A Fighter's Love by Cheri

Chapter 33


Fade in on W&H hallyway-empty


Am I the only one noticing how not hard this is?


(scanning for obstacles)

It ain’t just you. They know we’re here.


So why arent’ they coming to get us?


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say there’s some kind of trap.




But we’re gonna keep going anyway.




Is this a plan? Is walking into a trap the new plan?


They can’t surprise us if we know what they’re doing.


But they can still maim us. And that’s if things go well.


I’m a vengeance demon. I’m not supposed to get caught up in this crap.


If you can’t handle it, turn around.


Oh you’d like that wouldn’t you? You’d love to play hero without me around to take some of the glory.


Excuse me! Can you two squash that just long enough to get this done? I can’t think with all that bickering!



He started it.



I can’t belive…! (pauses) No. Gunn’s right. I’m gonna be the bigger here, as usual.

Anya makes a face but remains silent and follows the guys along.


(raises a hand and they all stop)

I hear something.

They all lean forward straining to hear.

Cut to Hotel office


I can’t believe the amount of information this Wolfram and Hart has acquired on Angel and the vampire with a soul.


They have every dark resource at their disposal with a single phone call.


Or incantation, which ever works.


So this shanshu thing, it really means that the vampire with a soul will become human one day?


It appears so. I concur with all the translations I’ve seen thus far. But I can’t understand why we were never made aware.


It’s not important now. The shanshu prophecy is the last in a long line of ancient writings concerning Angel. Or who ever the vampire with the soul is. Shanshu is after many battles, an apoc…




An apocalyptic battle.




Oh what? Why do you two look like that? Is it about the kyrumption thing?




It couldn’t be. I mean, how could I have seen that between them? Something that was destined to happen long after.


What you saw was moira. Kyrumption is always linked with that because of Pylean tales of battle and war. You saw one and automatically concluded the other. You got lucky.


I’m not feeling very lucky.


Can someone fill me in please?


It’s why we went Giles. Lorne and Fred were talking about Angel and Cordelia and how they were meant to be and stuff.


Angel…Cordelia…meant to be?


Not important. We were talking and I had a brainstorm. For the last year, ever since Pylea, we…namely Fred and I sensed that Angel and Cordy were destined for something. Something together.


Go on.


It’s all been so crazy you see. Angel was gone for so long when Buffy…(looks at Dawn) when we thought Buffy was dead. He had just come back from realizing he belonged in the good fight and saving me and all of us from Pylea, then he’s off to where ever to grieve. When he came back, he was at peace it seemed. He wasn’t sure how, but he knew it would be alright. Cordy helped with that.


Can we fast forward a bit? They’ll be back soon looking for answers.


That’s when Fred saw it.




Moira. Cordy and Angel had it. She called it kyrumption because in Pylea the two words go hand in hand. One’s the gut reaction between two larger than life souls, the other is when 2 great warriors meet on a field of battle and recognize their mutual fate. One comes just before the other or vice versa.


And Fred saw this in Cordelia and Angel?


I saw something. But when Lorne was talking about it earlier, it came to him. If I was right, if both of us were right, then it wouldn’t be realized by them until…


Until the battle.


So you get it?


You believed the battle to be one that Cordy and Angel would fight side by side in, but now you think you were mistaken.


And now we have shanshu. Angel decided not to let the chance of him someday becoming human distract him from the mission. We haven’t discussed it since.


But reading this again, here…now. I can’t help but think maybe…


If Angel is to become human after a great battle. And Cordelia is destined to meet him on the field of battle…


Wait. I think I’m getting this. If Angel and Cordelia have to fight in order to recognize their fate, then does that mean that the only way Angel will shanshu is if he beats her?


My goodness. But if the battle in this prophecy is true to what was written, it wouldn’t be just any battle. It would be the battle.


Only one could survive.


So Cordy would be the one to decide if Angel achieves shanshu or…


Or if he dies.

The four stare silently at all the papers and text strewn across the desk.

{V.O. Woman: When the time comes to make a decision, you will have to choose from a place that you have not yet tapped}

Cut to W&H


I can’t believe we had to split up.


It’s daylight Cordelia. You know Angel has to take the sewers.


Yeah and why couldn’t we all go that way?


Because if we’re attacked, it will be better to have two shots at getting past them then if we all are cornered somewhere.


And why would we have the girls together and the guys together? It’s stupid.


I’m not explaining it again Cordelia. I know you want some alone time but…


Watch it Buffy.


Let’s not pretend here Cordelia. Were both grown women, I think we can discuss this maturely.


Can you? I mean, I was there Buffy. When you saw him hug me, it wasn’t relief to see me that I saw on your face.

It’s not the time.


Oh right. We all have to abide by Buffy’s schedule right? Wait until Buffy decides who she wants. Wait until Buffy decides it’s time to fight. Wait until Buffy lays down the law to all of us peons. It doesn’t work like that anymore.


(stops walking and faces her)

What do you want from me Cordelia? Do you want me to say it killed me to see him so happy to see you? That I wondered if he felt that good about seeing me? Well I said it okay? You have with Angel what he decided we couldn’t have. It was too hard for us to be near each other and just be friends. But you and he have got it down to a science. Congratulations. You have someone who can be with you cause there’s no risk. And I have no one because there’s too much risk. So you tell me. Which of us has it worse?


You don’t know anything about risk between Angel and I. Did you ever think that what he and I have formed over the last three years might even surpass what ever high school crush you and he obsessed on in Sunnydale?


This discussion is over.


You are not the queen of all things Buffy. Not here.



Cordy opens her mouth to speak and Buffy nods just barely before spinning to kick up at her head. She ducks and Buffy connects with a vampire who had been descending on Cordelia. He stumbles abck and Buffy whips out a stake to throw dead on at his heart. He’s dust before Cordy stands. Before she can say anything, another one comes up behind Buffy.

She punches and Buffy sidesteps to avoid the blow. Cordy connects with the vamps jaw and he doesn’t fall. Buffy darts out of the way to prepare an attack but before she can Cordelia takes one big step forward to grab his shoulders and knee him in the groin. He drops to his knees and Cordy looks around before spotting the wooden base of a road sign. She kicks him with her toe and he falls onto the pavement sideways. She holds up a hand and the sign shakes once before uprooting and spinning into her hand. She hits her mark just as he’s getting up.




Angel’s been working with me.

Buffy looks at her for a sec and then her eyes move to the side. She walks up to Cordy and they look at one another for a moment before simultaneously delivering a right hook. Eahc of their left hands raises to catch the oncoming blow and they stand that way for some time.


Thought I saw another one.


Me too.


So you can let me go then.


Same to you.

They stare for another second before Buffy pulls her hand loose and backs up a step.


Come on, that was just the scouts. We’ve got a lot more welcome wagon to receive.


After you.

Buffy seems to want to say the same but rolls her eyes and marches forward.

Cut to Secret room


Come on Willow, have some backbone. We’ve got front row tickets for the show!


(seeing Gunn, Xander and Anya on the screen)

No! Don’t go in there!


Tsk, tsk. I didn’t want to have to do this but…

She reaches back and ties a gag around Willow’s mouth yanking hard enough for her eyes to water involuntarily against the pain.


This is your plan? Watch them fight for their lives?


When are you going to catch on Wesley? One of two things is about to happen. Either all of them will die and we’ll have three less distractions to worry about or what I’m willing to bet will happen.


Don’t keep me in suspense.


We are about to find out exactly where Angel’s loyalties lie.

Wesley frowns and wants to ask what she means but hears something in the room. They are on one side of a two way mirror and can see everything occurring next door. Gunn is the first to enter. He is immediately attacked by a tall blue demon. Gunn hits the wall hard and Willow screams behind the gag.

Cut to room

Anya is behind Xander when he is pulled hard into the room. She sees him fly against the opposite wall and slide down dazed. Before she can react one takes her by the hair pulling viciously.



Gunn rolls underneath his aggressor and pulls a knife from his boot. He buries it in the chest of the demon and it falls forward on him. Gunn pushes it off him and starts to help Xander.


No! Anya!

Gunn listens and goes to help Anya. She is choking from the hands around her throat and Gunn grabs the thing from behind pulling it off her and over his head. Anya gets to her feet and steps toward Xander.


Go! (straining to hold the one he’s got down) Get out of here!


I’m not leaving you!


I don’t need you Anya! Get out!

She looks as if she’ll cry and then gets angry. She closes her eyes and orbs out of the room.

Xander sees her leave and jumps up to get some footing. The one he had been holding back stands as well. Xander hears Gunn grunt and turns to see him still fighting valiantly against the one he took off Anya. He hears a sound and turns but not in time.

Cut to Room

Willow’s eyes widen and she struggles futiley against the ropes and screams terrified.

Back to Xander

He feels a pinch and looks down in confusion. The blade comes out of his stomach in slow motion and he doesn’t understand. The blood starts pouring and his shirt darkens. Then the pain comes. He places a hand instinctively over the wound and drops to his knees still looking confused. Gunn sees him fall and flips frontwards to slip under the demon’s attack and catches his neck in between his boots. He crosses his feet and twists his body snapping the things neck.


(dropping beside Xander)

Careful Man.


(holds hand up to his face and sees the blood)

This can’t be good. (exhales then inhales sharply) Aahh, this sucks.


Sshh, don’t talk. We got to get you out of here.


(tries to smirk)

Liking that plan.

Cut to Room


Well congratulations. Anya escaped and Gunn killed 2. And how does this help us see where loyalties lie?


Just watch Sweetheart.


(wriggles her mouth free finally)

You just signed your death warrant. (looks at Wesley) Both of you.

Cut to Hallway

Angel and Spike are only one floor from the action.


I thought you said you knew this place.


If you think you can do better, go your own way.


Oh you’d like that wouldn’t you? Then you could play hero for Buffy yet again.


I’m warning you Spike. Just because you have a soul doesn’t mean I can’t kick your vampire being, sunlight walking sorry ass.


Well right back at you Mate! If you would have stayed with your new girlfriend like I suggested…


How many times do I have to tell you, Cordelia is not my…

Anya appears in front of them and they both jump back in a humorous display of fear, then quickly try to cover it up.


Bloody hell Anya!


I thought I felt you.

Angel raises an eyebrow.


Sod off.

Angel holds up his hands defeatedly smiling.


Where are the rest of them? You people are in serious trouble.


You don’t know the half of it. Gunn and Xander are in trouble. One floor up. You have to go now!


What about Willow?


I thought she was in that room. (pauses) She was.




I’ll be back. You two go up and help them now!

Angel and Spike run down the hall and Anya disappears again.

Anya appears in the room where Willow is. Her back is to the monitor and she sees Willow is crying.


Well this is unexpected.


Willow? I’m just wondering if you’re feeling like making a wish about now?


(frowns and then realizes)

Oh, I think I can come up with something.

Lilah doesn’t get it as Wesley steps back at what he knows could happen.


Anya, maybe you should…


No, you have to wish.


But Xander…




She turns to look at the monitor and sees Gunn, Angel and Spike huddled in the middle of the room.


What are they doing? Why aren’t they…where’s Xander?

Cut to Outside W&H

Cordy is about to follow Buffy into the building when she suddenly grabs her stomach.


What’s wrong?


Someone isn’t going to make it.


What? Who?


(closes eyes and concentrates-then whispers)



Xander? What about Xander?

Cut to Room

Gunn stands with Angel and Spike looking down. Anya can see Xander for the first time. His shirt is soaked with blood.



Willow cries harder as Xander’s eyes close. Gunn, Angel and Spike are obviously discussing how to get him out when suddenly the room glows blindingly. Everyone shields their eyes and Cordelia appears beside Xander. She doesn’t say a word and bends to place her hands on him. One over the wound and one on his head. Her eyes close and the light shines bright again this time long enough so all occupants of both rooms are forced to look away. When the light finally dims, everyone slowly opens their eyes.

Cordy and Xander are gone and the three men look around at each other. Before they can speak, the room is swarmed with four new vampires looking to fight. The battle begins.

Cut to room

Lilah is still trying to focus after the light show when Anya rushes her shoving her against the wall and picking her up by the throat. She’s in demon face and ready to kill.



Wesley watches it all silently.

Spike looks around the room after taking a hit and sees the mirror. He waits for one to come at him and he lifts him using the beast’s own momentum as a catalyst. It flies into the mirror and through into the other room.

Angel and Gunn see Wesley watching them and Angel vamps out. He sees Wesley going for Willow and leaps through the opening. He takes Wesley and hurls him back into the other room knocking down one of the bad guys. Gunn disposes of his third of the night and turns to help Spike.

Angel is blindsided by something and falls across Willow’s lap. She cries out in surprise and he unties her with one hand in one fluid motion. She stands and rushes to Anya’s side as she squeezes the life out of Lilah.

Wesley escapes through the door and Angel can’t go after him because Gunn is in trouble. He goes to help. Wesley is looking over his shoulder when he is suddenly knocked unconscious by a fist in front of him. He sees Buffy just as his eyes close.


See what happens when you run from the scene of a crime?


What about when you interrupt one?

Buffy spins to see him smiling and doesn’t register the taser gun until its too late. She jerks back and lands on top of Wes equally unconscious. He waits for a guard to pick her up and takes a pair of scissors from his jacket. He cuts a lock of her hair and a piece off her blouse. The guard carries her away down the hall.

He continues into the room where the fighting is winding down. Gunn and Angel have defeated three and the fourth stops fighting when Gavin enters. Angel and Gunn straighten to see him standing there. Spike looks over from the other room where he has been helping Willow try and talk Anya down.


Hello Angel. (leans to look across the room) And you as well Spike. Nice to finally meet you formally. Lilah.

Lilah’s face is beet red from lack of oxygen and Anya loosens her grip at the calm demeanor of Gavin.


I see you’re all busy here. I just thought I’d bring you a little welcome gift. One for you Angel. And one for Spike.

He drops the hair and clothing on the floor and smiles before walking out.

Angel doesn’t even bother picking it up before rushing out the door. Gavin has disappeared.


(stepping in the room)

What is it? What did he leave?

He stops and looks at the ground. He sees the hair.




Gunn, take Willow and get back to the hotel. Tell the others about Xander and Cordelia. Try and find them.


What are going to…


I’m going to find Buffy.


What about Anya?


I’m not letting her go until Xander is back with me, safe and sound.


Then she comes with us? We take her and go look for Xander. If anything happens to him, then I promise I will make a wish that she will never forget.




Cross my heart…


I’ll make sure you get out and then I want no one to leave that hotel until I get back.


Until we get back.

Angel looks like he wants to say something but doesn’t. The group exits.