Final Thoughts by Cheri

Chapter 14

Fade in Cave 

Angelus: Well isn’t this a treat? 

Darla: I heard you’d been naughty. (smiles) So I came as fast as I could. 

Angelus: Gee Darla, I’d consider being flattered if you were real. 

Darla: I’m as real as you want me to be. Things are happening Angelus. Everything’s coming together. Centuries of oppression are about to be lifted. And you and I can lead the charge. It will be better than anything we ever did in our glory days. 

Angelus: I’m kind of a one man team of late. I guess I owe you for the assist in LA though. That was you right? You sent the super vamp. (looks around) Where is he anyway? I’m still waiting on the how he didn’t get dead. 

Darla: He’s busy with business. We all must do our part. 

Angelus: Right. Cause we demons have always been known for our teamwork. One for all and all for ourselves. 

Darla: You continue to insist on being the rebel. 

Angelus: I appreciate the Darla-gram and all but can we cut the act? I know who you are. You tried to wipe me out when the soul was ruining me. Unfortunately, you didn’t succeed. 

Darla: (angry) You’ve caused much pain. With you and your soul and your slayer! Missed opportunities and defiance against your kind. Now I’ve come to calm the ripples through the dimensions that you and she have created. 

Angelus: (bored) Sure thing. Whatever you say. So what’s my part in all this? 

Darla: (smiling innocently) I’ve saved the best part for you Dear boy. It’s a test that we know you’ll pass. Especially now. 

Angelus: I’m waiting. 

Darla: (walking closer but still not touching) You get to go after her. You’ll bring the slayer to us. 

Angelus: And why not just kill her? 

Darla: (finger to lips then whispers) Because she’s going to join us.

Angelus shows no emotion as the words sink in.  



Cut to Summers Home

Upstairs Lorne paces in Willow’s room while Fred sits on the bed watching. 

Fred: Lorne, I’m getting dizzy. 

Lorne: Count yourself lucky. 

Fred: Would you just tell me what happened? Did you read someone? 

Lorne: No I remembered something. Something one of us should have remembered long ago. 

Fred: (stands to grab his shoulders) Lorne focus. Tell me what happened. 

Lorne: (takes deep breath) It was Gunn. He asked about the uber-vamp. 

Fred: And? 

Lorne: Do you remember when Mommy Dearest showed up? You guys brought her to the club so I could help make sense. (melancholy look) My poor club. 

Fred: Lorne! 

Lorne: Oh right. Sorry. Anywho, we were batting around ideas about how two vampires could make with the babies and what might come out of it all. 

Fred: I remember that night. 

Lorne: Well Gunn suggested it then. He said ‘Maybe it’s some kind of ubervamp.’ But what with the incendiary devices being tossed about, we got sidetracked. 

Fred: (drops hands) You can’t think Connor’s one of them. 

Lorne: Maybe not exactly. But what if he’s their sign? 

Fred: I’m confused. 

Gunn: (from doorway) I’ll second that. What’s going on? 

Lorne shuts door behind Gunn and speaks quietly. 

Lorne: Hear me out and then I’ll gladly be told how wrong I am. 

Gunn: We’re listening. 

Lorne: The ubervamp got me thinking. There’s just too much freaky to explain away. So what if Connor’s right? What if the big nasty sprouting from whence the boy came isn’t a coincidence? 

Fred: You think Connor being born somehow triggered all this? 

Gunn: It’s not inconceivable. 

Lorne: Things have been getting larger degrees of bad since he was born. What if this was all meant to happen? And if the First is somehow involved maybe it’s because he was involved from the beginning. 

Gunn: That would explain why Angel was marked. They knew they’d have to kill him to get to his son. 

Fred: But we did the work for them. We harnessed his soul and let him go straight to the other side. 

Gunn: I still don’t get why Connor is fighting his destiny. If he was born to lead an evil revolution, why doesn’t he know it? 

Fred: (quietly) Wesley saved him. 

Gunn: Come again. 

Lorne: The quor-toth saved him. Holtz took him and raised him to be a warrior for good. (beat) And the irony bubbles over. 

Gunn: So when Wesley got Connor jacked, he actually delayed what was supposed to happen then. 

Lorne: But it’s happening now. (pause) So I’m ready for the ‘You’re wrong’ part. 

Fred: We have to find Wesley and tell the others.  



Cut to Summers front yard 

Faith sees Spike walking with Wesley and notices him almost pulling him by the arm. 

Faith: I get that you’re a changed man and all, but I’m gonna have to insist you let him go. 

Spike: (drops his hand) And what about you Faith? Am I to believe you’ve changed?

Faith: Just like I should buy into your ‘poor ensouled me’ act. 

Spike: Maybe you should be asking what your boy was doing in a car with some decidedly evil folk. I was taking him to the others. 

Faith looks at Wesley. 

Wes: And I will explain. (looks at Spike) Like I already told you several times. 

Faith: Now would be great Wes. 

Wes: Can we go inside first? I really don’t have the time to repeat myself. 

They head inside.  



Cut to Cave-Exterior

Lilah and man walk up to the entrance. 

Lilah: Keep your mouth shut. Can you handle that? 

Man: Your tone troubles me. 

Lilah: My tone? (rolls eyes) Yeah, the trouble is my tone. Just follow me. 

She walks into the darkness and is startled by the ubervamp. 

Lilah: My. You’re a handsome devil aren’t you? Wait, I mean… 

She looks at man with her and raises an eyebrow. He shakes his head and she laughs uneasily. 

Lilah: Right. Of course you’re not. So where’s your boss? 

He just turns and walks away leaving her no choice but to follow. When they finally enter the larger cave, she sees him. 

Lilah: What the…? 

Angelus: Hello Lilah. So glad you could make it.

Lilah: You aren’t supposed to be here.

Angelus: Why is no one ever happy to see me?

Lilah: Maybe because you’re the thing that both sides have reason to hate. But now you’ve been recruited anew. I shouldn’t be surprised I guess.

Angelus: I was really hoping without the soul you wouldn’t be so annoying. I should’ve known better.

Lilah: Screw you.

Angelus: We’ve been down that road already. Well, almost. And what would Wes say? Then again, it sounds like fun.

Lilah: In your dreams.

Angelus: Alright, Alright, Enough chat. I understand you have something that belongs to me.

Lilah seems troubled by this statement.

Angelus: It’s good. You’ll go along with things just as planned. But know that I’m watching. You can toy with them all you’d like, but remember this. The slayer is mine. The boy, the traitor, they’re mine. You interfere, and I’ll crush you.

She doesn’t respond and he claps his hands together loudly once to break the tension.

Angelus: We’ll make a good team Lilah. You’ve been waiting for this day though not nearly as long as I. (leans in to taunt) I’ll race you.

She looks confused as Angelus smiles and disappears before her eyes.

Man: It was the First.

Lilah: Wow, you’re quick. (looking at watch) And Wesley is almost out of time.

Cut to Summers Home

The group in the living room looks to the front door when it opens.

Spike: Guess who’s got some news to share?

Xander: I don’t think anything can top Connor.

Spike: Who?

Faith: Wesley has something to tell us.

Giles: Please tell me it’s concerning the apocolypse.

Wesley: You could say that. (looks at watch) We only have a few minutes left.

Anya: You mean this is it? (looks around) Are we all going to die now?

Xander: Stop talking crazy. (looks at Wes) She’s talking crazy right?

Wes: Perhaps. I was actually referring to a meeting I had, but it is all connected these days.

Buffy: Can you just tell us already? I really am not in the mood for any more surprises.

Cordelia: I tried to warn you.

Connor: She has a right to know. She’s the Slayer.

Cordelia: Oh right. I forgot, Buffy’s the slayer. She gets to know everything.

Willow: Maybe we should just let him talk.

Wesley: Thank you Willow. (steps closer to Buffy) I’ve established somewhat of a relationship with one of the top watchdogs at Wolfram and Hart.

Giles: Wolfram and Hart?

Wes: It’s a law firm in LA that works directly for the evil that we’ve all been fighting.

Xander: So you decided to make friends?

Wes: Something like that. It’s a long story and we’ve no time. But suffice it to say, I used my contacts to gain information when needed. Besides helping me retrieve Faith from the prison, they also led me to the one who harnessed Angel’s soul.

Buffy: Wait. Are you telling me that you used a harbinger of the dark side to release Angelus? And you thought you could control it?

Faith: You never told me that was the deal.

Wes: I did what I thought was best.

Cordelia: And we all know how stellar your judgement has been the last few months.

Wes: (snaps) Don’t forget it was I and I alone who pulled Angel from the ocean. Where were you? What did any of you do to help him?

Cordelia: Excuse me? I think the Powers had a little something to do with my absence! If I could have, I would have stopped it before it ever happened. Its not my fault I was floating around in la-la land!

Connor: It was my fault. Don’t take it out on Cordelia. I did it to him.

Buffy: What the hell are you all talking about?

Wesley: I’m sorry. My emotions get the better of me at times of stress. That is not the issue. Buffy, the bottom line is that my contact set me up. She is in town and she has the sorcerer with her. I’m afraid she’s holding Angel’s soul for ransom.

Willow: What?

Faith: Oh that’s rich.

Spike: And here I thought it was bad news.

Cordelia: Shut up!

Buffy: What does she want?

Wes: You.

Giles: Absurd!

Spike: Not bloody likely!

Wes: If you all could please stop interrupting I will finish.

Xander: I can’t make any promises, but go ahead.

Wesley: Buffy, she insists that she must talk to you. She claims that she’s not working against us this time.

Cordelia: Yeah and the soul for ransom part is really convincing.

Wes: (ignoring her) She says she will only speak to you. That you hold the key to saving us all.

Cordelia: Here we go. Buffy the great.

Faith: It seems to me I might have a copy of that key as well.

Wes: When it comes to fighting Faith, you are most certainly integral. But I got the impression this isn’t about that. Not yet anyway.

Giles: And you believe it not to be another set up?

Wes: No, I can’t say that.

Xander: Of course you can’t. Buffy, you can’t do it.

Spike: That’s obvious.

Faith: But if this chick has Angel’s soul, we have to at least try and get it back.

Xander: Been there, done that. It’s about time Angel learned how to get his own soul back. Buffy won’t always be here to save him.

Dawn: Or kill him.

Cordelia: Shut up.

Willow: Don’t talk to her like that.

Everyone starts getting louder and louder trying to talk over one another.

Cordelia: No one’s killing Angel!

Giles: Well, technically Angel is no longer here, so you would be correct.

Connor: The demon will have to be erased. If not by the soul returning, then by another’s hand.

Spike: My hands are free.

Cordy: You won’t touch him.

Wes: I really didn’t intend to open a debate. This is Buffy’s choice. (looks at watch) And she has three minutes to make it or it will be too late.

Anya: Buffy can’t decide on an outfit in three minutes much less…

Xander: Anya!

Anya: What?

Dawn: You’re not going.

Giles: I would tend to agree with Dawn. It’s not safe.

Willow: Ok, when was the last time anything was safe?

Faith: I can go. Watch your back and all. Maybe I’ll get a chance to take her out.

Wes: You kill her and any chance we have dies with her.

Cordelia: You just want to keep your little sex toy around.

Wes looks shocked at her words.

Cordelia: Oh I saw it. From up there. Almost went blind while retching because of it. But I saw it.

Wes: You had no right.

Giles: You’re sleeping with this woman?

Spike: (smirks) They always have to taste the dark side.

Dawn: Eeww.

Xander: Spike, shut up!

Spike: Bite me!

Willow: Buffy?

Xander: I swear to all that is holy, Spike you are about to get a severe ass kicking.

Connor: I think she should go. It’s the only chance we have.

Cordy: You want to help him?

Giles: It’s not a question of helping Angel, but rather protecting us. Angelus is too big a distraction. Someone should see to him. But I don’t know that it should be Buffy.

Willow: Guys, let her talk.

Wes: (looks at watch) I have to call her within a minute.

Faith: Get on the phone then.

Wes: Not until she tells me.

Spike: Well then you won’t be needing the phone. Cause she’s not going.

Willow: Buffy?

Dawn: (notices Willow and then looks at Buffy) Buffy?

Anya: No one’s listening.

Xander: Cause most everyone in this room has obviously lost it.

Giles: Buffy?

Finally everyone stops talking and they all look at Buffy standing in the middle of the group.

Wes: Buffy.

Buffy: (looks up from the ground with arms crossed) Make the call.

Several people open their mouths to speak and Buffy holds up a hand.

Buffy: Not a word.

Fred: I think you might want hear what we have to say.

Faith: Where have you guys been?

Gunn: Getting a jumpstart on the how and why of all this. And Lorne has a good point.

Xander: Sure, why not throw his two cents in? Its not like anyone listens to what we have to say.

Buffy: Wes, make the call.

Wesley leaves the room dialing his cell.

Buffy: What is it?

Lorne: Well…(looks at Connor) I kind of had a theory. And Fred and Gunn thought it wasn’t just the overwhelming fear talking.

Cordelia: So say it already.

Lorne: No offense intended and please don’t tie me to a chair or anything, but maybe Connor wasn’t altogether wrong about why the beast came from where he was born.

Cordelia: You know that’s not true!

Fred: Cordy, just hear him out.

Connor: So it’s my fault. All this is because of me.

Lorne: No one’s laying blame here. It’s the evil that did it. You were just a pawn.

Xander: Not too surprising that Angelus’ son is a pawn of evil.

Spike: Angelus’ what?

Giles: No Spike, don’t even ask. We’ve already wasted enough time.

Spike: But…

Gunn: All we’re saying is that maybe Connor’s birth was the sign that all the badness was waiting for. A child born of two vampires, created to bring forth the destruction of man and signal the beginning of the demon’s reign on earth.

Fred: The epochs were all supposed ends of mankind. Although in all the cases, according to legend they were saved by a miraculous event. So what if each of these legends was actually an uprising of evil and a battle to take over? If this is the end of this epoch, or at least the attempt to end it. Then there would have been a single event to signal it. Just as there is a chance for a single event to save it.

Xander: So we’re talking silver lining here right?

Connor: I knew it.

Cordy: It wasn’t you Connor. Don’t listen to them. I told you, it wasn’t you.

Connor: If you were so sure of that then what was it for Cordelia? I know you wanted to make me believe it, and I knew why. But I didn’t care.

Lorne: Maybe now’s not the time for that discussion.

Willow: What discussion?

Cordy: Nothing. It’s not important now Connor.

Connor: (looks hurt) It never was.

Lorne: We also think that explains why Angel was marked in LA. They would know that Angel would never let his son turn to the other side. So they made arrangements to erase him.

Faith: So the no soul bit was a win-win for team evil.

Buffy: That should have been obvious from the outset.

Wesley: (coming in the room) It’s done. You have to go now.

Spike: You mean we.

Wes: You can’t go with her. None of you can.

Xander: Speaking of obvious. That idea couldn’t be any worse.

Faith: Xander’s right. She can’t go alone.

Wes: I’m afraid that’s the only way she can go. Lilah will have ways of knowing if she’s being tricked and she’ll release the harness.

Giles: And what if the intent is to harness Buffy as well? What better way to ensure the end of the world than to eliminate one of our greatest fighters?

Wes: It is a risk.

Willow: It’s a risk? That’s all you’re going to say?

Buffy: (firmly) I’m going…alone.

Dawn: It’s crazy.

Buffy: (more firmly) I’m going…alone.

Dawn: It’s crazy. You’re crazy. You can’t do it.

Buffy: (turns to face her) That’s all I ever do Dawn. I do the things that seem hardest and I risk losing everything in order to win. It’s what I know.

Willow: And what happens if you don’t win this time?

Buffy: Then you all will have to win without me.

Xander snorts his disgust.

Buffy: Giles, it’s Angel. (Giles just looks at her) I told you before we fought Glory remember? If I had to do it again, I couldn’t. I can’t fight him again. If there is any way to save him before I have to, then I’m going.

Dawn: So that’s it? Angel is back and he’s not even Angel but you’re still going to risk all of our lives to save him? He didn’t even tell you he had a son Buffy!

Spike: Again with the son. When is someone going to tell me what the hell is going on?

Faith: Shut up.

Spike: Sod off.

Buffy: It’s not just about Angel okay? But there are things none of you could ever understand. Sometimes I wonder if I even do, but this is what’s going to happen.

Willow: What about us? What should we do?

Buffy: We have to find the source of this. Where it is. Last time, the First was underground and I’m sure it is again. Giles, you need to find out where. Keep Willow, Wesley and Dawn with you. Gunn, you and Faith should go patrol. Spike are you up for it?

Spike: I want to go with you.

Buffy: Not gonna happen. Every creepie in Sunnydale is on high alert and most likely there’s plenty more heading this way. You need to take all the weapons you can carry and do broad sweeps. Hit the Bronze, the cemeteries and the school. Check the basement and make sure nothing else has come out of the hellmouth’s latest gate.

Xander: I can go with them.

Buffy: No. Fred, you okay without Gunn for a while? Can you hold your own?

Fred looks at Gunn and smiles.

Fred: He’s taught me a thing or two.

Wesley seems uncomfortable at the sight.

Buffy: Good. This has just become command central. Fred, Xander, Lorne you three will watch the perimeter. Lorne, I’m assuming you can handle that.

Lorne: Sure. Screaming a warning at the first sign of badness is my second nature.

Buffy: Perfect. You take the back door. Xander, you and Fred watch from the front. Cordelia…

Cordelia: Don’t even try to tell me what to do.

Buffy: I was actually going to ask what your choice is. You said you’ve changed and you’ve been training, so it’s your call.

Cordelia looks around the room at everyone.

Cordelia: I want to look for Angel.

Connor: No. Not alone.

Cordy: You need to stay here and protect the others. Its what he would want. I’m going.

Buffy: Fine. You really think you’re ready to face Angelus alone if you find him?

Cordelia: Are you?

Anya: I can go with her.

Xander: No damn way!

Anya: You’re not the boss of me Xander Harris.

Cordelia: And you won’t go all demon on me?

Anya: I’m over that whole thing. Really. Ask them.

Buffy: She’s right. She’s human, which is why her going with you is a bad idea.

Cordelia: In that case, come on.

Buffy rolls her eyes.

Buffy: Fine. You two keep in touch. Everyone keeps in contact with Giles. Got it?

Connor: What about me?

Buffy: You’re about to show me what you’ve got.

Connor: I don’t understand.

Buffy: Wes says she’ll be watching, so if you’re anything like your father, you should be able to find a way to watch my back without being seen.

Cordy: That is not a good plan.

Buffy: But it’s the only one I’ve got. Listen Connor, you have no reason to trust me and if Lorne is right, I have no reason to trust you. But we both have our reasons for fighting. We both have a destiny. If it’s against each other, then this way we’ll see it coming.

Connor: I don’t want to hurt you.

Buffy: Funny thing. No one ever does. It just happens.

Wes: You need to move Buffy. There isn’t a lot of time.

Xander: Cordy, you can’t just go after him with Anya alone.

Cordy: I’ll be okay Xander. I swear. There are things you don’t know and I can’t explain, but thank you for saying that.

Anya: Was that a moment? Did you two just have a moment?

Buffy: Everyone knows what to do. Let’s do it.

Music begins as shot goes to slow motion. Fade to black on the various groups heading away as instructed.