.

Dawn stands up and kisses his cheek. Hank walks down the hall and Buffy looks up as he approaches.

Hank: I need to get back to the office.

Buffy: I understand.

Hank: Dawn said she would call and keep me posted.

Buffy: Good.

Hank looks directly at Angel.

Hank: I’m not happy.

Angel: Understandable.

Hank: It is not the time to discuss this but we will.

Angel: Agreed.

Hank hugs Buffy.

Buffy: Thank you.

Hank: Maybe when this is over I can hold him.

Buffy: Count on it.

Hank trudges away and Buffy leans against the wall and sighs. Angel moves quickly to her and takes her in his arms. They stand there gripping each other when the door opens. Both of them turn expectant faces toward the doctor.

Dr. Henry: Okay we are done.

Buffy: Is it enough?

Dr. Henry: It may be.

Buffy: So what do we do now?

Dr. Henry: We wait. If we have removed enough of the toxins and in time he should show signs of improvement.

Buffy: And if not?

Dr. Henry: Then the liver may fail and we will need to consider a transplant.

Buffy: Oh god.

Dr. Henry: Don’t worry until we know. But I have ordered a tissue matching for both you and your father, in case.

Angel: And if they don’t match?

Dr. Henry: We contact the transplant agencies. But let’s not worry until we need to.

Angel holds Buffy close.

Dr Henry: You can go back in but please keep him calm.

They nod and enter the room.

Nurse: Hi. I am just finishing up here.

She glances at them.

Nurse: Would you like to hold him?

Buffy nods.

Nurse: Sit down and I will help you.

Buffy takes a seat and the nurse eases Connor from the bed. She adjust the tubes and monitor wires and lowers him into her arms. She holds him gently against her chest.

Nurse: Don’t let him move around a lot.

Buffy nods.

Angel: How long will he be hooked up like this.

Nurse: You need to ask Dr Henry.

Buffy: Thank You.

Angel sits beside her and wraps an arm around her shoulders and takes Connors hand with his other.

Buffy: He will be fine. I refuse to believe otherwise.

Angel: He will.



The couple do not move from the room as the day ends and night takes over the sky. The family and friends take turns leaving and going to the hotel for showers, food, and rest. Three hours before daybreak, Willow and Giles knock on the door. Buffy and Angel look over from their seats beside the bed. Willow beckons to them. Angel and Buffy step out into the hall.

Buffy: What is it?

Willow: You two are going to the hotel.

Buffy: No we’re not.

Willow: Listen it will be sunrise in three hours. Giles and I will stay here. You can go home, get a shower, something to eat and maybe even catch a nap and be back before day breaks.

Buffy: I am not leaving.

Giles: Buffy, you trust me to be his guardian, can you trust me to watch him for a few hours.

Angel: Giles, this is not the same.

Willow: He is not in any immediate danger and he will need to two healthy parents if things get worse.

Giles: We will call if anything changes.

Buffy: But.

Willow: No buts.

She get a stern look on her face. Buffy looks at Angel.

Angel: I do not argue with a witch looking like that.

Buffy: Fine, but we are back before sunrise.

Giles: We will see you then.

Angel guides Buffy down the hall. She looks over her shoulder.

Buffy: You will call?

Willow: We will.

Angel leads her to their car and they drive through the night to the hotel. He stops out front.

Buffy: I want to go back.

Angel: We will but they are right. We need to rest. We don’t know what is to come.

He steps out of the car and meets her on the sidewalk. As they approach the Hyperion a movement in the shadows catches their attention. Buffy moves quickly and grabs the intruder by the throat and slams him against the wall.