Randon Acts of Romance

Chapter Two


The bell tinkles as Buffy walks in the door. She looks around the immaculate space. She begins wandering toward the displays.

Joyce: Buffy? What are you doing here?

Buffy: Hi Mom. Just thought I should check the place out. See if I can figure out what you like so much about it.

Joyce: I see.

She watches her daughter suspiciously as she moves from one exhibit to the next.

Joyce: So, what do you think?

Buffy: I guess it’s okay. Well if you’re into this stuff.

Joyce: Which you’re not.

Buffy: Not really.

She stops in front of the small carved stone statue. Her fingers slide over the smooth curve of the wing.

Joyce: That’s a hero from Greek mythology.

Buffy: A griffin.

Joyce: You know about it.

Buffy: A friend told me………once.

Joyce: Oh I see. So now that you have given the place the once over, you want to tell me why you’re really here?

Buffy: What?

Joyce: I know you. You did not develop a sudden interest in art.

Buffy: Can’t a daughter show a little interest in her mother’s business.

Joyce: I guess. So you want to go in my office and get a soda and talk?

Buffy: Ok.

She follows her mom back to the office. Her mother pulls two cans of coke from the small refrigerator and hands Buffy one before sitting behind her desk. Buffy sits facing her mother and pops open the can.

Joyce: So how was school? Have you made any new friends?

Buffy: Not really. I have met a few kids and some are even nice.

Joyce: But this isn’t LA.

Buffy: No.

Joyce: Well just give it time.

Buffy: You keep saying that.

Joyce: Sorry. So tell me about these kids.

Buffy: Well there’s Willow. She is the kinda shy smart girl but very nice.

Joyce: Not the kind of girl you usually hang out with.

Buffy: I know but for some reason I really like her.

Joyce: Any one else.

Buffy: And there is Cordelia. She is the head cheerleader and well she is well Cordelia.

Joyce: Ah I see. Not so unlike the girls in LA.

Buffy: Not really.

Joyce: Is that all?

Buffy: There is Xander. He’s good friends with Willow.

Joyce: And you think he is cute.

Buffy: Xander? No way. So not my type.

Joyce: So what boy do you have your eye on?

Buffy: None. There is no boy at my school.

Joyce: How come I feel there’s a but coming?

Buffy: Well I did meet a guy last night at the Bronze.

Joyce: But he does not go to your school?

Buffy: He use to.

Joyce: Oh Buffy not a drop out.

Buffy: No mom, he is a graduate. He is going to UC Sunnydale. And well he is really nice.

Joyce: A college boy. I‘m not sure about this.

Buffy: You’ll like him, Mom. I know you’ll. He is really nice.

Joyce: And very good looking too I assume.

Buffy: Oh yeah. But he doesn’t act like he even knows it.

Joyce: A college boy?

Buffy: Yes, but you will like him. Besides next year I will be in college too.

Joyce: So did he ask you out?

Buffy: He did but I told him I had to ask you first.

Joyce: He didn’t mind.

Buffy: Actually he didn’t. I told him you probably would say no and he didn’t mind that either.

Joyce: So you expect me to say no, so why are you asking?

Buffy: Because I want to go.

Joyce: Where?

Buffy: There is a party Friday night.

Joyce: Where?

Buffy: Uh his fraternity house.

Joyce: Well you were right.

Buffy: Big no huh?

Joyce: Afraid so. But you are not surprised.

Buffy: No. But what about other places?

Joyce: Maybe. I need to meet this young man first.

Buffy: Maybe, if he ever ask me out again.

Joyce: If he doesn’t, it is his loss.

Buffy: I guess.



Friday Night

The Bronze

Buffy walks in and looks around. She walks over to Willow and sits down across from her.

Buffy: Hi. Waiting for Xander again?

Willow: You can tell, huh?

Buffy: A little.

Willow: So I guess you are meeting Angel.

Buffy: Angel? No.

Willow: Well after you were with him Monday night.

Buffy: Oh, he asked me to a party at his fraternity house but mom put the big kibosh on that. So here I sit and he is there probably with some pretty girl.

Willow: You think so?

Buffy: Please. A guy like that will have no problem getting a date.

A hand lands on her shoulder.

Angel: What guy?

Buffy: Angel? What are you doing here? I thought you had your big party.

He sits down beside her.

Angel: Party sounded boring. I prefer the company here.

Buffy: Really?

Angel: Yes. Now can I get you girls a drink?

Willow holds up her glass.

Willow: I’m good.

Angel: Buffy?

Buffy: Please.

Angel moves away toward the counter.

Willow: Wow.

Buffy: Uh huh.




Buffy and Angel sway to the soft music. Her head rests against his chest.

Angel: Buffy?

She looks up at him.

Angel: I was just wondering.

Buffy: Yes?

Angel: I just was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow night. You know where I actually pick you up and take you somewhere.

Buffy smiles brightly.

Buffy: Well I want to.

Angel: You have a date already?

Buffy: No, but my mom wants to meet you first. She is not liking the whole age thing.

Angel: Of course. I understand that.

Buffy lays her head back against his chest. He smiles as the fresh clean smell of her hair assaults his nose. As the music ends they slowly part and he takes her hand they walk back to the table. Xander sits by himself.

Buffy: Where’s Willow?

Xander: Left. Almost curfew.

Buffy looks at her watch.

Buffy: Shesh, me too.

She looks at Angel and frowns.

Buffy: I got to get home.

Angel: Let me walk you.

Buffy: You sure?

Angel: Positive.

He takes her hand and they walk out the door and into the night air.

Buffy: You don’t have your car?

Angel: I do but I don’t think your mom would like you pulling up with a stranger.

Buffy: You’re right. She can be such a pain.

Angel stops and she turns to look at him.

Angel: She is not a pain. She is looking out for you. I wish my parents would look out for Cordelia more.

Buffy: She is okay.

They begin walking again

Angel: Maybe but she can get herself into some pretty big messes.

Buffy: But she has a big brother to protect her.

Angel: I am just scared someday I won’t be there.

They walk on in silence.

Buffy: This is it. Mi casa.

He smiles and walks her onto the porch.

Angel: I will call you tomorrow.

Buffy: I will talk to mom.

Angel: Let me know when she wants me to come over.

Buffy: She will probably ask you lots of questions.

Angel: It’ll be okay.

He leans over and kisses her cheek. The front door opens.

Joyce: Buffy.

Buffy: Uh mom, uh hi. I’m not late am I?

Joyce: No.

Buffy: Mom, this is uh Angel. I told you about him.

Joyce: Angel.

Angel: Mrs. Summers

Angel holds out his hand and shakes hers.

Buffy: Angel decided not to go to the party. We met at the Bronze and he walked me home.

Joyce: I see. Angel, I am sorry but I am having a difficult time with Buffy seeing someone in college.

Angel: I can understand completely. I have a seventeen year old sister and I would not want her dating most the guys at the university either.

Joyce: I just don’t think she is ready for such an adult relationship.

Buffy: Mom.

Joyce: I am just saying that men Angel’s age expect more in a relationship.

Buffy turns and stalks into the house.

Angel: Mrs. Summers, I want to assure you my interest in Buffy is not sexual. I like her. She is bright and easy to talk to. I understand your concerns and am willing to comply with any restrictions.

Joyce: Like meeting her on the sly tonight?

Angel: I didn’t plan to see her tonight but I did not feel like dealing with another lame frat party and went to the Bronze. Buffy was not expecting me and I was not even sure she would be there.

Joyce: And the walk home?

Angel: I didn’t like the idea of her walking the streets alone this late at night.

He glances at his watch.

Joyce: You need to be somewhere.

Angel: My sister and her friends are still at the Bronze and I promised to drive them home. My dad took away her car again for a speeding ticket.

Joyce: Oh. Well you better go.

Angel: Mrs. Summers, I hope you allow me the opportunity to get to know both Buffy and yourself better.

He heads down the steps.

Joyce: Angel?

Angel stops and turns back.

Angel: Yes ma’am?

Joyce: Why didn’t you drive Buffy home?

Angel: I didn’t think it was appropriate until we had your approval.

Joyce: You’re right. Why don’t you come over tomorrow evening at about 5. We can talk more.

Angel smiles.

Angel: I will be here.

He turns and heads back to the Bronze as Joyce enters the house. Joyce mounts the stairs and softly knocks on Buffy’s door.

Buffy: Go away.

Joyce: Buffy, honey, I need to talk to you.

Buffy jerks open the door and stares at her mom.

Buffy: I know, he is too old and I am just a child. I get it.

Joyce: Well right now you are acting like a child but that is not what I came in here for.

Buffy drops onto the bed and pulls her feet under indian style. She takes a deep calming breath.

Buffy: I’m sorry. I just met this really amazing guy and he likes me. We …well.. We just seem to click. None of the awkward stuff. Mom, I really, really like him and I think he likes me.

Joyce: I see.

Buffy: I wish you would just give him a chance. He is nice and oh Mom please.

Joyce: He is coming over tomorrow at five.

Buffy: Really?

She jumps up and hugs her mom then backs away.

Buffy: What are you going to say?

Joyce: Talk to him. Get to know him and discuss ground rules.

Buffy: Ground rules?

Joyce: Rules to follow if I agree to you seeing each other.

Buffy: Oh.

Joyce: Buffy, I am not happy with the idea but I he seems to be a level headed young man and if he agrees to the rules then we will see.

Buffy: Rules? What rules?

Joyce: I will explain tomorrow. Now you young lady need to go to bed.


Next Afternoon

Ever since four o’clock, Buffy has been pacing around her room. She has changed her outfit five times but has finally ready. She looks down at her pink toenails and wonders if he will laugh. She again checks her makeup and hair. She finally sits on her bed and picks up the phone.

Buffy: Willow?

Willow: Hey, what’s up?

Buffy: I am a nervous wreck here.

Willow: What is wrong?

Buffy: Angel is coming over to meet Mom and she is going to set rules for us to date. What if he says forget it?

Willow: Then he is not worth it. If he really wants to see you, he will do whatever it takes.

Buffy: But.

Willow: Relax, I think he really likes you.

Buffy: And if Mom scares him off.

Willow: Then he would have made a lousy boyfriend.

Buffy: Boyfriend? Who said boyfriend?

Willow: Right, you just want to date him every week.

Buffy falls back on the bed and sighs.

Buffy: I am doomed. Doomed. I know it.

Willow: When is he coming?

Buffy: Five.

Willow: You have four minutes.

Buffy: What?

She sits up and grabs the bedside clock.

Buffy: Uh I gotta go. Bye.

Willow: Bye.

Buffy drops the phone into the cradle and checks her face and hair once more. She straightens her skirt and takes a deep breath. As she opens the door and steps into the hall, the doorbell rings. She dashes for the stairs but stops at the top as she sees her mom reaching for the doorknob. Buffy looks down and watches.

Joyce: Hello, Angel. Come on in.

Angel steps in and glances up at Buffy and back at Joyce

Angel: Hello. I am glad you asked me over.

Joyce: Why don’t we go in the living room?

Angel follows her and they each sit on one end of the sofa. Buffy moves down the stairs and watches from the doorway.

Joyce: Buffy, you can come in. This concerns you too.

Buffy enters and sits in the chair.

Joyce: Angel, you are attending UC Sunnydale?

Angel: Yes, ma’am. I graduate in May.

Joyce: A senior? That makes you what 22?

Angel: Twenty-one. I will be 22 in May.

Joyce: I see and after you graduate?

Angel: Law school.

Joyce: Oh, well can I ask why a 21 year old is interested in a 17 year old?

Angel: I don’t know. It is not like I usually date younger girls. It is just something about Buffy. From the first time I met her I felt comfortable. She is so easy to talk to. I feel like I can just be me. She makes me smile.

Buffy blushes.

Joyce: I guess if you are going to go to law school, you know about things like statutory rape?

Buffy: Mom!

Angel: Buffy, it is okay. Yes, I know and I have no intension of sleeping with Buffy. Mrs. Summers, you do not know me but I don’t sleep around. Sex is not that important to me.

Joyce: You don’t have sex with girls?

Angel: I won’t lie, I think about it. But I am not going to have sex just to satisfy a need. I want it to be with someone that means something to me. Some one I want a future with.

Joyce: I am not gullible.

Angel: I am sorry if you don’t believe me. It is how I feel.

Joyce: Fine.

Buffy: Are you done?

Joyce: Not yet.

Buffy sighs loudly.

Joyce: If I agree to you dating my seventeen year old daughter, there will be some strict guidelines.

Angel: Fine. I told you last night I will abide by what ever you say.

Joyce: Okay. No dates on school nights. No phone calls after ten. No coming to the house when I am not home. You can go out once a week to a public place like the Bronze but you will pick her up. No meeting someplace behind my back like last night.

Buffy: It wasn’t planned.

Joyce: I understand but I am making it clear now.

Buffy: Just one date?

Joyce: One date out. Now if he wants to come here on the other weekend night fine, as long as I am home.

She sits back and looks at Angel.

Joyce: Oh and curfew is one o‘clock.

Buffy sits twirling her hair around her finger and looking at Angel nervously.

Angel: So since we went out last night to the Bronze, this would be a stay here night?

Joyce: Yes.

Angel: Would it be okay if I rented a couple movies and came over later?

Joyce: That is up to Buffy. I will be home and I have no objections.

Angel: Buffy?

Buffy: Yes. Sounds nice.

She squirms in her seat.

Joyce: I tell you what. I am making a lasagna for dinner. Would you like to join us?

Angel: Sounds good.

Joyce: Now normally I do not want the dates starting this early but if you two want to go ahead and run up to the video store, while I get dinner ready, you can.

Buffy: Really?

Joyce: Just go there and come right back.

She stands up and Angel does too.

Angel: Do you want to walk or ride?

Buffy: Whatcha drive?

Angel: You’ll see.

He leads her out the front door and she smiles at the sleek black mustang convertible.

Buffy: Ride.

He smiles and walks her to the passenger door. He opens the door and helps her in before going to the drivers door. Joyce watches out the front window as they drive off.

Joyce: I hope I am not making a big mistake.
