Forced into Love

Chapter Ten


Weeks Later


Buffy leans over again to adjust the fabric in Cordelia’s lap.

Buffy: Are you sure you want to do this? I can finish it for you.

Cordelia: No. I can make a simple baby’s quilt. It just keeps slipping.

Buffy tacks the edges with a few stitches.

Buffy: Alright, now I think you will be fine.

Buffy sits up and glances over to the settee where Willow sits focused on her own sewing. Buffy swallows and reminds herself her mother would approve of Willow having her simple gray gown. Buffy also hopes that Willow will agree to accept a few others before she takes her mother’s wardrobe to the church.

Willow looks up and smiles at Buffy.

Willow: Can I get you anything, Ma’am?

Buffy: No, thank you.

Buffy picks the stocking up from her lap and continues to darn the small hole. The only sound is the occasional crackle from the fire and the creak of a chair as they shift their bodies. The soft silence is broken by the familiar noise of an approaching horse. Willow stands quickly and moves to the kitchen. Buffy quietly follows. Cordelia watches as Buffy places dishes on the table and lights the lamp in the center.

Buffy turns as heavy feet come through the back door. She moves to take his heavy coat and let him warm by the stove.

Liam: The Calypso should be sailing by morning.

Buffy: So you were able to find a full load.

Liam: I did. Thank you for the suggestions.

Buffy: I am glad it was helpful.

He walks to the basin and quickly washes as Willow carries the hot meat pie to the dining room. Buffy follows her and is serving when he enters.

Liam: Have you eaten?

Buffy: I did but I thought I might sit with you and have a cup of coffee.

Liam: That would be nice.

He helps her into her seat and sits beside her. Cordelia looks over at them as Willow resumes her sewing.

Willow: Can I get you something, Mrs. Finn?

Cordelia: No.

She turns back to her quilting but cast sideward glances under her lashes at the couple in the next room.

Buffy: I picked up the book you ordered.

Liam: Geoffrey Chaucer?

Buffy: Yes.

Liam: I am looking forward to sharing it with you. I think you will find the tales very amusing.

Buffy: I am sure I will.

She sits quietly while he eats and smiles at his appetite.

Liam: You ladies are feeding me way too well.

Buffy: It is nice to have a man to feed.

She smiles almost wickedly.

Buffy: As long as he leaves our steps in one piece.

Liam chuckles causing Cordelia to turn her head and stare.

Liam: If I have to chose your deserts or the steps, I will be needing more lumber.

Buffy: Oh dear and I did not bake today.

He looks over sadly.

Buffy: Sorry. I did not bake but I made a custard.

Liam smiles broadly.

Buffy: You sit and I will get it.

He is still smiling as he watches her depart the room.



Later that evening.

Buffy and Cordelia are sitting in front of the fire with their sewing when Liam enters.

Buffy: Come get close to the fire. You have to be chilled.

Liam: A bit.

He stands in front of the fire and holds out his hands for a few moments.

Liam: The weather has changed rather quickly.

Buffy: It does that here quite often. I am expecting a storm will come through soon.

Liam turns and looks at her concerned.

Buffy: Not tonight. But usually after the air chills quickly like this a storm follows.

Liam nods.

Buffy: And before you inquire, it is on the secretary.

He smiles and walks over and picks up the bound tome. He returns and settles onto the wide stone raised hearth. The flames warming him and lighting the pages.

Liam: It has been a long time since I first read this collection.

He calmly flips the pages and begins reading out loud.

Whan that Aprille, with hise shoures soote,

The droghte of March hath perced to the roote

And bathed every veyne in swich licour,

Of which vertu engendred is the flour;

Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breeth
Inspired hath in every holt and heeth

The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne

Hath in the Ram his halfe cours yronne,

And smale foweles maken melodye,

That slepen al the nyght with open eye-
So priketh hem Nature in hir corages-

Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages

And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes

Cordelia: Excuse me. In what language are you reading?

Liam: It is old English.

Buffy: The tales were written in the 14th Century.

Cordelia: Why read something old like that? I know you can find newer books somewhere.

Liam: Maybe we should save the tales for another evening.

Buffy nods and smiles at him knowing his disappointment.

Buffy: Maybe Cordelia would be more interested in “Gulliver’s Travels”.

They glance at Cordelia.

Cordelia: As long as it is in real English.

Buffy holds a chuckle at Liam’s face.

Liam: I shall get the novel.

He steps from the room.

Cordelia: How can he expect us to understand that old book?

Buffy: I understood it fine. But then I have read Beowulf and it is a much older story.

The women glance up as Liam enters the room with the book. Cordelia suddenly covers her mouth and yawns.

Cordelia: Pardon me. I am suddenly very tired.

She drops her sewing in the basket beside her chair.

Buffy: I shall tell Willow you are ready to retire.

Liam holds out his arm to Buffy and assists her to her feet. He turns and offers Cordelia the same.

Cordelia: Thank you.

She moves to leave but stops.

Cordelia: Angel, could I beg your assistance?

Buffy stops and turns. Her fists clinch in suppressed anger.

Cordelia: The weather is colder and my extra quilt is on top of the armoire. Would you mind retrieving it for me?

Liam looks down at her.

Liam: Cordelia, I would be happy to get it for you. But I must ask that you address me as either Mr. O’Connor or Liam. Angel is a name reserved for my wife and my mother.

Cordelia’s eyes widen and she nods before turning sharply around. Liam stands for a moment watching her disappear before shaking his head and following. He meets up with Buffy and Willow in the hallway. Liam pauses to speak to Buffy.

Liam: I will be right back. Cordelia needs me to reach a high shelf.

Buffy: I heard her.

He leans closer and whispers.

Liam: We must weather storms of all kinds in our lives.

Buffy smiles.

Buffy: Well I hope the storm season passes without a death.

Liam chuckles as he walks away.


Friday Evening

Liam walks from the farrier towards the house. He shoves his hands into his pockets and ducks his head against the cold wind coming off the river. He begins to think of the warm fire and meal waiting for him. His mind wanders on to the petite blonde that also waits there for him. The thought of her bright green eyes, golden hair and soft laughter tug at his heart and make him quicken his pace.

He glances at the soft glow emanating from the windows and beckoning him inside before hurrying past. He quickly rounds the corner of the house. A greater need has permeated his body before he can seek the warmth inside. He slips into the cold dark building and fumbles with his pants. Even the chill of the night air can not affect the erection that begs for release. He slowly begins to stroke the silky flesh and leans back against the door. His eyes close as he begins to drift into his favorite fantasy. His hand beats a steady rhythm as he tries to make the deepening ache inside quell.

Liam hangs his head in defeat as his climax arrives and he feels no actual relief. He slowly rights his clothing and steps out into the dark yard. His movements toward the house are quickly halted as he collides with a small body. Her squeal fills the yard as he wraps his arms around her to stop her fall. His eyes look down and by the frail light of only a few stars he can see the wide eyed stare of her emerald eyes.

Buffy: Angel?

He hears her breathless voice as he is sucked in a seeming vortex toward her lips. As his mouth takes possession of hers, he feels a sudden jolt of pleasure. He draws her body closer as he tries to feed the ache deep in his soul. His tongue runs along her lips seeking entry. She relaxes in his grip and starts to allow his subtle plunder until the sound of her name is heard through the yard. They both turn rapidly to see Willow silhouetted in the doorway to the kitchen. Liam releases her in fear. Buffy’s fingers gently caress her warm lips.

Liam: Yes, Willow?

Willow: Master Liam? I heard a scream.

Liam steps closer toward Willow.

Liam: That was my fault. I scared her here in the dark.

Willow: Oh. Thank you. I was nervous.

Liam: I can understand.

He turns to look at Buffy but she is gone. He frowns and trudges to the house. He removes his coat and moves toward the stove.

Cordelia: We did not hear your horse.

Liam: She threw a shoe. I will pick her up tomorrow.

Cordelia: Well I am glad to know the threat was not real. It is so frightening being here alone at night.

Buffy walks in the back door and tries to ignore the two brunettes talking as she assist Willow with the dinner. Liam looks over his shoulder to see her walking into the dining room. He furrows his brow and misses Cordelia latest gossip.

Liam: Excuse me. I would like to wash before dinner.

He moves across the room and tries to control the emotions that are trying to tear him apart. He swallows and takes a deep breath before plastering his face with a false smile and joining the activity.

It is not until he is seated at her side that Liam finally chances a glance at Buffy. Her concentration on her plate convinces him that she is equally offended by his lack of control. He prays he has not harmed their wonderful friendship and silently swears if she gives him a chance that he will never allow his desires to control him again.

Buffy glances over at the man beside her quickly before looking back at her plate. She can still feel his lips on hers. The flavors of the meal can not camouflage the taste of his tongue. She runs her own tongue over her lips and tries to savor the feelings. She frowns as she realizes he is disappointed in her again. One look over at Cordelia reminds her that even she has found a man to love her. Buffy takes a slow deep breath as she forces her emotions down.



Later that night

Liam quietly enters the bedroom and looks at the sleeping woman. He ponders his own cowardice at not talking to her and apologizing. He is just unsure what exactly to say to make up for his uncontrolled violation. After he undresses he pauses before climbing under the covers. He is not sure if he can invade her bed. As he stands pondering, her eyes open and look at him.

Buffy: Hi. I was wondering where my warmth was.

He smiles and blows out the lamp before sliding in bed.

Liam: Better?

Buffy: Yes, much.

She snuggles down. Liam listens as her breathing becomes soft and even and then lets it lull him to sleep.


Two weeks later

Willow opens the door as a dripping Liam runs in.

Buffy: Here let me take that coat.

He sits on the kitchen chair and accepts Buffy’s help to remove his soaked boots.

Buffy: Let’s get you in front of the fire. Willow will bring you some hot coffee.

Liam: Thank you.

He moves off to the parlor and drops onto the wide hearth. The heat permeates his chilled flesh.

Buffy: I laid dry clothes on the bed when you are feeling warmer.

They both look over as Willow carries him a steaming cup.

Liam: Oh just what I need. Thank you

He cradles the earthen mug in both hands and savors the warmth. When he looks back up he is alone. He turns to look in the fire and wonders if he will ever feel completely warm again. The fact he and Buffy never discussed the incident seems to hang like an albatross around his shoulders. He can not relax for fear that if he does he will slip again and truly destroy what little he has.

Buffy: You need anything else?

Liam turns and shakes his head.

Liam: I am fine

He rises to his feet.

Liam: But I guess I should change.

Buffy takes the cup from him as he passes by. She watches sadly as his back disappears down the hall. Her eyes fill with unshed tears as she feels the deep ache inside. The last couple of weeks have been spent trying to come to terms with the futility of her feelings. But a piece of her still clings to the dream of a real marriage.

She turns to help Willow set the table for dinner.

Willow: Should I awaken Mrs. Finn?

Buffy: Yes, please.

She turns to see a dry Liam standing in the doorway.

Buffy: We decided a hot bean soap would be a nice start tonight.

Liam smiles.

Liam: Anything hot will be welcome.

He helps her to her seat And turns to assist Cordelia. Liam settles into his chair and watches Willow ladle the steaming food into their bowls.

Liam: Thank you.

Willow: Please be cautious. It maybe too hot.

Buffy nods and Willow departs. They silently say grace and Liam reaches for his spoon. He suddenly drops it and stands up.

Buffy: You…..

He sneezes.

Liam: Excuse me.

He steps from the room and they can hear another sneeze. Buffy rises and steps into the kitchen.

Buffy: Willow, please prepare stones for our bed. I think Master Liam has caught a chill.

Willow: Yes ma’am. Right away.

Buffy returns to the dining room as Liam does.

Buffy: You feeling all right?

Liam: Yes, I am sorry.

He holds out her chair for her and then sits. Buffy watches him slowly start eating before picking up her own spoon.

Cordelia: Has there been any word on the Buffy Anne?

Liam: Not as of yet. But I do not expect her in until the end of next week.

Cordelia nods and looks back at her plate.

Buffy: Is she still heading for England next?

Cordelia: England? Riley can’t go to England. That is too far.

Liam glances at Buffy and she grimaces.

Liam: We have to do it now before the winter sets in.

Cordelia: Well then Captain Summers will just have to go.

Buffy: Father is going. It will take both ships to pick up all we need.

Cordelia: What about that other ship? The Cow Pie.

Buffy: The Calypso is much too small for such a trip.

Cordelia: This is so unfair.

She glares at Liam.

Cordelia: How can you do this to me?

Liam surprises both women by glaring back.

Liam: Cordelia, you would be wise to realize you are here as a guest in our home. You are here by our grace and our goodwill.

Cordelia gasps and jumps up and flees the room. Liam closes his eyes a moment before taking a deep breath and looking at his wife.

Liam: I am sorry.

Buffy: For what? Telling the truth?

Liam: Loosing my temper. I am ashamed you had to bear witness.

Buffy: Don’t be. You said what needed to be. Besides what did she expect attacking an Irishman.

Buffy gives him a smile

Liam: Not all Irishmen have tempers.

Buffy: I know.

They both look up as Willow enters with a platter. She glances at the empty chair.

Buffy: Mrs. Finn was not feeling well.

Willow: Would you like me to clear her place?

Buffy: Yes, please.

Willow serves the chicken and potatoes before removing the place setting.

Liam: You do not think she will come back?

Buffy: I don’t. I will have Willow take her a tray later.

Liam: I am sorry. I should have held my temper.

Buffy: No, you were right. It needed to be said.

Liam: I am still sorry.

Buffy reaches out and pats his hand before picking up her fork. She quickly notices Liam seems to be moving his food more than eating.

Buffy: You do not like it?

Liam: It is fine. I am just not very hungry.

Buffy: Oh well, do you just want to skip to desert. I made the apple cake you always like.

Liam smiles at her.

Liam: Can it keep until tomorrow? I just want to get some sleep.

Buffy: Of course. I will ask Willow to ready the bed.

She scurries out of the room and assist Willow in wrapping the heated stones and placing them under the covers. Then she assists her in heating the linens with the warming pan. They look up to see Liam in the doorway.

Willow: Will there be anything else?

Buffy: I think that will be all. Angel?

Angel: Nothing, thank you.

Willow leaves and closes the door behind her. Buffy looks up at him.

Liam: Buffy, please go finish your meal. I will be okay.

Buffy: Well please let me know if you need anything.

Liam: Just a good nights sleep.

She quietly leaves the room and he readies for bed. He is asleep as soon as his head reaches the pillow.


Later that night, Buffy lies sleeping when she feels a cool draft. She opens her eyes to see Liam moving to sit up. She instinctively grabs the chamber pot under the bed and shoves it at him. He grabs the cool porcelain and clings to it with both hands. Buffy moves behind him and carefully pulls back his loose tendrils of hair. She easily slides the string from his hair and as he begins heaving. She quickly reties his ponytail and slides off the bed.

Buffy lights a lamp before slipping on her quilted robe and skittering in bare feet down the hall and through the kitchen. She taps on the small door in the corner before opening it.

Buffy: Willow, please get dressed. Master Liam has taken ill. Please start the kettle for tea.

Willow: Right away, ma’am.

Buffy opens a low cabinet and pulls out a clean chamber pot before heading back to the bedroom.

She kneels in front of Liam and takes the dirty bowl. He slowly leans back against the pillows and she fixes the covers over him. Buffy walks over and wets a small cloth from the water pitcher. She climbs on the bed and places it on his forehead as Willow enters cautiously .

Buffy: Willow, please clean the chamber pot and bring the tea when it is ready.

She glances at Liam’s pale face.

Buffy: Angel, would you like anything else?

Liam shakes his head slowly without opening his eyes. Buffy nods to Willow, who quietly leaves. Buffy moves her pillow and props up watching him. She can see a fine sheen of sweat glistening his skin and he began pushing at the covers.

Buffy: Angel, don’t. You will get cold.

Liam: It’s too hot.

Buffy: You are just sick.

Liam opens his eyes and stares at her. She frowns and eases back the quilt but leaves him covered in the cotton sheet.

Buffy: If you feel cold, let me know.

Willow walks in with the tray of tea and sets it on the dresser. Buffy walks over and helps her fix a cup.

Buffy: Willow, can you please warm more stones for the bed. I do not want him to chill. And check to make sure the fires are well tended.

Willow: I shall.

She exits as Buffy sits on the bed beside Liam.

Buffy: Do you think you can drink this tea?

Liam: No.

Buffy: Just a little of it?

Liam again opens his eyes.

Buffy: I want to help you.

Liam nods and takes the cup. His hand shakes and she steadies it as he takes a small sip.

Buffy: Little more.

He takes a large drink and then lies back down.

Buffy: Let me know if you want anymore.

Liam: I just want to sleep.

Buffy frowns at his whine and blows out the light before slipping back in bed beside him. She lays staring at the ceiling listening to the small whimpers as he shifts around. Her hand reaches out to lend comfort and feels the heat radiating from his skin. She gently rubs his arm.

Liam: Rote (Too hot).

He begins kicking the covers in frustration.

Liam: Rote.

Buffy: What do you need, Angel?

He tosses the covers way and flips his pillow. Buffy just stares at him in the dark before laying back down.

Liam: Is fuath liom seo (I hate this).

Buffy: Angel, I don’t speak Irish. Do you need something?

Liam: No.

He buries his face in the pillow for a second before scrambling for the basin. Buffy kneels behind him and tries to comfort him as his body spasms. The near dry heaves lessen and she can feels his body begin to shiver. She grabs the quilt and wraps it around his shoulders.

Buffy: Want me to take that?

He nods and hands her the basin and lies down clutching the fabric around his body.

Buffy: I shall return quickly.

She leaves and moments later returns with a clean pot. After setting it beside the bed she crawls in behind him and uses her body to try and share her slight warmth.

Buffy: Think you can sleep?

Liam: Maybe.

Buffy pulls the sheet around them and soon they both drift off for awhile.