Final Thoughts by Cheri

Chapter 22


Fade in – Int. Summers Kitchen

The dust has cleared leaving a gaping hole visible in the back wall. There is broken glass and dishes everywhere along with burnt appliances and the sound of cracking heat on scorched metal. No sign of any movement s readily available. Camera pans across scattered debris on floor until it comes to rest on a singed piece of the Beast.

A sound is heard and camera cuts to the toppled refrigerator. Food and condiments are everywhere. Another grunt and the frig moves slightly. A hand peeks out bloodied and weak. Fingers curl around the corner of the appliance and another yell as it’s heaved aside and off of Wesley. He drops his arms exhausted and stares up at the ceiling trying to catch his breath.


Cut to Basement

Gunn still holds Fred’s arm as they all watch the door and hear the deafening silence threaten to overtake them.

Dawn: We have to check on him.

Gunn: We don’t know what’s out there.

Fred: Wes is what’s out there. (looks at Gunn) He’s alone Charles.

Lorne: I can’t believe I’m saying this. But I’ll go.

Dawn: You?

Lorne: I can’t believe it either Pumpkin. But one of us has to. At least Gunn will be here to protect you all should anything go wrong.

Fred: You don’t have to do this alone Lorne.

Lorne: I’m not. I’m gonna open this door, step out and if you all don’t hear me screaming and begging for mercy, then it’s all clear and you can join me forthwith. Fair enough?

Fred just touches his arm and nods as he reaches to pull the beams back. Gunn begins to help.


Cut to Woods

Willow comes to slowly and looks around in confusion. She touches her head and closes her eyes.

Willow: Oh no.

She begins trying to stand.

Willow: Oh God no. Please.


Cut to Outside cave

The harbingers are on their knees chanting with their heads bowed. Faith, Spike, Giles and Xander all look at each other unsure of how to react.

Xander: I think someone’s bringing their hard core mojo in to play.

Spike: Bugger this. I’m going in.

He starts to walk into the cave and Giles grabs him by the neck and yanks him back.

Spike: What the…?

Giles: You will wait with the rest of us Spike. Are we understood?

Spike pulls free and stares him down.

Spike: She could die in there.

Faith: Lancelot has a point G.

Xander: Where’s Willow? Are they doing something to counteract Willow? We have to find her.

Willow: I’m already here.

Giles: Willow, are you okay?

Willow: Not really Giles. It’s happening.

Spike: What’s happening?

Willow: The harness is gone. Buffy has her soul back.

Faith: So we’re good right? She’ll be kicking the First’s ass now.

Willow: I wouldn’t be so sure.

Xander: Huh?

Willow doesn’t answer and instead just looks toward the cave.


Cut to Cave – Int.

Angel stands and braces himself against the wall trying to see what’s happening. Cordelia is glowing and seems almost tranquil from what he can see. Connor grimaces going back and forth between pain and anger as his arm is held by Cordelia and his foot by Buffy. Finally Angel looks at Buffy. The look of determination on her face is so intense he wonders if she’s even aware of anything else but what she’s trying to do.

The portal grows larger and random screams and cries are heard echoing throughout the cave. A black substance moves outward from the portal and wraps itself around Buffy. She arches her back and her eyes cut across the cave to meet Angel’s. Time seems to stand still.

Buffy: Angel.

Angel: Buffy.

He takes a step toward her and she screams out.

Buffy: No!

She looks back at Connor and then Cordelia just before letting go. Connor drops to the ground hard outside the portal. Cordelia stumbles back unsure of what’s happening. When the portal stretches a bit more and a vamp jumps outward from it directly at her. Angel runs forward and catches it by the neck, snapping it in the same instant. Cordelia looks at him and smiles slowly.

Cordy: This is why They sent me back.

Angel: I don’t understand.

Cordy smiles again and closes her eyes. Soon she’s ensconced in a black cloud. Angel feels the evil and steps back.

Angel: No Cordy.

Cordy: Connor knew what I could do. He told Buffy. Don’t you see?

Angel looks from her back to the portal where Buffy still stands, watching.

Cordy: This is what she wants Angel.

Angel begins to realize and shakes his head.

Angel: No. You can’t do this.

Cordy: You’ll understand one day. I swear. It’s the only way. She’s a champion. It’s all she knows.

Angel: She’s giving up Cordelia! And you’re playing judge and jury! Don’t do this to her.

Cordy: It’s her or all of us Angel. Connor will die. I’ll die, we’ll all die. Buffy wasn’t supposed to be here for this in the first place. She was meant to be in the ground.

Connor begins to stir and another demon emerges from the portal. This time Buffy catches it before it can fully escape and pulls it back tossing it over her shoulder.

Angel: Look at her Cordelia. She’s fighting still. We can find a way to beat this thing.

Cordy: The only reason you’re not dead already is because this thing knew you would be it’s greatest ally in the end. Given a choice, you always choose love Angel. Life isn’t that neat anymore. It never was.

Connor: Dad?

Buffy: Angel.

Angel looks from his son to Buffy.

Buffy: I want it to be over.

Angel: Stop saying that. It’s never over. Remember? You told me that!

Cordy: I’m sorry Angel.

Angel: Cordelia no!

Cordy closes her eyes and raises her hands as she begins to float. The blackness shrinks to fit into her palm and she grasps it tightly. She looks at Angel once more to see him shaking his head and pleading with his eyes. She turns away and throws the ball directly into the portal.

Buffy is knocked backwards as the screams and cries heard earlier magnify tenfold. Connor covers his ears as the camera cuts to Angel watching, one single tear sliding down his jaw line.

Cut to Outside Cave

The group outside can hear the sounds of torture from inside the cave. Spike runs forward to go in and the first Harbinger stands. Spike barely breaks stride as he spins and kicks the thing in the chest. It falls and another comes after him.

Xander jumps in when Spike seems overwhelmed. He pulls one off and takes a blow to the chin. But he keeps coming, tackling the thing to the ground. Faith joins as well and the battle lines are drawn again.

This time Giles stays back with Willow and they wait to see what will happen next. Willow stares almost trance-like at the mouth of the cave.


Cut to Summers Kitchen

Lorne peeks around the corner at the destruction and covers his nose.

Lorne: Good Golly Miss Molly, what is that smell?

Wes: (weakly) Lorne?

Lorne glances over and rushes to Wes.

Lorne: Well look at you. Leaving us to think you were dead or something up here.

Wes: (taking his hand to pull himself up) Nothing so painless I’m afraid.

He winces and clutches his arm against his stomach.

Wes: Where are the others?

Fred: Wesley!

She rushes in tripping over some debris and Lorne catches her before she falls against Wes.

Lorne: Watch it! He’s survived what appears to be a direct hit, let’s not take him out by deadly affection.

Gunn: (from entryway) Interesting choice of words.

Dawn walks in assisting Anya and they all stare at the catastrophe.

Anya: Xander’s gonna kick your asses for this.

Wes: (glances around) Yes, it would appear there’s a bit of damage.

Gunn: And FYI, Xander won’t be kicking any part of my ass.

Lorne: Something smells.

Dawn: It’s called fire Lorne.

Lorne: No Miss Smartie-britches.

Wes: It looks to be over to me Lorne.

Lorne: Yeah, cause neat tidy packages are always how things are tied up in this business.


Cut to Outside Cave

Willow: Giles, we’re losing her.

Giles: Who? Buffy?

Willow: (nods) She has her soul, but I still feel her on the other side. I don’t understand.

Giles: Maybe Spike was right. Maybe we should just go and help.

Willow: There’s nothing we can do. It’s already being done.

Suddenly Willow’s head snaps back and her eyes go black.

Giles: Willow?

The black spreads until she is once again the person she was a year ago. Giles steps back.

Xander punches one Harbinger and notices Willow out of the corner of his eye.

Xander: Oh no.

He’s clocked by another and he falls to his hands and knees struggling to keep his eye on Willow.

Faith has killed one and is working on another when she’s suddenly cast aside by an invisible force.

Willow walks through the harbingers knocking them aside like rag dolls. Giles looks at Faith and Xander as Spike chases after Willow. Soon they’re all headed inside.

Cut to Int- Cave

Angel is watching when suddenly he vamps out going after Cordelia. He calls out as if in pain as he rushes her. She raises a hand that is glowing and Angel is knocked aside and into Connor who has just stood up. Connor catches his father against him keeping him from falling.

Willow enters the room followed closely by Spike just as Cordelia seems to return to normal and plant her feet firmly on the ground. The screams fade and everyone stares at Buffy on the other side. At first she seems dead, or conscious but within seconds, she begins to move.

Willow: What have you done?

Cordelia: I fixed your mess.

Willow: I’m not going to lose her again.

Giles: Willow…

Willow spins to face him, energy crackling around her.

Willow: No! We did this to her. You said I had to learn to harness my powers. All of them. Well, here I am. I was given this darkness for a reason. This is it. I can fight for her.

Faith: You’re talking about giving in to your own darkness to fight the First? Not a good plan Red.

Willow: What I’m talking about is finally accepting what I am. No more fighting against myself.

Spike: Buffy.

He’s walked closer than anyone else and stares at her as she finally rises to her feet. She seems to get her bearings finally and sees Spike looking at her.

Buffy: Oh Spike. You never deserved any of this.

Spike: Come out of there now Pet. It’s over. We’re here to help you.

Buffy: (leans forward) I meant you never deserved to be here.

He swallows hard and leans back.

Buffy: Did you really think I could ever love you? I mean really. How completely and utterly pathetic you are. Man or Demon, soul or not, you my dear William are now and always will be beneath me.

Spike: That’s not you talking Slayer. I won’t play your games any more, do you hear me?

Buffy: You think it’s the First? This just in Spike, it was never the first or me or Angel’s fault, you were born a loser, you died a loser and now you’ll spend eternity…say it with me now…a loser.

Xander: As much as I like the thought of an insulting-Spike-a-thon Buff, why don’t you come out of that big swirly hole thingie and let us help you.

Buffy: Too late Xan. Cordelia already took away that option. Didn’t you Cor?

Willow: What did you do?

Cordelia: It was her idea. She told me to take the evil. I had to save Connor.

Giles: So you somehow pulled the First from Connor? How?

Cordy: It’s a long story. Part of my higher being gig. I can release evil from innocents.

Willow: So what happened? How did Buffy end up in there?

Angel: She killed her.

Spike: What?

Angel: Cordelia took it out of Connor and forced it into Buffy. She killed her. It’s not even Buffy anymore.

Buffy: Oh poor Angel, can’t stand to see me suffer can you? Except for the part where you spent the last three years doing just that. My God how hypocritical can one vampire be?

Willow steps up and raises a hand into the portal. Buffy mirrors her movements and entwines their fingers just long enough for some force to transfer ad Willow to be thrown against the wall viciously.

Buffy: Uh-uh-uh. No touching. Your magicks are worthless here child. Do you hear me? There was something primal in me all these years, I knew it. (looks at Faith) You did too. Hell you acted on it.

Faith: I had a few bad days.

Buffy laughs at this.

Buffy: I’ve always appreciated a good understatement. It’s cool though I suppose you think you can just step up and fill my shoes. Well go ahead and try Sister. You’re gonna need more than just you though. Cause I’m about to have some serious fun.

Giles: You’re stronger than this Buffy.

Buffy: Of course I am. I’m stronger than any of you will ever realize. Thanks to Cordelia and her urgency to save the boy, I now have more power than any of you combined. Destroying the Slayer line isn’t even important any more. I am the line. I am the begging and the end, the alpha and omega, the…

Cordy: We get it already. What is it with all the talking?

Buffy: (smiles) I’m not going to harm you at all.

Cordy: Interesting you would say that since you know I could kick your ass.

Buffy: He’ll never forgive you. He might try, he might work with you, but he’ll never forget what you did.

Cordy looks at Angel who looks down afraid to face her.

Connor: This wasn’t part of the plan.

Spike: What plan?

Connor: In the warehouse, I followed her to meet with Lilah. They had an agreement, a plan.

Angel: Why didn’t you say something?

Connor: She made me promise. Said people would get hurt if I didn’t do as she said. I believed you.

Buffy: Life lesson one kid, never trust one of your father’s groupies.

She looks pointedly at Cordelia.

Angel: What exactly was this plan?

Connor: It doesn’t matter now.

Spike grabs him by the shoulders and shakes him hard.

Spike: Why don’t you let us decide what matters Junior?

He’s kicked aside hard and looks up to see Angel standing between him and Connor.

Angel: You touch him again, I’ll take your head off. Do you understand me?

Spike: Your boy could have stopped this hours ago. But maybe you already knew that. Maybe this is exactly what you wanted. Get rid of the thorn in your side once and for all so you can have your twisted little family. And who better to finalize it than the new little Mrs.?

Cordy: You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Xander: Can someone speak a language that I understand? Where is the First? Why is Buffy staying on the freaky side and why is dark-eyed Willow back?

Faith: What’s the play? You’ve got the power of the First, the strength of a Slayer and all the dark energy your little hearts desire, so what’s next?

Buffy: You really don’t get it do you?

Faith: I’m waiting to.

Buffy smiles and looks at the group in front of her before stepping through the portal. It closes behind her and she faces them down.

Giles: Buffy?

Buffy: All these years…wasted. Fighting valiantly against all that evil, one little battle after another, the little Scooby train that could. There isn’t a word strong enough to describe the travesty that you’ve all become.

Willow: I know what I am.

Buffy: Right. The wicked witch of the west.

Faith: Not sure you wanna test this one B.

Buffy: You know the only thing more powerful than the Chosen one Faith?

Xander: Let me guess.

Buffy: Don’t bother. You don’t get to know yet. None of you do. But you can watch. Front row seats friends. And I’ve saved them all for you. Those who started out together, will be the ones pulled apart in the end.

Connor: I wasn’t here in the beginning.

Buffy: (walks to stand in front of him) Valid point.

She grabs his arm in a vise grip and he flinches in pain instinctively. Angel starts to step forward but Cordy stops him with a look.

Cordy: Don’t make me come over there.

Buffy: No worries. It’s not time yet. (back to look at Connor) Best laid plans Junior. (looks at Angel) Best laid…

She doesn’t finish before her eyes glow red and the cave begins to disintegrate around them. Connor breaks free and Cordy pulls him out the opening. Spike is grabbed by Giles and pulled against his will as Xander pulls his other arm.

Spike: Let me go!

Xander: I’m not giving you the chance to claim some noble sacrifice in Buffys name Spike. We’re getting out of here!

Faith: What’s happening?

Willow: The First.

Faith: The First what?

Faith doesn’t wait for an answer before delivering a roundhouse kick to Buffy’s chin. Her head barely moves under the force and her eyes only glow brighter.

Angel: Buffy! You can fight this! Don’t let it go! You hang on!

Willow: She can’t hear you Angel.

Angel: Yes she can! We always…she can hear me.

Willow reaches for Faith and begins to pull her out as well.

Faith: Wait. I thought you were going to fight her.

Willow: I said I would fight to save her. Fighting her is not the answer. Come.

Faith watches over her shoulder as Buffy stands with only Angel left in the room. They exit the cave just as a horrendous sound echoes through out the woods and the cave’s entrance collapses upon itself sealing up like a tomb.

Spike rushes forward at the sight and Willow raises one hand slightly to bar him from trying to stop it. He hits the invisible force and falls backwards on his rear. Giles looks from him to Willow.

Giles: Willow? What’s happened?

Willow: Come. All of you. We don’t have much time.

She takes off and the others slowly follow. Cordy, Connor, Xander, Faith, Giles, Spike and Willow head away from the cave without a single look back at the destruction.


Cut to Summer’s kitchen

Dawn: What’s that?

Gunn: What?

Anya: That’s a big uh-oh.

Wesley walks to look over her shoulder out the window.

Angle on dozens upon dozens of demons, vamps, ubervamps and misc. baddies converging with only one destination in mind. Theirs.

Wesley: I would say you were right Lorne.

Lorne: I hate it when I do that.

Fred: How bad is it?

Wesley: Bad enough. Clearly the battle is not won. The First is not giving up and we can only assume that the others aren’t faring well. We may be the last ones standing between this world’s complete and utter destruction.

Lorne: Insert gulp here.

Gunn: So any bright ideas?

Anya: Back to the basement. Maybe they’ll see the mess and assume we’ve all been annihilated.

Dawn: That’s not bad. I mean if I walked in here, I’d be expecting only corpses.

Gunn: Sure, why don’t we just pour some ketchup on ourselves while we’re at it and hope they step right over us?

Wesley: They’ll smell us in an instant.

Lorne: Smell one of the big pluses of the demon gig.

Fred: So what then?

Dawn: We run. We go back to the caves, split up if we have to, who ever makes it will find the others and fill them in. It’s our only shot. We need power. Slayer power or witch power or demon power. No offense Lorne.

Lorne: None taken.

Gunn: We’ll never make it.

Wesley: Not without a distraction.

Fred: Distraction?

Gunn: I’ll do it.

Fred: Do what?

Wesley: Are you sure?

Gunn: You’re hurt, you’ll ever slow them down enough. Take the girls and go. I’ve got this.

Fred: Charles, you can’t face all of them alone!

Dawn: He wont.

Anya: Dawn, you can’t..

Dawn: Stop telling me what I can and can’t do! I’ve heard that for too long! I’m not some random kid guys! My sister is the Slayer, she trained me, I’ve watched and I’ve learned.

She looks to the side and leaps over a pile of debris to reach under the overturned table. She comes up holding a chair leg. She snaps it over her knee producing two sharp stakes.

Dawn: I’m staying with Gunn. The rest of you go and find the others. Now.

They all look at her and see the determination. Gunn nods slightly in proud acknowledgement and the others turn to go out the back door.

Anya: (To Gunn) Don’t let her die.

Gunn: I’ll put it at the top of my priorities.

Fred: Charles…

They exchange a look and he reaches to take her hand and give it a squeeze.

Gunn: Go.

She almost cries but Wes touches her shoulder and she turns away. Wes and Gunn stare at one another for a long moment in silent communication until finally Wesley turns and follows the ladies out the door.

Gunn: Lorne, move.

Lorne: Afraid I can’t do that friend. It appears my pacifist nature has finally been overwhelmed by the longing to kick some evil ass.

Dawn and Gunn look at him in surprise.

Lorne: (grabs a kitchen knife) What can I say? The horns aren’t just for decoration folks.

The sounds from outside grow louder then and the three make their way into the living room to do what must be done.


Cut to Cave

Rocks crumble and fall all around them. Angel sees there’s no way out. He turns back to Buffy and steps up in front of her.

Angel: I’ve seen that look before Buffy. I’ve felt what you’re feeling. Too many times. But I was never strong enough to fight. But not you Buffy. Listen to me, you’re stronger than any of us. You know that.

Buffy doesn’t respond until he grabs her by the shoulders. When he touches her she writhes and growls and practically spits to make him let her go. But he won’t.

Angel: Don’t let it have your soul Buffy! If you really wanted it to be over it would. But you don’t do you? You’re still in there and you’re fighting! So suck it up Slayer! Do you hear me? You’re better than me, better than any force ever created! So fight damnit!

Her eyes are still glowing but getting dimmer. She stops fighting and her head drops slowly against Angel’s chest. He hears something and looks up just as the roof crumbles over their heads and falls. He gathers her close to him and dives to the floor keeping her under him.

Cut to Street

The group from the cave is running when another sound is heard. The earth shakes and a red light is seen on the horizon.

Xander: What the…?

Giles: Keep moving! We have to keep moving!

Willow looks at the light and her eyes fade to normal and she reverts back to herself. Faith sees it and catches her as she passes out. Spike picks Willow up without breaking stride and follows the others refusing to look back.


Cut to Summers Home

The front door is broken down and the house is swarmed by the bad guys. They scatter looking for any signs of life.

Angle on porch form outside as Dawn scream pierces the night.