Gift From The Past

Chapter Eight

UC Sunnydale

Riley walks around outside the building. He keeps trying to decide if he should go in and try to talk to her. He steps toward the door and then turns back away. He glances nervously around. What if she refuses to talk to him? What will he do then? He has to know. This not knowing is eating away at him. His heart keeps reminding him how broken it is. He takes a deep breath and turns once more toward the door. He takes three steps forward and stops as the door opens. He looks up at her stepping out into the late afternoon sun.



Angel Investigations

The front door opens. A pizza delivery man walks in.

Man: Anyone here order pizza?

Xander leaps up.

Xander: Finally.

He takes the boxes and looks over at the others. Angel pulls out his wallet and pays the man. As the man leaves, he turns to see Cordy and Xander each grab a slice. Wesley walks over and picks up napkins beside the coffee maker. He hands one to them and then hand one to Giles as he walks in.

Wes: I will never get use to eating with my hands.

Giles: Hunger makes strange sacrifices.

He reaches down and grabs a slice.

Cordy: Hey guys, you remember that knife you were talking about?

Giles: The Agatha Blade? Did you find one?

Cordy: No, but I found a picture. It is kinda pretty, well for a knife.

Xander: A knife that sucks souls.

Wes and Angel round the desk and stare at the image.

Wes: You can see how the crystals give the pewter an eerie shimmer.

Cordy: And see how the little fairy thingies form the letter A.

Wes: Those would be nymphs.

Cordy: Whatever. But see how their bodies intertwine with the vine.

Wes: Yes it is quite intricate.

He turns around.

Wes: Where did he go?

Cordy: Uh, don’t know.

Xander: Hey guys, I think I found something.

Cordy: An Agatha Blade?

Xander: No. This here mentions a tribe in Africa………..the uh Moo…Too…Ba….Too? They are able to transfer souls.

Wes: That is pronounced MwaToyByTwa. And they believe they can transfer the soul of a tribe elder to an unborn child and he will be born again. When the mother is in labor they drain the blood of the elder and she drinks all of it and they believe with it his soul.

Xander: Oh. Not a good subject on top of pizza.

Wes: Many tribes have odd rituals regarding reincarnations.

Xander: Just the thought of drinking blood is sickening.

Angel: Maybe to you.

Wes: Oh there you are. I was just explaining the Motobatos and their beliefs of soul transferring.

Angel: Don’t think we need them.

He hands Wes a bundle if black velvet secured by hemp.

Wes: What is this?

He sets it on Cordy’s desk and tries to untie the knots. Cordy reaches in her drawer and pulls out a pair of scissors. She quickly cuts the binding. Wes unfurls the cloth.

Giles: Oh my. Where did you get this?


UC Sunnydale

Riley walks toward her as she descends the steps. She looks up to see him approach. She stops and waits with intrepidation. Riley smiles at her.

Willow: Hi, Riley.

Riley: Willow, I need your help.

Willow: Help?

Riley: I know you know what is going on with Buffy. I need you tell me.

Willow: You need to ask Buffy, not me.

Riley: I did.

Willow: What did she say?

Riley: Just that it is over. No explanation. Nothing.

Willow: Sorry, if she wanted you to know she would tell you.

Riley: Can you answer a question? Who is Angel?

Willow: A friend. Now I got to go.

Riley: A boyfriend?

Willow: Buffy is waiting. I will tell her you asked about her.

She walks around him and heads toward the dormitory. Riley watches her leave.


Stephenson Hall

Willow opens the door and sees Buffy curled up on her bed. Buffy slowly rolls over and opens her eyes.

Willow: Sorry, didn’t know you were sleeping.

Buffy glances at the clock.

Buffy: It’s okay. I need to be getting up.

Willow: You want to go to the cafeteria?

Buffy: Sure. I suddenly have an appetite.

Willow: Guess it is because you no longer are stressing out.

Buffy: True.

Willow: Or it could be the whole eating for two.

Buffy smiles.

Willow: You are really happy about the baby.

Buffy: I am. It seems like a dream.

Willow: I guess it does. So you going to call Angel later?

Buffy: No, I called before I laid down. They are still researching what ever it is they are researching.

Willow: I am not telling you.

Buffy: I was not asking you to.

As Willow drops her bag on the bed, Buffy walks to her closet and gets out a sweater. The phone rings and Willow answers it. Buffy turns and listens.

Willow: Hello…………Yes…………..Uh huh……….Sure, I guess I can…………no I won’t, I promise………..Okay, I’ll see you soon.

She hangs up and smiles awkwardly at Buffy.

Buffy: Who was that?

Willow: Oh, uh Giles.

Buffy: Are they coming home?

Willow: I think so. Probably tomorrow sometime.

Buffy: And you are still not talking?

Willow: Sorry.

Buffy: It’s okay. Angel said he would tell me eventually.

Willow: So we going to go eat?

Buffy: I’m ready.

They exit the room and head down the hall. As they leave the building and walk toward the cafeteria a shadow moves from the nearby trees watching them.



Angel: Did you get up with Willow?

Giles: Yes, she said she will get everything together and wait for our call.

Angel: Thanks.

He turns back to Wes, who is examining the intricate workmanship.

Wes: And you bought this from a street vender on the water front?

Angel: Yes, right after I moved here.

Wes: Amazing.

Cordelia: So is that it?

Wes: From all the markings, it appears to be authentic. Mr. Giles?

Giles: I agree. It is an Agatha Blade. Can I ask what made you buy it? It does not appear to be very useful in a fight.

Angel: I liked the “A”.

Cordelia: Monogrammed weaponry, how nice.

Xander: Good thing you never accidentally stabbed yourself with it.

Wes: That would not be a problem. According to the text it has to be inserted in a specific location. And I uh don’t see that happening accidentally.

Xander: Where?

Wes hands him the text and he examines the drawings.

Xander: Ow. That has to hurt.

He glances at Angel.

Xander: Well it is not like you need it too often.

Angel gives him a withering look and turns to Giles.

Angel: When are you driving back?

Giles: I figure we will wait and leave in the morning. And you?

Angel: Tomorrow evening.

Cordy: What about Wes and me?

Wes: I’m riding with Mr. Giles. We still have things to prepare for the ritual.

Cordy: Like what?

Giles: We need be able to insure he doesn’t escape if we are wrong.

Cordy: Ah, chains and all. Well I guess I will wait and ride down with Angel. You don’t need me to plan the bondage.

Angel: Cor, if you go with me you have to be ready to leave at sunset. I need to get there as early as I can.

Cordy: Sure, but why the rush?

Angel: Buffy and I need to go see Joyce.

Xander: You going to break the news that you knocked up her only child.

Angel glares at him.

Xander: Well maybe not in those words.

Angel: Rupert, when do you think you will be ready?

Giles: Well, if you come tomorrow night, we can do it the next afternoon as soon as Willow finishes her classes.

Angel: Sounds good but I will have to come over before sunrise.

Giles: Understandable. Where are you going to stay?

Angel: I’ll just get a motel room or something.

Cordy: What about me?

Xander: Don’t you have some……………oh yeah you don’t have friends.

Cordy: I will have you know I have many friends.

Xander: Who?

Cordy: Aura, Harmony, and…

Xander: Harmony? You are friends with Harmony?

Cordy: Yes, of course I am. You know that.

Xander: And when is the last time you saw her or even talked to her?

Cordy: What? I don’t know. A month or two I guess. Why?

Xander: Oh nothing. I guess if you can work for one you can be friends with one.

Cordy: What a you babbling about?

Giles: Cordelia, he is referring to the fact Harmony is a vampire.

Cordy: Huh? What? Since when?

Xander: Graduation.

Cordy: What? How come no one told me?

Xander: Never came up.

Wes: Well, what say we all go get some sleep.

Giles: Sounds fine. Xander, we will come by and pick you up in the morning around nine.

Xander: I’ll be ready.

Cordy: Just don’t wake me up.

Xander: Wouldn’t dream of it.

They gather the books and the blade and everyone leaves. Angel locks the door and takes the elevator to his apartment. He unbuttons his shirt and lays it over the back of a chair. He moves gracefully and begins his Tai Chi. A calm descends over his body and a tiny smile tugs at the corner of his lips.



Next Evening


Riley watches as Willow exits the building. He ignores the sound of Walsh’s voice coming through his radio and turns it off. He is too busy to stop and feed her ego at this time. He watches as the light goes off in the dorm above. He stares at the closed glass door and waits for her to appear. He is determined to talk to her again. He sees her petite figure push open the door and step into the moonlight. Riley steps toward her but stops suddenly as a dark form approaches her fast.

Buffy looks up and smiles brightly as he nears her.

Angel: Sorry I am late. Cordy was not ready to leave on time.

Buffy: Predictable. But we are not late.

Angel: Well my car is right over there.

He places his hand on her lower back and guides her to the convertible. Riley glances around and sighs as he sees an Initiative emergency vehicle. The cars and vans are left throughout the campus and Sunnydale to allow for HST transports and quick escapes. He pulls out his keys and slips behind the wheel. He eases the car out of the parking lot and trails the black sedan through the streets of Sunnydale.

Buffy: You okay?

Angel: Yes fine. I should be asking you that. Any problems?

Buffy: Problems? Like?

Angel: You know, morning sickness or something.

Buffy: No, so far I am puke free. Uh, hope I did not just jinx myself.

Angel: You call the doctor yet?

Buffy: No, I want to see who mom suggest I go to.

Angel: How do you think she is going to react?

Buffy: Mom? Lord, I have no idea. She wants me to have a normal life. Can’t get much more normal than this. Can I?

Angel: Sure. Pregnant by a 240 plus year old vampire. Pretty normal.

Buffy: Unplanned pregnancy. The concern of every parent of a teen.

Angel: Do you regret it?

Buffy: Regret what? The baby?

Angel: Yes.

Buffy: I thought you realized by now. This baby is everything to me. The one thing I never could dream I would have.

Angel: Being a slayer never meant you couldn’t have a child someday.

Buffy: This is not just a child, Angel. This is your child. Our child. Only person I ever could imagine having a child with was you. And I knew it could never be.

Angel: We are having a baby.

Buffy: We are.

Angel maneuvered the car up the driveway and shifted it into park before turning to look at her.

Angel Ready?

Buffy nods slowly.

Riley pulls his vehicle over to the curb a few houses away and watches up the street as the dark clad man exits the car and walks around to the other side. Angel opens the door and reaches his hand out to help Buffy to her feet. As they move toward the front door, Riley moves from his car and travels cautiously up the street. He watches as Buffy pauses at the front door. She takes Angel’s hand before reaching out and turning the knob. Riley watches as they enter the yellow house. He moves closer and glances at the mailbox.

Riley: Summers. Her mom’s house?

Buffy and Angel enter the front hall.

Buffy: Mom?

Joyce: In the kitchen, honey.

Buffy looks up at Angel and releases his hand before strutting toward the kitchen. Angel follows in her wake.

Buffy: Hi.

Joyce looks up and takes in the imposing figure dwarfing her daughter.

Joyce: Well hello Angel.

Angel: Joyce, how are you?

Joyce: I am fine just a bit concerned. Buffy said she needed to talk to me but I was not expecting you.

Angel looks down at Buffy and she winces in apology.

Buffy: Sorry, I figured the phone was not the place to start this conversation.

Joyce: Why don’t you both sit down and tell me why you’re here.

Buffy hoist herself onto a stool and reaches for a cherry tomato. Angel sits beside her. She reaches out and grabs a handfull more tomatoes

Angel: You hungry?

Buffy: Uh, huh. I didn’t have time to go by the cafeteria.

Angel: Why didn’t you say something? I would have stopped.

Joyce: Don’t worry Angel. I think she skipped dinner so she could have mom food.

Buffy: So what are we having?

Joyce: Salad, if you quit eating all the tomatoes. And I have grilled chicken breast with Rice Pilaf.

Buffy: Yum.

Joyce: Should be ready in about fifteen minutes. Angel, do want to well can you……

Angel: I can but I am okay. I ate before I left home.

Joyce: Okay, good. I’m glad. What do you……well

Buffy: Mom.

Joyce: Sorry. Just was curious.

Angel: It’s okay. I drink mostly pig’s blood.

Joyce: Oh.

She turns to check the chicken on the stove.

Buffy: Can I help?

Joyce: No thanks. Just need to let it simmer.

She walks back over and sits down across from them.

Joyce: Okay I am ready. Tell me what awful demon is about to kill us.

Buffy: No demon mom. And no dieing.

Joyce: Okay, that is a good thing. So what is wrong?

Buffy: I am not sure where to start.

Angel: How about the beginning?

Buffy: Sure I know that.

She takes a deep breath. Outside Riley moves around to the back of the house. He stands back and uses his small binoculars to peer into the occupied kitchen.