Final Thoughts by Cheri

Chapter 17


Fade in Mansion 

Angel kisses Buffy’s neck and her eyes close against the sensation. 


Lilah and Buffy in warehouse. 

Lilah: This is the only time I will make this offer. 

Buffy: I get it okay? Limited time. If I don’t decide quick, you’ll make with the Indian giver on me. 

Lilah: The senior partners of my firm have been around almost as long as the First in one form or another. For centuries they’ve prepared for an apocalyptic battle of unmatched importance. We’ve researched the key players and have managed to identify several. 

Buffy: Angel. 

Lilah: Yes, he plays a huge part. But it’s the others who seem to have instigated the First pushing fast forward. It wasn’t supposed to happen this soon and we never saw the First steering as an option, but Surprise. 

Buffy: So what happened? 

Lilah: You died. 

Buffy: Which time? 

Lilah: All of them, each time it happened. And with the last one, well let’s just say that feathers were ruffled. 

Buffy: So let me guess. I’ve upset the all important balance so the First is coming to make the world pay. Unless…(holds finger up) Buffy does the right and noble thing and sacrifices herself….again. 

Lilah: God no. Nothing so trite I’m afraid. Or simple. No, you can’t die Buffy. 

Buffy seems at a loss for words. 

Lilah: You have definitely screwed the balance, but not the way you think. Two slayers alive, that’s bad. But one of you went postal so it was balanced. But slayers are meant to work alone. To be alone, live alone and die alone. You’ve done none of that. You, my dear, have done everything but that. 

Buffy: Are you saying your bosses want to destroy the world cause I have friends? 

Lilah: In a very small nutshell. 

Buffy: Speaking of nuts… 

Lilah: Listen, you think I wanna be here? Helping you? Risking various body parts and internal organs, not likely. I’m here because there are 3 things in this life I care about and none of them will survive if things go down like they’re looking. So either you take my offer or it’s suffering for everyone. 

*End Flashback* 

Cut to Warehouse district

Cordy walks determinedly as Dawn. Lorne and Xander try and keep up. 

Xander: Gee, if I didn’t know you’d never be caught dead dating a juvenile I’d have to question your mission here. 

Lorne: Ha! 

Lorne’s sudden forced laughter causes everyone to look at him. 

Lorne: Sorry. 

Dawn: I want to find Connor too. He was supposed to be watching Buffy’s back. I guess your theory was right Lorne. He turned on her. 

Cordy: (snaps) Or maybe Buffy’s decided to change sides and took him out! Did you ever think of that? Maybe he’s hurt somewhere. 

Dawn: (through clenched teeth) I told you, she’s just acting. It’s some kind of plan. 

Cordy: I’m sorry, it’s hard to focus on anything past the bruise she left on your face. And the oscar goes to… 

Lorne: Connor’s not hurt Cordelia. I’m sure he’s fine. Maybe he’s still watching them. 

Xander: I can’t believe I’m taking time in the middle of this mess to look for Angel’s son. And while we’re on the subject, I can’t believe Angel has a son! 

Cordy: Would you just get over it already? 

Xander: You know Cordy, my ass is available for kissing any time you’re ready. 

Dawn laughs as Cordelia stops walking to face Xander. 

Cordy: What is it like to have not matured at all while everyone around you does? 

Xander: I don’t know. What’s it like to maintain such a massive ego for so long? 

Dawn: Do you two need some time alone? 

Cordy/Xander: No! 

Dawn: What’s that smell? 

Lorne: I don’t think Connor’s here. 

Dawn: Why? 

Lorne points and the others look down the street. In the distance, one of the warehouses is engulfed in flames and seems to be spreading. 

Xander: I wouldn’t say it means he’s definitely not in there. It could just mean he’s trapped. Ouch! 

He rubs the foot that Dawn has just stomped on. 

Cordy: Lorne’s right. He’s not here. 

Lorne: Which means we can join the others right? 

Cordy: I have to find him Lorne. He’s alone and Angelus and Psycho Buffy are loose. He can’t fight them by himself. 

Xander: Then we’ll go together. Safety in numbers, however paltry they are. 

He exchanges a look with Cordy and she smiles 

Cordy: Thank you. 

Dawn: I just hope we’re not wasting our time. (Xander gives her a look) But I’m sure that’s a no. 

Lorne: So where next Cordy? Any signs from the powers? 

Xander: You really get signs from them? 

Cordy: Sometimes, but only when they feel I need it. And obviously this isn’t one of those times. I think I know where to look though. 


Cut to mansion

Lilah watches as the man struggles to maintain control over his magic. 

Lilah: Hang in there. I can’t afford for this to go bad. None of us can. 

The man doesn’t answer. Sweat breaks out on his brow and his entire body trembles. 

Cut to inside Mansion 

Angelus moans once before he vamps out. Buffy’s body tenses slightly but she doesn’t resist. She feels his teeth scratch her tender skin. 


Buffy: This is insane. 

Lilah: You’re right. You, me, all of this is out of control. None of it makes sense and nothing will make anything that happens right. But right now we are dealing with lesser of two evils. Pardon the pun. And you get to make the decision. It’s your call. 

Buffy: Why would I ever trust you? 

Lilah: You won’t. But this is beyond trust. Beyond pain, beyond life and death, it’s the end. Or, if you do things my way, the beginning.  

Buffy: And if I do this, Angel gets his soul back? 

Lilah: Yes. My man will release the harness and Angelus will join forces with that which he was destined. 

Buffy: And the First will allow them to live as long as I do this? And your bosses will crawl back into their hole? 

Lilah: Make no mistake Buffy. What I’m suggesting, what you’ve seen here will be nothing in comparison. When you go under, you will be on your own. I can’t help you get back out. You will have to claw your way out with a strength I can’t imagine possible.  

Buffy: If anything goes wrong with Angel. If you try anything, I will come at you…hard. You really don’t want that.  

Lilah: Understood. So is that your answer? 

Buffy: How do I make it happen? 

*End Flashback* 


Cut to Summers Home

Wesley is downstairs with Gunn, Fred and Faith gathering weapons. Giles and Willow are in the kitchen talking. 

Giles: Willow, you must accept your part in all this. 

Willow: Giles, I can’t fight Buffy. 

Giles: Actually you can. You’ve already done it once. 

Willow: Not ready for the laughing Giles. 

Giles: Of course. Listen to me Willow. Aside from Buffy, you hold the greatest power in the group. You know that. The Slayer may have to work alone but you do not. Xander, Anya, even Dawn, they all hold a great deal of power within them. It is up to you to make them see it. Now there is Faith, not to mention those from Los Angeles, this is not impossible. 

Willow: It’s not just Angelus and Buffy, it’s the First. The First doesn’t ever go away. It’s not defeatable. 

Giles: Perhaps not. But it is possible to send it back underground. And if we must go through Buffy to send it there, then by God, you will do it! 

A tear falls down Willow’s cheek as his words sink in.  

Giles: It’s no time for tears Willow. Nor is there time for apprehension in the face of what must be done. Last year, you almost sent the world to hell, perhaps this is your final chance to make amends. They will follow you. You will give them no other choice. 

Willow: (crying softly) I’m so scared Giles. 

Giles: Good. Use it. Use the pain, the fear, the rage, use everything you’ve ever felt to focus your powers on what must be done. They will come up those stairs armed for a battle. And you will lead them into one. Do you hear me Willow? 

Willow: Shouldn’t we be trying to find a way to fix her? Wouldn’t she do the same for us? 

Giles: I’m afraid it’s too late for that to be relevant Willow.  

Willow cries more as sounds of footsteps are heard.  

Gunn: Well, at least Buffy left us an arsenal before she decided to join the dark side. 

Fred: I didn’t think it was possible for anyone to have more weapons than Angel did back in LA. 

Faith: Two peas in a pod. 

Wesley: We need to stop waiting for the next attack. Lilah didn’t come to town just to taunt us. Whatever she did to Buffy, I’m going to find her and make her talk. I’m through playing nice. 

Faith: Liking the new you Wes. I’m game. This Lilah bitch needs some serious ass kicking. 

Fred: Do you know where to find her? What if she’s with the First? 

Willow: (stands up) It doesn’t matter where she is. It doesn’t matter where any of them are. We’ll find them. 

Gunn: Why do you suddenly scare me? 

Willow: Because you’re smart. 

She steps out the kitchen door and the others exchange a look before following her. Giles is last to leave seeming to ponder what’s to come but finally walking out shutting the door behind him. 


Cut to Mansion 

The man raises his arms and calls out in an ancient tongue. A green haze begins to pour from his hands and make it’s way through the door.  

Cut to Inside Mansion 

Buffy clenches her fists awaiting the inevitable. Angelus pulls her so tight against him she cant breathe. Just as his teeth break the skin the green haze enters the room and surrounds them both. Buffy’s eyes open wide and Angelus cries out almost losing his grip on her. Their eyes meet and something happens. 

Music and lyrics by Rachel Sage 

I don’t know how, to make this happen

I don’t know how, to ease your mind

I don’t know how, to make you happy

Or unafraid, or be unkind. 

Angelus reverts to his human face and looks at Buffy in a new way. His grip loosens and she reaches up to touch his face. 

But I know, But I know, But I know how to love you,

And I know, and I know, And I know that it’s time. 

Angelus: Buffy? 

Buffy: Sshh. We’re okay.  

He looks around and it’s clear that he’s not Angelus any more. But he’s not quite Angel either. 

Angel: How did we get here?  

Buffy: We don’t have long Angel. Don’t try and understand. Just look at me. 

He does as instructed without hesitation.  

I don’t know how, to make you see through

All of the lies, that you’ve been told

But I know, but I know, But I know how to hold you

And I know, and I know and I know that it’s cold. 

Cut to outside mansion 

Lilah: You know what to do. I have to get back. When you’re done here, get out of town. I’ll be in touch when it’s safe and if we survive. 

The man nods once and turns back to watch what’s happening inside. Lilah gives them one last glance as well. 

Lilah: I couldn’t live with what she has to do.  

She shrugs and walks away.  

Cut to inside mansion 

Angel and Buffy are in awe looking at one another. 

Angel: I can’t remember Buffy. 

Buffy: You’re not supposed to. You will though. I promise. But we’ve been given this moment Angel. I don’t want to waste it. 

Angel: But we said… 

Buffy: I know what we said. But this is what I feel. 

She reaches up again and he takes her hand in his.  

I am willing to forgive these things,

I know you’re chilling from the song that isolation sings

I know it’s hard, to lose your heart

Never knowing if it’s gonna beat again 

I don’t know how to make this happen

I don’t know how to ease your pain

But I know, but I know, but I know how to love you

And I know , and I know, And I know it’s no shame. 

The haze grows larger before seeming to disappear forcefully into both of them. They stumble back separated by several feet. As they each look at one another they both begin having flashes. It soon becomes apparent that they are seeing each other’s lives as they have happened since they’ve been apart. The images come so fast it’s hard to make sense of them but they each do. 

Buffy sees Cordy and Angel training and fighting and kissing at the ballet. Angel sees Buffy and Spike fighting and yelling and having sex. Before they can react more images come. Various shots of demons they’ve fought and feelings they’ve had until they go all the way back to the time she came to visit in LA. The mohra demon, the fight and the day together.  

Buffy remembers finally when they were human together. They both drop to their knees and Buffy cries as Angel struggles to keep it together. He starts crawling to her to comfort her. 

Cut to outside mansion

The man is under some kind of duress. He tries to chant and regain control but it’s proving futile. Something’s going very wrong. He finally collapses to the ground and is unconscious. The magic is loose now and uncontrolled. 

Angel: Buffy. 

Buffy: You suffered to protect me. 

Angel: I never wanted you to find out like this. 

Buffy: Me either. Angel there’s so much to explain. 

Angel: Ssh. We have time. 

Buffy: No we don’t. We really don’t. 

Angel: What are you saying? 

Buffy: You have to get out of here Angel. 

Angel: No. Why are you saying that? 

Buffy: Things are about to change. 

Angel: I don’t understand. 

Buffy slowly lifts her head and their lips meet briefly. 

But I know, but I know, but I know that I want you

And I know, and I know, and I know you need me

And I feel, and I feel and I feel all that haunts you

And I see, and I see and I see how you bleed. 

Angel reaches to hold her and his hand brushes against the blood on her neck. He leans back and sees the mark he had made only minutes before. Suddenly he remembers, the time as Angelus, hurting them, fighting, and then with Buffy. 

Angel: Buffy? 

Buffy: (her head drops) Go away. 

Angel: Buffy? 

Suddenly she rises and knocks him backwards across the room. She stands and smiles down at him cruelly. 

Buffy: Let’s see how you like it. 

He doesn’t have a chance to answer before she laughs and runs out of the mansion. He stands slowly trying to make sense of it and sees the man lying on the ground in the atrium. He recognizes what he is and shakes his head back away slowly. He isn’t looking behind him and runs right into Cordelia.

Cordy: Angel?

Xander: Don’t touch him Cor. He’s not Angel.

Dawn: Where’s Buffy? What have you done?

Angel: Xander? Oh God, Cordelia.

Cordy: It is you. (reaches to steady him) Angel what happened?

Lorne: Who’s the casualty?

The others look past Angel and see the man on the ground.

Xander: I don’t care if you have a soul or not, you tell me where Buffy is or I start stakin.

Angel: I’ll take you there. We have to find her. Something happened.

Dawn: Yeah, it’s called you messing with her head all over again! If you want to play with the lines between good and evil more power to you, but when you drag my sister into that world, I get upset. So you take us to her and then you stay the hell away from her once and for all. Do you hear me?

Cordy: Stop talking to him like that! Can’t you see he’s been through enough?

Angel: It’s okay. She’s right. This has all gotten out of hand.

Lorne: Ditto to that, but can we go now? I’m thinking the whole safety in numbers thing would work much better with more numbers. As in finding the rest of the gang and joining up?

Angel: Who else is here?

Xander: Everyone. It’s like a past and present roll call in town.

Angel: Let’s go then. She’ll have headed for the cave.

He takes off still leaning on Cordy for support.

Cut to Cave

Darla is pacing in and out of the shadows when he enters. She turns and recognizes him instantly.

Darla: (smiles) Hello son.

Connor: You’re doing this. All of this. Is it because of me?

Darla: Oh sweetie, don’t be so hard on yourself. You don’t get all the credit. Although your birth certainly cemented the inevitable. No, I’m afraid this is more than just a single event in the making.

Connor: Am I a sign? Am I the thing that started it?

Darla: Perhaps.

Connor: Then I’ll end it. I wasn’t made for this world. I don’t belong here.

He removes a dagger from it’s sheath and places the tip against his chest.

Darla: You would die for those you hate?

Connor: I would die to save those I love.

Darla: (laughs) Love? You don’t know love child. Yours is a heart of vengance and hatred bred by the man who stole you from your father. Now you have nothing to offer this world except death and pain.

Connor: Then I’ll stop it.

He starts to press the knife deeper until a hand reaches around from behind and takes hold of the handle.

Buffy: Now now Connor. Let’s not be hasty. If you’re to die, please, let it be by my hand.

Connor looks at her in surprise and let’s go of the dagger.

Darla: It’s about time.

Buffy: Sorry I’m late. But it looks like I get to be here for the best part.

Connor: I know what you’re doing.

Buffy: Yeah, yeah yeah. Everyone always thinks they know what I’m doing.

Darla: I know I did.

Buffy: So, you’re the final nail in the coffin of the star crossed lovers. I mean, no getting past the whole son by your demon sire is there? Oh well, at least I don’t have to feel the vile pain that this information was causing that pesky soul.

She steps away twirling the knife in her hand and steps to Darla.

Buffy: I’d love to see you bleed. But not quite yet. I think there’s so much more fun to be had. Don’t you?

Darla: Oh, we’re just beginning.

Buffy smiles and Connor shifts his feet nervously not sure what to make of the two women in front of him.