Forced into Love

Chapter Three


Buffy sits at the kitchen table watching as Willow places the metal tub in front of the stove.

Willow: While we wait for the water to heat, would you like some tea?

Buffy: Yes, please.

Willow pulls out a tea cup and saucer from the cabinet. She takes out the tin of tea leaves and reaches for the cloth sack of sugar. She frowns at the hard rock of sugar.

Willow: The sugar is ruined.

Buffy: I knew it would be. Don’t worry we will buy more when we go shopping.

Willow: But your tea.

Buffy: Will be okay.

They both startle at the knocking on the front door. Willow scurries to answer. She glances down at the ten year old boy perched on the front porch clutching a covered basket.

Willow: Well hello Colin.

Colin: My mother saw your windows open and assumed you to be home. She figured your cupboards would be a bit bare.

Willow: She would be correct.

She takes the offering from his hands.

Buffy: What is it Willow?

Buffy peers over Willow’s shoulder.

Buffy: Hello Colin.

Willow: Colin brought you a gift from his mother.

Buffy: That was very nice of her.

Colin: It is just bread and fresh churned butter.

Buffy: Oh that sounds wonderful. Thank you and please tell your mother we appreciate her kindness.

Colin: I will. Uh, Miss Buffy?

Buffy: Yes.

Colin: Are you okay? You are not sick like your mother was are you?

Buffy: No I am not sick. It was just an unpleasant trip.

Colin: Okay, just so long as you are okay.

Buffy: I am.

Colin: Well I best be getting home. Mother will want me to watch the little ones.

Buffy: Well thank you again.

Colin: You’re welcome.

He bounds off the porch ignoring the steps completely.

Willow: He still has feelings for you, ma’am.

Buffy: He is sweet but I think a bit too young for me.

Willow: Besides you are now spoken for.

Buffy: I guess I am.

Willow helps her back to the kitchen. She quickly fixes a slice of bread with the sweet creamy butter and a cup of tea. As Buffy sits nibbling, Willow proceeds to fill the tub. She glances up to see Buffy scrunch her nose up at the bitter tea. She stands pondering a second until an idea comes to mind.

Willow opens the far cabinet and pulls out a small tin and takes it to the table.

Willow: This may make it better.

She pulls out a small white candy.

Buffy: Mother’s peppermint confections?

Willow: These are pure sugar.

She drops one into the hot tea and it quickly dissolves. Buffy looks apprehensive as she lifts it to her mouth. She smiles her approval.

Buffy: The peppermint is actually quite good. Try it yourself.

Willow: I will. But your bath is ready. You should partake before it gets cold.

Buffy: I am not going to argue.

Willow assures the doors and curtains are secure before helping her mistress to undress and step into the steamy water. Willow holds out the rag and a bar of soap.

Buffy: That is the soap father brought from France. It is for special occasions.

Willow: I think this qualifies.

Buffy: I would have to agree.

She takes the lightly scented soap and washes away the two months of sweat and salt spray. She sighs in contentment. Willow sits with her tea and bread.

Willow: Let me know when you are ready for your hair.

Buffy: I am now.

Willow walks over as Buffy dunks under the shallow water, drenching her long tresses. As she sits up Willow lathers her hands and works the soap through the filthy locks. Buffy sighs again in pure pleasure.

Buffy: Never knew bathing would be so wonderful.

Willow stands up and retrieves the remaining warm water and rinses the hair thoroughly.

Willow: Can I get you anything else?

Buffy: No I am fine. Please prepare for your own bath.

Willow: That I shall, ma’am.

She sets about warming more water on the stove. Buffy steps from the tub and quickly dries herself. Willow assist her into clean undergarments and a silk robe.

Willow: Why don’t you lie down while I bathe.

Buffy: You will be fine alone?

Willow: I shall.

Buffy: Please come get me as soon as you are done. We have much to do at the market today.

Willow: Yes, ma’am.




Buffy and Willow walk down Market Street. They smile and greet their various friends and acquaintances.

Willow: No one would know that yesterday you were so ill.

Buffy: I’m still not strong, but I do feel much improved.

Willow: You look wonderful. And as I said before, there will be much envy at your slender figure.

Buffy: You can always find the silver in the rain cloud.

Willow: I do what I can.

Buffy: So we have the flour, sugar, and milk being delivered.

Willow: And the butcher will send by the salted pork for tomorrow.

Buffy: We will get the eggs before we head home. We need potatoes

Willow: There are a few left in your mother’s garden.

Buffy: We will just go by the produce market.

She turns and smiles at Willow.

Buffy: Apples. I bet he has apples. I could make an apple pie.

Willow: I thought you were making a cake.

Buffy: I was but a pie sounds nice. Oh now I am not sure which sounds better.

Willow: Which would Master Liam prefer?

Buffy: I have no idea.

Willow: Well you have plenty of time to learn.

Buffy stops and stares at Willow.

Buffy: This is it. He is going to be with me the rest of my life. Oh heavens.

Willow: Yes, ma’am he is.

Buffy: Everyday. I am married. I have a husband.

Willow: You do.

Buffy looks down at the ground for a moment in thought.

Buffy: I have not had a chance to realize what all it means.

Willow: I guess you haven’t.

Buffy: I don’t know anything about him.

Willow: You know he is compassionate and caring.

Buffy: He is. But what else.

Willow: He is determined and strong. You know the way he demanded what he wanted for you.

Buffy: I guess.

Willow: He is very good looking.

Buffy: That goes without saying I would think.

Willow: You could do much worse.

Buffy: I know that.

Willow: It will take time but I believe it will work out.

Buffy: More silver in the cloud?

Willow: Of course.

Buffy: Well we better complete our shopping.

They move on and enter the next shop. Buffy stops and smells all the enticing aromas.

Buffy: This place always make me hungry.

Willow: Me as well.

Buffy: So we need both tea and coffee. And of course spices.

Willow: You need to find out if Master Liam prefers tea or coffee.

Buffy: There is a lot to find out.

Willow: You will.

They both turn as the door opens. They watch the two ladies enter.

Katherine: Well look who has returned from her trip.

Buffy: Hello Mrs. Madison. Hello Amy.

Amy: Hello. We did not expect you back so soon. How was England?

Buffy: Actually we went to Ireland, not England.

Amy wrinkles her nose.

Amy: That is awful.

Katherine: What city my dear?

Buffy: Galway.

Katherine: Oh they have the most wonderful crystal and silver there. I hope you did plenty of shopping.

Buffy: Actually there was little time.

Amy: You must come by and tell me absolutely everything.

They all stop as the door opens again. Amy stares at the newcomer.

Amy whispers: He is quite handsome.

She watches as he strolls over to the shopkeeper behind the counter.

Katherine whispers: And his clothing shows he is well statured.

Amy (w): I wonder who he is.

Neither of them notice Buffy as she approaches the striking male. She reaches from behind him and tentatively places her left hand on his left arm. He glances down at the hand and the band of silver and blue.

Katherine: What on earth is the child doing?

Amy: She touched him.

Katherine: If her mother was still alive she would be mortified.

Liam turns toward Buffy. He freezes as he stares down at the living goddess before him. He is mesmerized by her hair of spun gold that flows from her head and down over her shoulders. The emerald green dress dances like her eyes. The cut of the gown reveals her curves and the hint of her womanly breasts. He has to draw his eyes back to her face before he responds to the temptation to see if they feel as wonderful as they appear.

Liam: Buffy?

Buffy: Yes.

He mentally shakes himself from his shock.

Liam: What are you doing out? I would think you would be resting.

Buffy: There is no food at the house. We are shopping.

Liam: Oh, well your father asked me to come down and meet some of the merchants.

Buffy: Oh, I see. Well I won’t keep you I just wanted to ask a couple of questions.

Liam turns to the shop keeper.

Liam: Excuse us a moment.

They move to walk away a few steps but Buffy stumbles slightly. Liam reaches out his hand and steadies her. With his hand still on her back he leans over.

Liam: You sure you should be about?

Buffy: I am fine. I just seem to find all the loose planks.

Liam glances down and sees the offending spot.

Liam: I will be sure and tell the proprietor to fix that.

Neither one of them notice the scandalized looks from Katherine and Amy. The ladies stare as Liam and Buffy continue talking.

Liam: He would not want someone to be injured.

Buffy: I agree.

Liam drops his hand and looks at her.

Liam: You had questions for me?

Buffy: Yes. Well I realized there is much I do not know about what you like.

Liam: Okay.

Buffy: Well do you prefer tea or coffee?

Liam: Coffee. But I also drink tea. What else?

Buffy: Cake or pie?

Liam: What?

Buffy: Well I can not decide between baking a cake or an apple pie. So I wondered which you like.

Liam: Both. I like most sweets.

Buffy: No preferences.

Liam: No, ma’am.

Buffy: Okay.

Liam: What else do you want to know?

Buffy: Uh that is it for now. But I may have more questions later.

Liam: Well just ask.

Buffy: Well I have kept you from your work long enough. I will well see you later I guess.

Liam: You will.

She turns to leave.

Liam: Buffy?

Buffy turns back to him.

Liam: You look nice.

Buffy: Thank you. A great improvement over the last few months.

Liam: No more boats.

Buffy: No more boats.

She smiles and walks over to Willow smiling. She never notices as Katherine and Amy hustle out of the door.

Willow: I think you started a scandal.

Buffy: A what?

Willow: The Madisons were quite horrified by your brazen behavior with the strange handsome gentleman.

Buffy: You are not serious?

Willow: I am.

Buffy: Well I am not concerned. They will hear of the marriage and it will not be important.

Willow: I suppose.

Buffy: Well let us finish shopping.

Willow: So what do we need?

Buffy: Well I did find he prefers coffee.

Willow: Then I will get that.

Buffy: Thank you.

Willow: Did he tell you any other preferences?

Buffy: He likes most sweets. Oh and he said I looked nice.

Willow: He did? That is wonderful.

Buffy: I guess it is.



At the House

Willow moves around setting plates on the dining table as the back door opens.

Hank: Hello, where is Buffy?

Willow: She just went to lie down, sir.

Hank: Well we are bringing in the trunks.

Willow: I will tell her.

She scurries down the hall and lightly knocks before opening the bedroom door. She steps into the dark room.

Willow: Miss, are you asleep?

Buffy: No, do you need help?

Willow: Master Hank and Master Liam are home and they are bringing in the trunks.

Buffy: Oh, okay.

She stands up and moves to light the oil lamp on the dresser. As she turns around she sees Liam’s broad shoulders filling the doorway. He glances around the room as he carries one end of the trunk inside. Buffy blushes as she feels his subtle appraisal of her private domain.

Hank: Buffy, you look much better.

Buffy: I am improving, thank you.

Hank: I am pleased to hear that.

He turns to Liam.

Hank: Well let’s get the other trunks. It smells like there is a wonderful meal awaiting us.

Liam nods and follows him out. Buffy moves into the kitchen and helps Willow set the table as she watches the men carry in each trunk.

When the last trunk is set, the men enter the kitchen.

Buffy: Father.

Hank takes the offered ceramic pitcher of water.

Hank: Thank you my dear.

He leaves the room.

Buffy: Angel?

Liam: Thank you, Buffy.

Buffy: There should be a cloth on the wash stand. And soap. If you need anything please let me know.

Liam: I am fine.

He walks down the hall and into the bedroom. He takes a moment to look around the space. There is one window which is covered by creamy ruffled curtains. There is a dresser adorned with a lace scarf on which sits an ornately carved wooden box, a silver handled brush, comb and hand mirror . Closer inspections shows a cameo broach, tortoise shell combs, and a pearl necklace. Another wall bears a massive armoire and a matching high boy. In the corner is an cheval mirror in which he stops and stares at his own reflection for a moment.

He finally lets his eyes rest on the bed. Fabric matching the window curtains is draped from each post and along the canopy rails. The mattress is covered in a quilt of pastel shades and resting upon the pillows is a well worn rag doll. He sighs as he again tries to accept that this is his new life.

He carries the pitcher over to the wash stand in front of the window. He pours some in the basin and reaches up and pulls back the curtain. He watches as Buffy scurries across the yard to the small wooden structure. She slips in and closes the door behind her. He drops the curtain and begins to wash up.

He slips on a clean shirt before returning to the kitchen. He stands in the doorway as Willow stirs the pot on the stove. Hank stands watching.

Hank: There you are son.

Liam darts his eyes in irritation at the familiar term. Conflict is avoided as Buffy enters the back door. Buffy flushes as she feels Liam’s eyes on her. She moves quickly to wash for dinner. She turns back to the men.

Hank: Shall we?

Buffy nods and they walk into the dining room. Liam helps to seat her at one end of the table. Hank takes the opposing chair. Liam lowers himself to Buffy’s side. Willow steps in and quietly serves the soup and pours water into the glasses.

Liam glances at the soup. Potatoes float around with what appears to be chicken and vegetables.

Buffy: It is blue crab soup. I hope you like it.

Liam nods and taste it. He smiles at her

Liam: I do like it.

Buffy: I am glad.

Hank watches the tentative interaction curiously.

Hank: I hope they delivered the horses today.

Buffy: They did.

Hank: Good. I did not want to walk to mass in the morning.

Liam glances at the Hank in surprise.

Hank: I will need to introduce you to a few of the local farmers.

Liam nods and turns back to finish his soup. Willow steps in and begins to clear the bowls and serves the lightly breaded fried fish and green beans. Buffy tastes hers and smiles.

Buffy: Mmmmm. Delicious.