Forced into Love

Chapter Twelve


Friday Morning

Liam stands on the dock and runs his hand through his tousled hair and sighs. He turns to the two men on the dock and barks.

Liam: Just put it all on a wagon and I shall take care of it.

The men stare at his unusual gruffness but quickly turn to do his bidding. Liam stomps to his office and flops into the nearest chair. He slams a fist down on the arm in frustration. The latest news just seems to be the topper for his already disastrous week. After two days in bed, he was forced to return to the office and keep the business moving. It was a week of everything going wrong.

And now as the weekend approaches, he was hoping for a little time at home to rest. But he just got word that one of the delivery drivers is laid up in bed from a drunken brawl the evening before. What makes matters worse is his other driver is in a similar condition from the same brawl. According to the reports, they both were enamored of a certain servant at the Inn and decided to use fisticuffs to solve the dilemma. Now he was stuck with two orders that had to be delivered and no delivery men. The men on the ship are no more familiar with the area than he is.

One shipment can wait until next week but the other is already overdue. There is no solution but to take it himself. That is if he can get there without getting completely lost. This week could not possibly get any worse.

He looks up at a knock on the door.

Crewman: We have the shipment loaded sir. Do you need anything else?

Liam: No, thank you. I shall handle it. Are you loading the ship now?

Crewman: Yes, sir. We should be pulling out come dawn.

Liam: Tell the captain I will bring him the manifests in a few minutes.

Crewman: Yes, sir.

He walks out and Liam stretches his tired limbs as he drags his body out of the chair. He grabs both the manifests and the shipping documents for Castle Hayne. He exits and locks up the office.



At the house.

Buffy looks up as Liam enters the front door.

Buffy: You are early. Everything must have gone smoothly.

Liam: Hardly. Seems Thomas and Jeremiah are unable to make deliveries today. They are not feeling well.

Buffy: I am sorry to hear that. Will the shipments wait?

Liam: One will, but I have to get the order to Castle Hayne. The men there have needed the supplies for over a week.

Buffy: I assume you have someone to do it.

Liam: Yes. Me. I just came here to tell you I am not sure when I will be home. I am really not quite sure where I am going to be honest.

Buffy bites her lip and looks at him.

Liam: What is it?

Buffy: I am sorry. I just fear you will not find it on your own.

Liam: Well, I really do not have a choice. I can not find anyone available that knows where it is either.

Buffy smiles.

Buffy: I do.

Liam looks at her.

Buffy: I mean I have been there before. Actually a few times. It is where mother has ordered most the furniture for the house. And well I have been wanting to go there. I wanted to talk to Mr. Temple about a cabinet to match the dining room table. One for all the wonderful china and crystal your family gave us. And I could use a few other items for the house.

Liam: This will take hours.

Buffy: I am sorry. I know this is a business trip but I promise to be quick. I will not slow you down. I promise.

Liam smiles.

Liam: No, I am just not sure if you would be comfortable traveling in the wagon that far. It is not like the buggy.

Buffy: That is not a problem.

She smiles and places her hands on her hips.

Buffy: I am not made of spun glass, you know.

He chuckles at her and smiles.

Liam: I would be very grateful if you would be my guide.

Buffy: My pleasure.

She turns around and moves toward the kitchen. She stops and looks over her shoulder.

Buffy: I need just a couple moments to change and gather a few things. I will have Willow make a basket for us. I won’t be long, I promise.

She darts out of the room before he can speak. He stands staring at where she just was. He slowly realizes he is smiling and all the fatigue of the week has evaporated.


An hour later

The wagon plods along on the sandy trail. Liam glances once more at the small woman bundled in the cape and woolen blanket beside him. He looks at her red cheeks in concern until her eyes twinkle at him.

Buffy: Before you start fussing, I am fine.

Liam: You look so cold.

Buffy: Angel, I am warmer than you since you refuse to share this blanket. And I am not the one who was ill just a few days past.

Liam: Is it wrong I show concern?

Buffy: Not if you allow me to show it also.

She lifts the edge of the blanket and smiles as he shakes his head and slides closer and drapes it over his legs as well. Buffy just smiles as he focuses back on the horses.

Buffy: There will be a place the road divides. You must go away from the river.

Liam: Alright.




Liam slows the horses as they pull into the small craftsman town.

Buffy: That is the Supply Depot

Liam: I see.

He pulls close to the wooden barn and alights from the wagon as a group of men approach.

Liam: I am looking for Joseph Carter.

Joe: You found him. This the supplies from Summers?

Liam: Yes.

Joe: Very Good.

He signals the men to begin unloading the wagon and Liam turns to help Buffy alight.

Joe: Why Miss Summers, you get prettier and prettier every time I lay eyes upon you. I know my boy Harry is going to be pleased to see you.

Liam looks down at the man and moves closer to his wife.

Joe: I was very sorry to hear about your mother. She was a quite a lady, she was.

He glances around.

Joe: Why don’t I find my Harry and see if he can escort you. I know you must have come all this way in the cold to see the craftsmen.

Liam’s jaw flinches and he barely disguises his anger.

Liam: Mr. Carter, I am very capable of escorting Mrs. O’Connor myself, thank you.

Joe: Mrs. O’Connor?

Liam: Yes, Mrs. Liam O’Connor, my wife.

He reaches into the wagon and lifts out a bound journal and removes the shipping papers. Joe looks at Buffy as she stares at Liam.

Liam: I need you sign this. You can sign, can you not?

Buffy’s eyes widen more.

Joe: Yes, I can sign. He takes the papers and quickly adds his signature.

Liam turns to Buffy and holds out his arm.

Liam: My dear.

Buffy lays her hand on his arm and follows his lead without taking her eyes off his scowling face.

Buffy: Angel, what is wrong with you?

Liam: Pardon?

Buffy: You are not customarily so rude.

Liam: I do not customarily have men insult my wife by throwing a man at her as if she was a common strumpet.

Buffy stops in the middle of the road in shock.

Buffy: Angel, you can not believe he meant it that way.

Liam raises an eyebrow at her.

Buffy: If I didn’t know better I would think you were acting like a jealous husband.

The eyebrow once again crawled toward his hairline.

Liam: Have I any reason to be jealous?

Buffy looks him in the eye.

Buffy: I can not believe you would ask me that.

She turns around and flounces off. Liam stands there watching her move down the street wondering what just happened. He glances over at the men unloading the wagon before hurrying after her. He catches up as she enters the carpenter’s shop.

Liam: Buffy, I didn’t….

They both turn to see Mr. Temple approach from the back of the building.

Mr. Temple: Good day, folks.

Buffy: Hello, Mr. Temple.

Mr. Temple looks at her and smiles.

Mr. Temple: Why Miss Summers, I almost did not recognize you.

Buffy glances warily at Liam.

Buffy: Well it is Mrs. O’Connor now.

She glances at Liam and he steps forward and extends his hand.

Liam: Liam O’Connor.

Mr. Temple: Nice to meet you, sir.

Liam: I feel the same.

Mr. Temple: So what can I do for you today.

Liam: My wife is interested in a cabinet for the dining room.

Buffy: We want it to match the table you made for my mother.

Mr. Temple: I understand. Let me get my records so I can refresh my memory.

He steps to the back and Buffy walks off and begins to explore the shop. Liam just watches her slow progress until the proprietor approaches.

Mr. Temple: I see you discovered the blankets.

Buffy: They are exquisite. Were they made here?

Mr. Temple: No, they are actually from Ireland.

He glances over at Liam and smiles.

Mr. Temple: I took those in trade from a young couple who had just arrived here. I figured eventually I would find someone who would want them.

Buffy: They are very soft.

Liam: Probably made from the stomach wool.

Buffy looks over her shoulder at him.

Liam: The wool from the stomach of the sheep is the softest.

Buffy nods.

Buffy: Well they are very pretty. I am sure you will have no problem finding a buyer.

She glances at the journal in the carpenter’s hands and walks over.

Mr. Temple: I found the information on the table.

As he and Buffy discuss the cabinet, Liam glances around the shop and examines the carved trunks. He is only vaguely listening to the discussion as he admires the artistry.

Buffy: Liam?

He turns and smiles.

Liam: Are you done?

Buffy: Do you want to approve our ideas?

Liam walks over and Mr. Temple begins explaining the design and costs. As they finish, Liam glances at Buffy across the room and smiles. He lowers his voice to a whisper.

Liam: I want the two blankets.

Mr. Temple: Both of them?

Liam: Yes.

Mr. Temple: They remind you of home?

Liam: I guess.

He glances at Buffy again.

Liam: But my wife seems taken with them.

Mr. Temple: Are they a gift?

Liam: Most definitely.

Mr. Temple: Well I can wrap them and place them in your buggy if you would like.

Liam: Thank you. Our wagon is at the depot. We are here delivering the supplies. Could you place them in the box under the seat?

Mr. Temple: I will have it taken care of, sir.

Buffy walks up and smiles. As she walks out she glances once more at the shop owner and he nods.

Liam escorts her to each craftsman’s shop and watches as she methodically picks out crockery, baskets, bowls, and wooden spoons. As they exit the last shop on the whirlwind shopping excursion, he stops and looks down at her.

Liam: I have never seen a woman so certain of what she wanted before.

Buffy: Pardon?

Liam: My mother and sister, actually all women I have ever known seem to take forever to decide what it is they want. But you seem sure of everything you want and do not hesitate at all.

Buffy looked away down the street so he could not see the longing in her eyes for the one thing she knew she truly wanted.

Buffy: Why waste time? I knew what we needed, and besides I promised you I would not delay us.

Liam: Buffy, I thought you knew I was not concerned about the time. Take what time you truly need.

Buffy glances up.

Buffy: I just thought we should return before the storm.

Liam looks up and at the sky.

Liam: I do not see any clouds?

Buffy: You will. Trust me.

Liam looks down at her and smiles.

Liam: I do.

Buffy glances down the street toward the supply depot and the wagon.

Buffy: Oh I am sure….that was so evident from your display with Joe earlier

Liam sighs.

Liam: I never said I did not trust you. Men are another story.

Buffy: Angel, I married you. I wear your ring. And you know I take that seriously.

Liam: I know.

Buffy: So you will not attack Joe again?

Liam: I won’t.

He holds out his arm and escorts her to the wagon. Liam assists her into the seat and assures that the purchases are secured before climbing to his seat.

Joe: Mr. O’Connor, be careful. I fear a bad storm is coming.

Buffy lays her hand calmly on Liam’s arm.

Liam: I shall be, sir.

He waves good bye and they take off back out of town. Buffy gathers the blanket over their legs and burrows under her cape.

Liam: It is getting colder.

Buffy: Storm is getting closer.

Liam: Do you think we have time?

Buffy: It is difficult to tell.

They both become silent as Liam urges the horses to quicken their pace.


An hour later.

Buffy and Liam continue to stare at the black cloud that seems to consume the sky ahead.

Liam: We may need to find shelter.

Buffy: I know. There is an old house along here somewhere. It is set back off the road. Not sure how dry it would be.

Liam: Better than out here in the open.

They both keep their eyes open for the small stone building as the horses begin resisting the demands to hurry. Buffy jumps at a distant clap of thunder.

Buffy: I don’t see it. I hope it has not been removed.

Large drops begin to pelt the couple, horses, and wagon. Liam maneuvers the blanket over their heads in an vain attempt to block some of the icy water. But in mere moments they are trapped in a giant deluge. Liam pulls Buffy close and tries to protect her as he strains to see through the blinding rain. Buffy tips her head to peer under his arm in an attempt to help.

Buffy: Can you see the road?

Liam: Barely. Here take the reins.

He hands them to her before jumping to the ground and moving to calm and lead the horses. Buffy scans the roadside hoping to make out some shape.

Suddenly a bright clap of lightening causes the horses to shy. Liam grips their harnesses in his hands and struggles to keep them under control.

Buffy: Angel, up ahead!

Liam turns to look toward the gray wall of water then back to her.

Buffy: In the light, I saw the cottage! It is just up ahead!

She points and he turns and trudges forward with the team trying to see through the wet curtain. His clothes cling to his muscular frame as he moves forward until his feet crunch on gravel. Liam kicks his foot and feels the remnants of stones embedded in the dirt. He strains his eyes across the ground and makes out the traces of an old road. He hunches farther under his coat and leads the horses toward what he hopes is shelter. His skin is aching from the icy water and he is consumed with concern for Buffy.

Liam soon sighs as he feels the torrent reduced by nearby trees. He now make out the shape of small gray stone shack. He would never consider anything that small a cottage or even a cabin. He hurries closer and is please to see a small over hang to protect the horses. He quickly ties them to a rusted loop embedded in the stone and scurries to help Buffy from the wagon.

Liam: Go inside. I just want to see to the horses.

Buffy nods and rushes toward the wooden door. It opens with ease and she peers through the dark murky space until she spies the fireplace. She glances around the room and finds the remnants on an old bed frame and chair. Further examination reveals accumulations of straw in two corners and beside the stone hearth. Buffy cautiously examines them to assure the animals that made the nests are no longer in occupancy.

By the time Liam steps inside Buffy has stacked the straw and an accumulation of pine cones in the fireplace.

Liam: Preparing for a fire?

Buffy: I thought we might be stuck here for a while.

Liam: I think you are right.

He pulls a small leather pouch from his soaked coat and dumps out his tinder box.

Buffy: Is it wet?

Liam: No, it is fine.

Buffy stands with her arms wrapped around her wet frozen body as she watches him carefully start the fire. As the smoke begins to swirl upward, Buffy hands him two small logs.

Buffy: This is all I could find.

She looks over at the broken bed frame.

Buffy: Except that.

Liam: It will be fine.

He blows on the fire and soon the flames flare up and he holds out his hands for moment. Buffy moves closer and kneels beside him. Their shoulders brush as they both crouch close to the fire. Liam feels her tremble and wraps his arm around her shoulders. He pulls her closer toward the heat.

Liam: I am sorry for this.

Buffy looks at him.

Buffy: It is not your fault. I did not see the storm before we left home either.

He feels her shiver again.

Liam: Buffy, we need to get you warm and dry.

Buffy: The fire is helping. We will dry some eventually.

Liam: You can not sit here in this soaked clothing.

Buffy looks around the barren room.

Buffy: There does not seem to be another option. There is not even an old sheet on the bed. Not that it is really even a bed anymore.

Liam nods and then smiles before standing up and heading for the door.

Buffy: Angel, you are not going back out there?

Liam: I will be only be a moment.

He darts out the door before she can speak. He moves quickly and stays close to the house and under the small overhanging shelter until he reaches the horses. He makes sure they are secure in the small area blocked in by the building and wagon. Then he climbs up into the wagon and cracks open the storage under the seat. He sighs as he sees no water inside. He looks oddly at the small wooden object and then smiles before lifting it up and grabbing the two blankets. He rolls them tightly and darts under the cover and back into the house.

Buffy looks up as he enters.

Buffy: Why did you….

He holds up the two large colorful woven pieces of wool.

Buffy: The blankets? Where did you… bought them?

Liam: I was going to give them to you at home.

Buffy: You bought them for me?

Liam: Yes.

Buffy: That is very sweet. Thank you.

He walks closer and smiles down at her.

Liam: Now please wrap up in these dry blankets before you take ill.

Liam drapes them over the back of the chair and looks at her unmoving frame.

Liam: Please.

Buffy: I am..

He suddenly looks contrite and turns to look into the fireplace. He listens to the sounds of sodden fabric hit the floor and the shuffle of feet. He can imagine what is going on behind him and closes his eyes but is only bestowed with more vivid images. His hands clinch in fists as the full frustration hits him.

Light footsteps approach from behind him and he glances up to see his wife swathed in a green and purple patterned cocoon.

Liam: Come get closer to the fire.

She kneels beside him.

Buffy: Your turn.

Liam: What?

Buffy: You need to get dry too.

He glances over and see the blue and red blanket still draped over the chair.

Liam: I will be fine.

Buffy: And last weekend?

He looks at her determined face before scrambling to his feet and divesting himself quickly of his cold, wet outfit.

Once ensconced in the soft wool he takes time to spread the clothing out in hopes it will dry more quickly. Then he breaks all four fat legs from the bed and carries them over to the fire. He lays them on the hearth and sits back down.

Liam: That should be enough until morning. If not I will just break the chair.

Buffy silently nods.

Liam: You getting warmer?

Buffy: Yes.

He slides closer and she leans her head against his shoulder.

Liam: Are you tired?

Buffy: I am, a little.

Liam: I think we both should try and rest until the storm passes.

He lays two bed legs on the fire and then smiles as she curls up on the floor facing the small heat source. He hesitantly lays behind her and spoons his body against hers.

Liam: I want you to stay warm

Buffy: I know.

She turns her head and looks up into his face.

Buffy: I want to apologize again for delaying you.

Liam frowns.

Liam: You did not delay me. And if you had not come, I may still be lost out her looking for the town.

Buffy giggles and then reaches her hand up to brush a stray lock of hair from his face. She pauses as a strange disquiet spreads over his face. She follows his eyes to her exposed breast and flushes bright red. Unable to move under his eerie gaze, she closes her eyes.



(BETA DISCLAIMER: I have no control over where the author decides to end a chapter. Any complaints should be directed to her.)