Final Thoughts by Cheri

Chapter Eight

Fade in Lilah’s Apartment

Lilah: (on phone) Of course I got it done. She’s out. And you? Did you succeed? (pause) Good. Things are moving along nicely. (pause) You leave that to me. It’s how I earn my ungodly salary. (pause) No. You don’t show yourself again. It’s too big a risk. (pause) You don’t get to know my plans. You’ll be informed when it’s time.

She hangs up the phone and a knock sounds at her door. She opens it to find Gavin in the hall.

Lilah: (scoffs) Wrong move Friend.

Gavin: There’s a problem at the firm.

Lilah: Is it worse than the problem you have?

Gavin: Don’t you ever tire of the empty threats?

Lilah brings a knee up and connects with his groin in an instant. He cries out and drops to his knees, eyes watering.

Lilah: How empty did that feel?

He isn’t able to answer.

Lilah: Don’t ever come to my home again. I’ll see you at the office.

She slams the door in his face.

Cut to Sunnydale

Underneath high school

Fred, Xander and Willow walk down the passageway.

Fred: I don’t get it. Why would you build a school over all this? Isn’t it kind of lacking in solid foundation?

Xander: Hellmouth. Go figure. It’s not like I knew all this was still here. Sure! Blame it on the construction guy!

Willow: Ssshh! Why don’t you just send out engraved invitations to whatever is down here to start throwing mojo our way?

Xander: Sorry.

Fred: Are you sure this is the right way?

Xander: Listen here Missie. We brought you along as a favor. It wasn’t a plea for some back seat slaying.

Fred: (giggles) Back seat slaying. That’s funny.

Willow sends her a look.

Fred: Sorry. That was inappropriate I guess.

Xander: I dug it.

Willow: Speaking of digging.

She stops and Xander runs into her still smiling at Fred.

Dawn: Willow! Xander! Help!

Xander looks and sees dawn standing on the seal as Buffy tries to lift Spike up.

Willow: Oh God.

Xander: Great googlie mooglie, what happened to him?

Dawn: He’s hurt bad. There was this thing. And then Buffy saw Mom. But it wasn’t Mom, you were right Willow. Then I staked it and it didn’t even flinch. It’s bad. This is all so bad. (sees Fred) Who is she?

Fred: Is he going to be okay?

Buffy: (barely glancing at Fred) Xander help me. We have to get him out of here.

Spike: (weakly) Go.

Buffy: You’re coming with us.

Willow: (looking at seal) Buffy, what made this?

Buffy: Better question is what did the thing raise. The First is here. And we have to get out of here…now

Dawn: Spike brought it. Why else would he be here?

Willow: Look at him Dawn. Whatever he did or didn’t do wasn’t by choice. Buffy’s right. We need to leave here.

Fred: It’s the center ring.

Xander: Huh?

Fred: This. It’s part of the system of epochs. The center ring, the first and the last.

Buffy: How do you know that? And who are you?

Fred: Fred. My name’s Fred and I came for you.

Buffy: Get in line.

Fred and Xander exchange a glance at the repetition of his earlier response.

Fred: Wesley sent me.

Buffy drops Spike’s arm to look at Fred.

Buffy: What did you say?

Willow: I was going to tell you. That’s why we’re here. Well that and the panic.

Dawn: Wesley? Isn’t that…?

Buffy: You work with Angel.

Spike moans.

Buffy: Xander you and Dawn get him out of here. I’ll meet you back at the house. Willow, find some shovels. We’ve got to cover whatever this is up. I’ll go make up something to tell Principal Wood. We’ve got to regroup. (looks at Fred) You okay shoveling?

Fred: I guess, but I really need to tell you.

Buffy: Wait until we get done here. I’ll call Anya from my office and tell her to meet us. (bends to look at Spike in the eye) Spike listen to me. Dawn and Xander will take you home okay?

He doesn’t respond and Xander bends to pick him up and throw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Xander: Spike man, try not bleed on me much.

Dawn: Buffy are you sure you’re okay?

Buffy: I’m fine. Go. I’ll see you there.

The three leave.

Willow: Buffy, are you okay for real?

Buffy: No. None of us are okay Will. (looks at Fred) None of us.

She leaves the girls to start working.


Cut to Hyperion

Faith: Is this…wow, it’s you. Connor?

Connor: Do I know you?

Cordy: No you don’t. Angel what is she doing here?

Wesley: I brought her.

Cordy: For what? So Angelus can have a playmate?

Giles: Angelus?

Faith: Whoa. Sister, you’ve got a Buffy-like tude and I’m really not feelin it. I know I clocked you last time we ran into eachother but grudges really aren’t healthy.

Cordy: Are you kidding me with this?

Giles: What is this about Angelus?

Angel: It’s nothing Giles. You’ve got faith. Maybe you should just go.

Giles: Why did Cordy refer to Angelus?

No one answers.

Giles: What have you people done?

Gunn: We ain’t don’t nothing. (looks at Wes) Except send Fred to the one place that is the bullseye for all things evil.

Wesley: If Fred is with Buffy, then I assure you, she’s safe.

Angel: He’s right. But still a fool for doing it in the first place. What were you thinking?

Wesley: I was thinking that perhaps pooling our resources might be of some use in these circumstances.

Angel: And you decided to make that call on your own?

Wesley: If Angelus returns, I can’t fathom your disagreeing.

Faith: Ok, that’s twice you guys have mentioned Angelus as if it’s nothing out of the ordinary. What’s going on?

Connor: He wants to fight the beast without a soul.

Giles: What?

Faith: Please tell me this is some kind of joke.

Angel: I have a theory.

Giles: A theory you say? Wll how’s this for a theory? If Angelus returns, it won’t be to fight. It will be to join whatever evil is unleashing itself on us all. No wait, that’s not really a theory is it? That was a lesson learned several years ago.

Wesley: (steps forward) This situation is quite different from before Giles. Angel has changed immensely, grown stronger. He knows what he’s doing.

Giles: Yes, Angel does. He knows right from wrong. Angelus on the other hand is a sadistic animal. No offense.

Angel: (shrugs) None taken.

Cordy: Will someone please explain to me why Giles and Faith are here?

Lorne: Apparently ours isn’t the only party going Sweetie. Giles here has been chasing some baddies over in the Queen’s turf and he came to gather slayers to warn them of the danger. It’s the world tour of evil and we’ve all got front row seats. Cheers.

Faith: So what’s the play? I go from nobody wanting me to being wanted by everyone.

Cordy: Don’t flatter yourself.

Gunn: Can we please focus here? I want Fred out of Sunnyhell and with me. She never should have gone down there alone.

Wesley: I couldn’t have known that the events here were only part of a bigger problem. We have fought separately for years and I assumed our latest fight would be separate as well.

Angel: We still don’t know how involved the two are.

Cordy: And if the high school squad had such badness, why didn’t they call? Why let us be blindsided?

Giles: I don’t think Buffy realizes the danger she’s in.That’s why I must go quickly. Before it’s too late. But make no mistake Angel. You have been marked. You are very much involved.

Connor: What does that mean? Marked?

Gunn: We had some visitors earlier. They were looking for ole girl over there. (points at Faith) But Angel caught their eye instead.

Giles: Faith, we should go.

Wesley: Beg your pardon? I believe Faith is with me. We need her skills here.

Giles: I appreciate your effort in releasing her, but her place is with the other Slayers. This is their fight. And I believe winning one will mark the end of the other.

Wesley: And in the meantime, what of us?

Gunn: Maybe we should all go to Sunnydale. We’re not doing any good here. And if they are all coming from the same evil, then the more the better.

Faith: I’m staying.

Giles: Excuse me?

Faith: I know I’m not tops on anyone’s list for going my own way, but last I checked Slayer’s got to make the final call. I know there’s heavy stuff in Sunny D Giles, but I’m not leaving here until I know everything’s copasetic.

Giles: Have you not been listening to me? This is the First Faith. You’ve never faced anything like it. And they are coming after you. You’re at the top of the food chain. Your place is with the rest of the line. At least those that have gathered.

Wesley: He has a point. I spoke with a council member today before I came to get you Faith. The board has been all but annihilated.

Giles: Good Lord.

Wesley: I had a hidden agenda for your release. I did want to protect you. However, if we succeed in our plan you might be the only hope if something goes wrong. (looks at Angel) It took a Slayer to defeat Angelus last time.

Angel nods at Wes’ reasoning.

Cordy: I’m just wondering. Exactly how enormous was the amount of drugs you all must have ingested to choose this plan?

Lorne: I’d be interested in that answer.

Gunn: I don’t care who goes or stays, but I’m going to get my girl and bring her home. Anybody wanna have a problem with that?

The phone rings next to Lorne and he startles a bit before answering.

Lorne: Angel Investigations. We help the helpless which these days is us. How can I help you? (pause) Fredkins! It’s so good to hear your sweet little…

He doesn’t get to finish as Gunn rips the phone out of his hand.

Gunn: Baby, you okay?

Giles takes note of the tone.

Gunn: Yeah we heard. (pause) Some cat named Giles showed up here on his way there. I knew this was a bad idea. (pause) Don’t move. I’m on my way. Stay with her. You’re safer there. (pause) No, not yet. But it may not last. I don’t think we’ll need her though. (pause) Cause Wesley got himself another slayer. Just sit tight and I’ll explain everything.

He hangs up the phone.

Lorne: So I’m guessing Mr Giles is short one Slayer, but heavy one Gunn.

Gunn: Let’s go.

Giles: I’m not sure I should…

Angel: Giles go. Let Gunn bring Fred back. You can let us know if you need anything else.

Cordy: Giles, tell him he’s crazy. Please.

Giles looks around the room.

Giles: Something tells me that’s not going to stop him. I hope you all can come to an agreement. I don’t look forward to telling Buffy about this.

Angel: You won’t tell her anything.

Giles: Now Angel…

Angel: This is our fight. I think you should go see to yours. You don’t want to put this on her. (looks at him hard) And neither do I.

Giles: Right. You have a point.

Faith: I got this Giles. And when it’s finished, I’m coming to help B with the First. Trust me. Let me show you how I’ve changed.

Wesleys’ cell phone rings and he leaves the room to answer it.

Giles: I’ll be in touch.

Lorne: Be careful.

Cordy: You’re just going to go alone? What if you two get in trouble?

Giles: Then we’ll help them.

Angel: Would you rather go along? Or me?

Cordy doesn’t answer and Connor sense something.

Gunn: I think Sunnydale will be needing help before Fred and I do. She said the center ring released this first dude. And some other guys hurt real bad.

Cordy: Who? Who’s hurt? Was his name Xander?

Connor: Who’s Xander

Gunn: No that wasn’t it. (thinks) It was Spike.

Angel: Spike? Are you sure?

Gunn nods and Angel glares at Giles.

Giles: Spike’s been going through some changes Angel. There’s not time to explain now. We must go.

He motions for Gunn and the two leave Angel and the others staring after them.

Cut to Wesley in atrium on cell.

Wes: Yes, a lot has changed since we last spoke. Most interesting of which is that fact that Los Angeles isn’t alone in current events. (pause) Gavin would think running out of coffee was a crisis Lilah. (pause) Very well. I will take the info into consideration. (pause) Don’t push me. I don’t work for you. (pause) And as for Sunnydale? Are you aware or in any way responsible? (pause) I don’t like being patronized. It’s really not a turn on. Fine. I’ll be in touch.

Cut to Lilah’s office

She hangs up the phone and looks at the man standing in front of her.

Lilah: It’s set. You go now. It’s imperative that you do exactly as I said. Got it? Neither side wants this crewed up.

Man: It will be done.

Lilah: Cut the ominous tone crap. I’m not the one you have to convince.

He leaves and Lilah steps into the hallway.

She pauses taking a deep breath before walking into another office.

Gavin is already there, staring transfixed.

Lilah: I apologize for the inconvenience. There will be no more delays. Myself and everyone under me are completely at your disposal.

The figure turns and Lilah sees the X’d out eyes of a priest of the First.


Cut to Sunnydale

Summer’s house

Anya: She’s so thin. Doesn’t she eat?

Willow: I didn’t think to ask.

Willow is at the computer while Anya watches Xander bring Fred a drink.

Anya: It’s so obvious what he’s doing. He wants to make me jealous.

Willow: (without looking up) Yes anya. The root of all evil is in town to destroy us and Xander is trying to repair his love life. I’m sure that’s it.

Anya: Sarcasm is a defense mechanism you know.

Willow: (irritated) I am defensive Anya! As in trying to find a way to defend against the First? We called you to help. Is that going to be starting anytime soon?

Anya: I’m sorry. You’re right. What can I do?

Willow: We need to find everything we can on this thing. I’m talking going back to the very beginning. Giles said there was a time when vampires walked the earth . Pure vampires. Before the Slayer even existed. I think that’s where we have to start.

Anya: It would help if I had all the text from the Magic Box. But you sucked all the knowledge out of them and then destroyed the store. I’m thinking a stern period of self-flagellation is in order. (pause) I can wait.

Willow: Could you wait somewhere else then?

Cut to Upstairs

Buffy finishes putting bandages on Spike’s wounds. He opens his eyes slowly.

Buffy: You’re going to be okay.

Spike looks past her and sees the first slayer he killed. She speaks English.

Slayer: You’ll never be okay as long as she’s here.

Spike’s eyes grow wide and he shakes his head. Buffy looks behind her confused.

Buffy: What are you seeing Spike?

Slayer: You’ve upset the balance you see. And now you have to right it. 3rd times the charm.

Spike begins shaking violently and Buffy pushes him down by the shoulders.

Buffy: Spike stop. There’s no one there.

Dawn: It was me Buffy.

Buffy turns to see Dawn has come in the room.

Buffy: Oh. (back to Spike) It was just Dawn Spike. She’s here to stay with you. I have to go for a bit.

Spike: (weak) Slayer. (tries to sit up) Slayer.

Buffy: I’m here. I’ll be right back. You’re safe. Dawn, keep an eye on him. I’ll be right downstairs.

Dawn: Still finding a way to keep me out of the loop?

Buffy: I’m not doing anything until Giles gets here.

Dawn: I still don’t get why he’d go to LA first. Talk about lack of priority.

Buffy: I’m sure he’ll explain his reasons when he gets here.

Dawn: And Angel didn’t even try to talk to you or anything. I mean you’d think he’d want to check on you at least.

Buffy: You don’t understand about Angel. It’s not that simple. I can’t talk to him. He knows that.

Dawn: That doesn’t make any sense. You and Angel…

Buffy: There is no ‘me and Angel’ Dawn. It’s the way it is now. Just watch Spike so I can do my job.

She leaves the room and Dawn turns to see Spike looking at her suddenly coherent.

Spike: (calmly) We can’t be here Little Bit.


Cut to Hyperion

Wesley: I have to check this out. It’s our best bet for succeeding.

Angel: Take Connor with you. He can watch your back.

Faith: I’ll go too. I’m dying to get some action.

Angel: Take it slow faith.

Faith: Yes sir. (looks at Connor) Is he like this with you too?

Connor: He tries.

Wesley: We’ll be back. And then it will be time.

The three leave and Angel, Lorne, and Cordy are left in the lobby. Cordy opens her mouth to speak but staggers back as she gets a vision.