Forced into Love

Chapter Nine


Monday Evening

Liam comes in from the backyard and glances in the dining room at Buffy hunched over the table. He watches for a moment as she scrunches up her nose and then sighs. He moves closer and glances down at the paper on the table. Buffy places both hands over the image.

Buffy: Don’t look. It is too awful.

Liam: What are you doing?

Buffy: I want to make a new gown to wear to the two weddings on Saturday.

Liam sits down beside her.

Liam: Two weddings?

Buffy: Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot you have not been in church. Looks like everyone is suddenly getting betrothed. Two weddings are this Saturday and yesterday Father Gabriel announced the banns for a third to take place next month.

Liam looks down at her hands.

Liam: And what are you doing?

Buffy: I am trying to sketch the gown so I can decide how I want it to look. Mom always made it look so easy. I can sew but I can not draw.

Liam: Can I see? Maybe I can help.

She looks up into his soft brown eyes and sighs heavily.

Buffy: It is really bad.

She lifts her hands and he slides it in front him. Liam looks at it and smirks

Liam: It is a good thing you sew well.

Buffy: What?

Liam looks over at her and smiles with a twinkle in his eyes.

Buffy: Fine, I have to agree.

Liam: So what are trying to do.

Buffy: Well I have this burgundy fabric mom bought. I was wanting to accent it with a white lace at the end of the sleeves and along the front edges. I want it rounded at the bottom.

Liam begins to draw and listens to her comments.

Liam: What else?

Buffy: I’m unsure. I was considering a lace panel in the front of the bodice or maybe just an edging on the sides.

Liam: Do you need more lace?

Buffy: Pardon?

Liam: There is lace on the sleeves, the skirt and the petticoat. How about this?

Buffy watches as he begins to sketch. She watches and the image begins to emerge on the paper. She stares as he add her hair and face to the drawing. When done, he leans back and watches her staring at the picture.

Buffy: You are very talented. You can make even me look pretty.

Liam leans forward and uses his finger to turn her head toward him.

Liam: I wish I could do your beauty true justice.

She swallows and glances back at the paper.

Buffy: I am not sure father would approve of this bodice. It is similar to the blue dress he hates so much.

Liam: If you want me to change it, just tell me what you want.

He picks up piece of bread from the table. (Note: In 1750, they did have wooden pencils but the eraser was not invented until later. Bread crumbs were used as an eraser)

Buffy: Don’t.

Liam glances back up at her.

Buffy: I like it I just know father will not.

Liam: I am not concerned about your father’s opinion. Now I can adjust the bodice and add more lace if you want.

Buffy: No. You don’t like lace do you?

Liam: No, I’m not particularly fond of it. I think it is like placing confections on a cake. It is not needed and can be distracting.

Buffy: You and your sweets. But I do understand what you mean.

She looks at the drawing.

Buffy: Can you remove the lace on the cuffs and edge of the gown, but leave it on the petticoat? Then add just a small ruffle on the sleeves.

He quickly made the changes and looks for her approval.

Buffy: What do you think?

Liam: It is your gown.

Buffy: I like it. It seems more elegant.

She looked at him and smiles.

Buffy: Thank you.

Liam: My pleasure.



Late Friday afternoon

Liam stands on the docks and hands the wages to the crew. He watches them scatter toward the inn before walking back to his office. Upon entering his office, his eyes widen and his heart skips a beat. Buffy stands perched on a chair shoving a large journal on the shelf.

Liam approaches her and places his hands on her hips and lifts her down to the floor. He steps back at the heat of the intimate contact.

Buffy: What are you doing?

Liam: Keeping you from breaking your pretty little neck. I told you I would put those up.

Buffy: I was not going to fall.

Liam: I do not want to take the chance. Besides if you did you would not be able to show off your pretty new gown tomorrow.

Buffy: Fine.

She reaches over and hands him a stack of journals and he sets them in place.

Liam: Is that the last of them?

Buffy: I think so.

Liam: We have accomplished a lot in two weeks. Thank you for all your help.

Buffy: You are welcome. Are you ready to go home?

Liam: I am.

He closes the shutters and then escorts her home.


Later that evening.

Liam walks in the back door and strolls into the living room. He watches Buffy’s fingers fly as she pulls the needle through the burgundy fabric.

Liam: I thought you finished your gown.

Buffy: I did. I just had some material left.

She spreads out the garment over her skirt.

Liam: A waistcoat?

Buffy: Yes. Would you mind putting it on so I can check the fitting.

Liam nods slowly.

Liam: I already have a number of waistcoats. You did not need to spend your time on me.

Buffy: I wanted to.

She watches as he changes into the new garment.

Liam: It fits well.

Buffy: I measured one of your others and added a little room.

She runs her hands over his back checking the fit.

Buffy: This one should not be as snug as your others are getting.

Liam: Are you saying I am getting heavy?

Buffy: No.

She smiles teasingly up at him as she marks for the buttons on the front.

Buffy: Just that you are fond of your sweets.

Liam chuckles.

Liam: A fondness that grows because of your cooking.

Buffy: Do not blame me for your lack of resistance.

She moves behind his back and eases it off his shoulders. He freezes at the feeling of her hands moving from his shoulders and slowly down his arms. He closes his eyes to ward off the sensations flooding his body. As her hands brush over his knuckles he feels a reflexive tightening in his groin. He quickly picks up his old waistcoat and grips it in his hands.

Liam: Are we finished?

Buffy: Yes.

She lowers herself back into her chair.

Liam: I need to take care of something.

He shrugs back on his sleeveless coat as he stalks back through the kitchen. His pace does not slow as he approaches the outhouse. Once inside he leans against the door frame and sighs. His hands expertly unfasten his breeches. He eases out his swollen manhood and wraps his long fingers around its girth. His eyes close as he begins to slowly stroke. He starts to reminisce about a small blonde underneath him. He can just imagine her mouth parted as she moans his name. He can feel her fingers digging into his shoulders as she urges him faster. He looks into her glassy green eyes.

Liam’s hand stops and his eyes open into the dark space. He quickly reminds himself that Darla’s eyes are blue but he knows that Darla is not the woman he dreams of now. He knows his constant self assertions that his feelings are only brotherly are a lie. He slams his head back against the hard wood and begs the pain to extinguish the fire that burns inside. His hand works furiously over his hard cock as he begs for an end to the need.

With his eyes closed and wanton images dancing through his brain, he quickly jerks to a hard climax. He releases a heavy sigh and tucks his softening flesh back inside his breeches. Opening the door he slips out and down to the river bank. He sits down and leans against the trunk of the now familiar tree. Liam glances at the house once before looking across the river.


Saturday Early Afternoon

Buffy turns around in the kitchen as Liam enters from the hallway. Her mouth opens in surprise at his clothing. The new burgundy waistcoat is framed by the dark blue of his breeches and knee length coat. His white cravat is adorned with layers of lace. He stops and looks at her stunned expression.

Liam: Buffy, are you okay.

She slowly looks up into his kind face.

Buffy: You look so pretty

Liam: Thank you. I wanted to be worthy of escorting a most beautiful woman today.

Buffy smiles.

Buffy: You are planning to attend?

Liam: I am if you would like my presence.

She smiles bigger.

Buffy: I would be flattered, sir.

Liam glances around.

Liam: Is Willow ready?

Buffy: She already left. Mrs. Kendall sent a wagon for her. I offered her help in the arrangements.

Liam: Very kind of you. I have the buggy ready if you are.

He holds out his arm and she happily slides her hand around it.



At the church

Liam assists Buffy down from the buggy.

Liam: I will only be a moment.

She smiles and walks toward the church as he drives away. Buffy glances around at the happy guests until she sees Gwendolyn Post heading her way. She grips the sides of her skirt as she awaits the woman’s verbal assault. Buffy raises her chin and assumes a confident pose as she approaches.

Miss Post: This most be hard for you to be here since this should have been your day.

Buffy: Pardon?

Miss Post: You were to marry my Jonathan if you had not run off and married that pagan.

Buffy takes a slow deep breath.

Miss Post: I can not see how your father would approve a marriage to a man who has no respect for the church or his wife. If your mother…

She stops as Liam walks up. Buffy glances up at him.

Liam: Excuse me.

Buffy: It is okay. Miss Post here was just about to tell me what my mother would think of you.

They both glance at the older woman as she glances around

Buffy: Go ahead.

Miss Post: Excuse me I think my sister needs my help.

She walks off quickly.

Liam: So what was the ever so verbal Miss Post saying before I arrived?

Buffy: Nothing much except if I had not married a pagan I could have been marrying her nephew today.

Liam looks down at her sadly.

Liam: Is that what you would have preferred?

Buffy: What? Marry Jonathan? He is like 3 feet tall. What do I look like Saint Buffy?

Liam smiles then laughs out loud making Buffy smile.

Liam: So who does get to be the Saint?

Buffy: Harmony Kendall. You met her that morning before church.

Liam: I did?

Buffy: Blonde hair, blue eyes. Very pretty.

Liam: I don’t recall her. Sorry.

Buffy smiles.

Buffy: That is okay. I wish I could forget her at times myself.

Liam: So she is not a friend?

Buffy: Not really.

Liam: So why are you here?

Buffy smiles at him and leans a little closer.

Buffy: I have to see her marry Jonathan. She was so certain her father would chose Owen Thurman or even Scott Hope.

Liam: But he chose Jonathan.

Buffy: Yes. I think her father hopes that Jonathan may one day inherit the Post estate.

Liam: Miss Post is wealthy?

Buffy: Yes, she is. Her father left her the entire estate after her younger sister ran off and married Jonathan’s father. A man he deemed unacceptable.

Liam: But now Jonathan may one day inherit it.

Buffy: Exactly. Miss Post dotes on him. So one day he may have it all. Well he will as long as he does as his aunt asks.

Liam: So she chose his bride.

Buffy: She did.

She smiles up at him.

Buffy: And Angel, I must thank you for removing me from the running.

Liam smiles broadly.

Liam: It was my pleasure.

He glances at the door to the church.

Liam: I think we should go in. We can’t let you miss any of it.

Buffy laughs and takes his arm.


Several hours later

Buffy and Liam are watching the people milling about.

Liam: So would you like to tell me about the next couple?

Buffy: Well…

She is stopped by the approach of one the dock workers. He takes of his hat and nods to Buffy.

Worker: Excuse me Mr. O’Connor. I hate to disturb you but I thought you would want to know that the Buffy Anne has been spotted on its way in.

Liam: When will she be docked?

Worker: In a couple hours. The crew is already heading to the docks.

Liam: I should be there by the time she docks. If not tell Captain Finn I am on my way.

Worker: Very well sir.

He nods at Buffy.

Worker: Sorry to disturb your day ma’am.

He leaves and Buffy looks up at Liam.

Buffy: You need to go.

Liam: I have time. Besides I want to see the man you think is so perfect for the girl who used to always pull your hair.

Buffy laughs.

Buffy: Well I need to find someone to take Willow home. Captain Finn’s wife may be with him.

Liam: Of course.



Later that evening

Buffy sits in the living room reading when she hears the sounds of hoof beats outside. Willow comes from the kitchen and opens the door. The women watch as Riley helps a visibly pregnant woman from the wagon. She leans on his arm as he helps her toward the door.

Riley: Hello Buffy. I hope you were expecting us.

Buffy: I was. Father told us you were coming.

She steps back as Riley approaches with his wife.

Buffy: Come on inside. Willow, please check on the dinner. Everyone must be hungry.

Willow: Yes ma’am.

Riley: Buffy, I would like you to meet my beautiful wife, Cordelia.

Buffy: It is a pleasure to meet you, Cordelia.

Cordelia stands looking around the room and then glances into the dining room.

Cordelia: Is this the main house?

Buffy: It is the only house.

Cordelia: But your father is a captain. I expected something much bigger.

She steps farther into the living room looking around.

Riley: Let me get the trunk.

He steps outside as Cordelia turns toward Buffy,

Cordelia: You actually live like this? It is so primitive.

Buffy is clinching her hands fighting a response when she suddenly feels warm fingers surround hers within the folds of her skirt. She looks up to see Liam looking down into her eyes. She feels the gentle squeeze of his hand as he smiles.

Liam: Cordelia, I think you will find this home most comfortable.

Cordelia smiles at Liam.

Cordelia: Well I will try to take you at your word Liam. I know I will adjust.

Buffy feels a wave of jealousy flood her body. She squeezes Liam’s hand hard.

They all are distracted by the re-entry of Riley.

Liam: Buffy, why don’t you check on Willow while I show Captain Finn to the room.

Buffy nods and slips away before she loses her temper.



Later that night

Liam enters their bedroom and looks at Buffy staring angrily at the ceiling in the soft lamp light. He quickly prepares for bed and climbs in beside her.

Liam: Well everyone seems to have turned in for the night.

Buffy: Uh huh.

Liam: I know Cordelia will take some getting use to.

Buffy: Uh huh.

She rolls over onto her side and stares at the wall. He looks at her small form a moment before turning out the light. He fights the urge to curl his body around hers and hold her in a protective cocoon.

Soon they both are trying to ignore the muffled sounds from the next room.



Late Wednesday Afternoon

Buffy is standing in the kitchen rolling out her dough when she hears a loud thump and gasp out back. She rushed to the back door and looked down at the large body sprawled on the porch. He has one leg dangling down the steps and the other appears to be missing.

Buffy: Are you okay?

Liam rolls over and sits up.

Buffy: What are you trying to do? You scared me.

Liam looks up at her standing with her hands on her hips.

Liam: I was trying to come inside but the step gave out.

He steps to the ground and looks at the broken tread.

Buffy: You need to be more careful.

Liam: It was not my fault. The wood must be bad.

Buffy: Well it worked perfectly fine for Willow and me today.

He glances at her teasing smile.

Liam: Well neither of you weigh very much.

Buffy: So it is your fault.

Liam: Are you calling me heavy?

Buffy: No, but maybe a few less slices of pie and we would still have a step.

He moves toward the porch and she runs back inside.

Liam: Come back here.

He follows her inside and through the kitchen. Halfway down the hall he grabs her arm and pulls her around. She backs against the wall as he stalks toward hers.

Liam: Are you inferring I am getting too fat?

Buffy just looks up into his face and unconsciously licks her dry lips. His eyes stray down as her pink tongue disappears. He raises his hand to her cradle her cheek as he lowers his head. The sound of the door opening down the hall causes both of their heads to turn. Liam steps back away. As Cordelia emerges, Buffy lets out the breath she never even realized she was holding.

Liam: I better get that step fixed before someone gets hurt.

Buffy just nods and watches him walk away.

Cordelia: Is dinner almost ready? I am starved.

Buffy: Not quite. But I can fix you something light.