Forced into Love

Chapter Four


Willow eases the flannel gown over Buffy’s head.

Willow: There you are, ma’am.

Buffy: Thank you.

Willow picks up the silver brush and begins smoothing out the golden mane.

Willow: Do you want me to braid your hair, ma’am?

Buffy: No, thank you. Just leave it loose.

Willow: Very well. Do you need anything else?

Buffy: Nothing. You can go on to bed.

Willow: Good night, ma’am

Buffy: Good night, Willow.

Willow leaves the room and Buffy sits on the edge of the bed. She fingers the edge of the comforter nervously as she takes deep cleansing breaths. She turns and fluffs her pillow before laying down and pulling the crisp sheet and quilt over her body. She lays staring at the ceiling and listens to the sounds throughout the house. She can hear her father’s bed creaking. She can also hear the sounds emanating from the kitchen.

She strains to hear what is happening but it is too faint until she distinguishes the familiar sound of the back door shutting. Then comes the steady tread of feet down the hall. She moves her gaze to the door as it opens. She holds her breath as Liam steps in and closes the door. Her heart skips a beat as she looks down at his legs. She had seen his bare feet on board ship but this was the first time he was not covered by his stockings. She tried not to stare at his naked calves and moved her gaze upward. She could see the very bottoms of his under drawers covering his knees. The rest was covered by his white linen shirt. She blushed at the intimacy of his presence.

Liam places his pocket watch and coin on the dresser next to her combs and pearls. He lightly fingers the dress of the rag doll sitting on the wooden box.

Buffy: Mrs. Gordon.

He turns to her in surprise.

Liam: Pardon?

Buffy: The doll. Her name is Mrs. Gordon.

Liam smiles.

Buffy: I never was into baby dolls. I preferred a friend.

Liam: Was she a good friend?

Buffy: She never told my secrets.

Liam: I see.

He lays his clothes across the trunk.

Buffy: Sorry, I have not put everything away.

Liam: It has been a hectic day.

She shifts under his gaze.

Liam: Buffy, why don’t I sleep on the floor.

Buffy: What?

Liam: This is your room and I want you to feel comfortable.

Buffy sits up and looks at him.

Buffy: Angel, I cannot expect you to sleep on the floor. It is hard and cold.

Liam: I have slept on worse.

Buffy: I can not oppose your decision if it is your choice. Although it is not necessary. There is a quilt in the bottom of the armoire.

Liam opens the two doors and reaches in for the quilt. Buffy hands him a pillow and he settles on the floor. She snuffs out the lamp beside the bed.

Buffy: Angel?

Liam: Yes?

Buffy: Nothing.

They both lay silently staring at the ceiling.


Early morning.

There is a light rapping on the door. Liam and Buffy both sit up and look at each other. He moves quickly to his feet and tosses the blanket and the pillow on the bed before moving to the door. He hears muffled giggles as he cracks open the door and looks into the timid face.

Willow: Sorry to disturb you sir, but I was wondering if Madam was ready to dress.

Liam: Of course. Give me a moment please.

Willow: Yes sir.

Liam closes the door and turns back to Buffy who is sitting with her hand over her mouth trying to stifle her laughter.

Liam: What is so humorous?

Buffy takes a deep breath to regain her composure.

Buffy: Sorry, sir but you moved like a rabbit avoiding the hunter.

Liam: You find my actions funny?

Buffy: I find them very funny?

He stands glaring then cracks a broad grin.

Liam: I suppose I must have looked a bit odd.

Buffy: Uh huh………a bit.

She begins a new fit of giggles. He smiles at her for a moment before turning and opening one of his trunks. He flips through his clothing. He picks out a waistcoat, breeches, cravat and stockings.

He glances around and sees no chair and moves to sit on the empty side of the bed. Buffy nervously sits watching as he slips his stockings up and fastens them. She turns away as he stands and slides on his breeches. He walks over to the large mirror and she watches as he knots his cravat and slips on his waist coat. He reaches in the trunk and pulls out his coat and places it over his arm before extracting his hat.

He turns toward her.

Buffy: You look very dapper.

Liam: I must do my best if I am to escort a pretty lady to church.

Buffy blushes.

Liam: I will let Willow attend your needs now.

He steps out and moments later Willow comes flitting in.

Willow: So what shall it be today?

Buffy: I don’t know.

Willow: Might I suggest the dark blue silk? I think it would go nicely with the handsome outfit Master Liam is wearing.

Buffy: It is a bit tight.

Willow: Not anymore. It should fit perfectly.

Buffy’s face lights up and she smiles.

Buffy: Father will have a fit when he sees it. He was quite upset when mother allowed me to have the bodice cut so low.

Willow: You are now a married lady and do you believe Master Liam will object?

Buffy: One way the find out.

Willow begins pulling out the gown and undergarments.



Buffy steps out of the room dressed. Willow has pulled her hair up off her neck and secured it with combs. A few stray tendrils hang down. She walks in the living room and both men stand and stare.

Hank: I thought you got rid of that dress.

Buffy: No sir.

Liam: Well, I think you look very nice.

Buffy: Thank you.

He holds out his arm and she places her hand on it before they step into the dining room. Hank follows with his eyes narrowed. Liam helps her to sit and Willow serves the light breakfast.




Hank pulls the buggy up across the street from the church.

Hank: Liam, please escort the ladies while I tether the horses.

Liam jumps down and assists first Buffy and then Willow to the ground. Hank pulls away and Liam holds his arm for Buffy and they trio move across the street and into the wide yard of the church. Various parishioners scatter about socializing. Liam leads them onto the grass and glances around. Buffy slows her steps.

Liam: Is something wrong?

Buffy: Uh no I just…..

Liam: What?

Buffy: I have not been here since the funeral.

Liam: Whose funeral?

Buffy: Mother’s. We had the funeral on Monday and father and I left on Saturday.

Liam: I am sorry. I did not know her death was so recent.

Buffy nods but straightens her back and smiles.

Buffy: I’ll be okay.

Liam smiles down at her and neither one notices the pointed looks from the members of the congregation.

Willow: Ma’am.

Buffy turns and looks at her.

Buffy: Yes?

Willow: Here comes Gwendolyn Post.

Buffy looks over as the society matron approaches with a stern look on her face.

Buffy: Looks like my dress is not well appreciated.

Liam: I see nothing wrong with it.

Miss Post steps up to Buffy.

Miss Post: I can not believe you would have the courage to show your face in church today. If your mother were alive, your brazen actions would destroy her.

Liam glares at her.

Liam: Now just one moment.

Miss Post: Do not deign to speak to me you impudent fop.

Her wrath turns back to Buffy quickly.

Miss Post: To think I was prepared for you to wed my nephew Jonathan. I am glad I learned your true nature in time.

She turns and strides off. Liam steps after her but Buffy stops him with her hand.

Buffy: Don’t.

Liam: What?

Buffy: It will only make it worse.

They glance about at the spectators.

Buffy: I am not believing this.

Liam: Me either.

Willow: Ma’am.

They both look at her.

Willow: I do not believe this has anything to do with your dress, ma’am.

Buffy: Then what?

Willow: I believe your answer lies with the Madisons.

Buffy glances over where Willow is looking.

Buffy: But why?

Willow: The incident in the Spice Shoppe yesterday.

Buffy: When I spoke to Angel?

Willow: And when he placed his hand upon your person.

Liam: I what?

Buffy: When I tripped?

Willow: I did not notice you trip.

Liam: She did. On a loose plank.

Buffy: So now I am scarlet woman because I allowed Angel to steady me? This is ridiculous.

Buffy glances around the yard and realizes everyone is gawking at the trio.

Liam: Buffy, it will be fine.

Buffy: I hate gossip.

Willow: I do to. But it will be over when everyone learns the entire truth.

Buffy: Truth never travels as fast as falsehoods.

Liam: Not usually. Would you ladies excuse me a moment?

Buffy: What?

He nods toward the back of the church and she sees the wooden structure.

Buffy: We shall be fine.

He walks off and Willow continues to try and find the silver in the cloud.

Liam strides across the lawn with purpose and rounds the back of the church and heads past the outhouse and toward the rectory. He approaches the door and knocks soundly. Moments later the door opens and Liam looks down at him.

Liam: Father, can I speak to you a moment.

Father Gabriel: I am sorry son, I am headed to mass. Can it not wait?

Liam: Actually it can’t. It is very important we speak first. It won’t take but a moment.

Father Gabriel: I see.

He steps aside and Liam enters the home.



Minutes later Liam returns to Buffy’s side.

Liam: Sorry I was longer than expected.

Buffy: It is okay. They are just now assembling inside.

Liam: Have you seen your father?

Buffy: He has probably found someone to talk business as usual.

Liam nods.

Buffy: We do not need to wait for him. He may never make it.

Liam purses his lips and holds out his arms. They both notice the stares and looks as they approach the church entrance. More pointed looks follow them as they move down the aisle. Buffy nods to a nearly empty pew. Each genuflects before sitting. Willow slides in followed by Buffy. Liam takes the protective aisle seat.

Buffy stares at her hands, unable to continue to face the numerous looks. Liam leans toward her ear.

Liam (whispers) : It will be okay.

Buffy nods and sits twisting her ring around and around her finger. She suddenly notices the congregation rise as the priest enters. They stand there and she soon forgets her anger and fear as she gets wrapped up in the familiar rituals. She even smiles as Liam kneels beside her during the holy communion. She begins to realize that it does not really matter what others think as long as she knows the truth.

As the Priest finishes the service, he stands before the congregation.

Father Gabriel: I am glad to see so many of you here today. I am very happy to see Captain Summers and his daughter made it back from their voyage safely. I understand they went to Galway, Ireland on this trip. And before all the ladies go asking what wonderful silver and crystal she brought back, I understand there wasn’t any. She brought back something far more interesting. Many of you may have noticed the fine looking gentleman to her right. His name is Liam O’Connor. It seems while in Ireland, our little lady got married. I would like to congratulate the couple and welcome Liam to the congregation.

There is a slow murmur moving through the church. Buffy looks at Liam and he answers her wordless question with a smile. She smiles back and after a moment they turn back to listen to the Priest continue the announcements. Everyone stands for the closing prayer. Father Gabriel steps from the altar and moves down the aisle and out the door. The members move slowly outside but Liam silently signals the ladies to wait. When the final person step outside Buffy turns to Liam.

Buffy: What are we doing?

Liam: Making an exit. Make them wait and wonder what they will say.

Willow: They may leave.

Liam: They won’t. Their curiosity will not let them.

Buffy: You think so?

Liam: Watch.

He holds out his arm and they move down the aisle and out the door.

Father Gabriel: There you are. I was hoping I had not missed you.

Liam: Sorry, sir.

Buffy looks around to see everyone watching them. A number of men are surrounding her father and talking.

Father Gabriel: Buffy, I am sorry your mother is not here to share this with. She would be very pleased.

Buffy: Thank you.

Father Gabriel: Well I should let you go. Looks like your friends would like to meet your husband and share their congratulations.

Liam: Thank you, Father.

Liam holds out his arm and Buffy places her hand firmly on it before they descend the steps. She glances around nervously. She plasters on a smile as a group of young women approach.

Harmony: I have to ask where you found this one and does he have a brother.

Liam smiles: I don’t. Just a younger sister.

Buffy looks at Liam in surprise realizing how much she doesn’t know about him. They stand taking the various words of best wishes and congratulations. The crowd slowly thins out and Buffy sighs.

Liam: You ready to go home?

Buffy: Would you be adverse to meeting two more people?

Liam: Of course not.

Buffy nods toward a couple standing near the outskirts of the people still milling about. Liam walks over with her. As they travel, she discusses the couple

Buffy: That is Rupert Giles and his wife Jenny. He runs the Stationary Store. He was the fourth son of a Baron and after his oldest brother had his third son, he knew there was no future for him in England. He married Jenny, whose father is a doctor. She is a midwife.

Liam: And this Englishman is a friend of yours?

Buffy: He and Jenny both are. Mother and I both attend his shop quite often to order new tomes.

Liam: You read?

Buffy: Anything I can.

They get close to the other couple.

Giles: Hello.

He holds out his hand and Liam takes it cautiously.

Giles: Mr. O’Connor, I would like to congratulate you on winning the heart and hand of a wonderful young woman.

Liam: Thank you.

Giles: Buffy, I am very pleased for you and I know your mother would be also.

Buffy nods.

Giles: If you are still interested, I was able to procure copies of the novels you wanted.

Buffy: I am interested. I will try to come by tomorrow.

Giles: I will have them waiting.

Jenny: I would also like to extend my congratulations. I look forward to providing to your needs.

Buffy blushes vividly at the delicate comment. Giles and Liam stare at her open candor.

Jenny: I was referring to the literary needs.

Giles: I will beg your leave. We must be heading home.

Buffy: Of course. I will see you both tomorrow.

Giles: Good Bye.

He again offers his hand to Liam and departs.

Liam: I believe we also should be going.

Buffy: I am sorry. May I ask for one more delay?

Liam: Is there another you want to speak too?

Buffy: In a way. I want to visit the cemetery.

She nods to the area near the church. Liam holds out his arm and they traverse over to one of the carved headstones. Buffy leans over and runs her fingers on the carved letter. Liam steps back tries to give her a moment of privacy but portions of her words are carried to him.

Buffy: Mother, I am sorry I have not been by. Father and I have been to Ireland. I must tell you I did not fair too well on the voyage. Father was very disappointed in me. But I am home now and really miss you. I have something big to tell you. I know you probably already know but well Father arranged a marriage while we were in Ireland. Yes he is Irish and Catholic. He is also very caring. But it is so scary. I wish you were here to talk to. I can’t talk to Willow or Father about my fears. But I know you would understand and help. I don’t know what to do.

She starts to silently cry as she looks down. Liam waits patiently. Buffy takes a deep breath before continuing

Buffy: Mother, I will be strong. I will make you proud. I promise.

She takes another deep breath and turns and trudges over to Liam. Liam glances down into her tear stained face and reaches in his pocket for his handkerchief.

Buffy: Thank you.

She takes his arm and they head back to where Willow stands waiting.

Willow: Your father went to get the buggy.