Randon Acts of Romance

Chapter Six


Sunnydale High School

Buffy stands out front rocking back and forth on her feet. The throng of students starts to thin as she glances again down the street. Everyone is excited about two weeks without school.

Faith: Hey B.

Buffy: Oh hey. How’ve you been?

Faith: Five by five. This school ain‘t bad as schools go. At least it has boys.

Buffy: You were at an all girl boarding school?

Faith: No, I was at all of the all girl boarding schools. Or everyone my dad could pay to take me. But they wouldn’t keep me long.

Buffy: You sound proud.

Faith: Hell yeah. I am not sticking around with no pansy debutante wannabes.

Angel’s car pulls up to the curb.

Buffy: There’s my ride.

Faith: You got a date?

Buffy: Christmas shopping.

Faith follows her to the car.

Faith: Hey there.

Angel: Hi Faith, you need a ride?

Faith: Sure.

Buffy tips the seat forward and Faith crawls in.

Faith: Thanks. I thought I had a ride with one of the guys but he took off somewhere.

Angel: Guys? What guys?

Faith: Just guys. Don’t you start acting like my dad too. Bad enough I have Uncle Carter on my case all the time.

Angel: We just worry about you.

Faith: Well don’t. I got it all under control.

Angel: I hope so.

He drives to the Chase house and Faith climbs out.

Angel: You be careful.

Faith: No promises.

She darts up the front steps and charges into the house.

Angel: I hope my dad knows what he is doing.

Buffy: She’ll be okay. Just give her time.

Angel: Her parents have ignored her for too long. She needs so much.

Buffy: And she will get it. She has your parents and you and well Cordelia.

Angel: I just will never understand how parents care so little. When I have kids I will be there every single day. I won’t ever take them for granted.

Buffy: You think about having kids?

Angel: Of course. Don’t you?

Buffy: Yes. But I thought that the idea of children scared guys.

Angel: Not me. I’m not saying I want them now or even in the next couple years. But yes I want them.

Buffy: Me too. And not just one like my parents did.

Angel: I can not imagine not having my sister.

Buffy: How many you imagine having?

Angel: Three, maybe four.

Buffy chokes: Four?

He pulls into the mall parking lot.

Angel: Too many?

Buffy: Uh maybe.

Angel: Well we have many years to decide.

He gets out and walks around the car. She sits there staring out the windshield numbly. Angel opens her door and she does not move for a moment but turns and looks up at him.

Buffy: We?

Angel: Yes. Buffy, when I look into my future, all I see is us.

Buffy swallows and smiles.

Buffy: Me too.

Angel smiles brightly.

Angel: I am in this for the long haul if you haven’t figured it out.

Buffy: Oh.

Angel: Let’s go get this shopping done.

Buffy: Okay. I’m still not sure what help I’ll be.

Angel: You can make sure I don’t make a really big mistake.

Buffy: No pressure I see.

Angel takes her hand and they walk silently into the mall. Buffy looks around.

Buffy: Okay who are we buying for?

Angel: First off Cordelia. I never have any idea what to get her. She is so picky and has so much.

Buffy: So what are you thinking?

Angel: Clothes? Perfume? Jewelry?

Buffy: Maybe. But like you said. She is picky. Let’s look around a little.

He drapes his arm around her waist as they move down the crowded walkway. Buffy’s eyes dart around as he merely watches her.

Buffy: Definitely not Spencer’s.

He smiles at her.

Buffy: I got an idea.

She leads him into the nearby entrance.

Angel: What is this?

Buffy: Bath and Body Works. Come on.

She stops and picks up a bottle of shower gel and sniffs. She holds it out to him.

Angel: Smells like juice.

Buffy: Raspberry. Try this.

She holds out another.

Angel: Oranges.

Buffy: Actually tangerine.

Angel: Shower wash?

Buffy: Not just the wash. The bubble bath and the lotions and the soaps.

Angel picks one up and smells it.

Angel: This smells like you.

Buffy: Watermelon. My favorite. But I do use others.

Angel: So you think Cordy would like this?

Buffy: I’m not sure. Do you know if she like to take long baths?

Angel: Oh yeah. Her and my mom both. Can not understand it at all.

Buffy: That is cause you are a guy. Women love to relax in the hot water and let everything bad float away.

Angel: You too.

Buffy: Most definitely. Sometimes a bubble bath and a good book. Or maybe just the bubbles and happy thoughts.

He wraps his arm back around her waist and leans in.

Angel: What are your happy thoughts?

Buffy: Most of them involve a very handsome man with an adorable smile.

Angel: Do I know him?

Buffy: Quite well I imagine.

He kisses her cheek.

Angel: So what should I buy, missy?

Buffy: I say we pick a fragrance and then get the full collection.

Angel: Sounds good.

Buffy: So what does she like?

Angel: What are the choices?

Buffy: Well there are the fruits, and the florals and then there are spices.

Angels: Spices?

Buffy: You know like cinnamon apple and vanilla.

Angel: Vanilla? That sounds like her.

Buffy: So we have a winner. Vanilla Sugar.

She holds out an sample. Angel smiles and nods.

Buffy: Can you get a hand basket?

He looks around and picks up a wicker container.

Buffy: Thanks.

She loads the various bottles in. Then tosses in a few small packages.

Angel: And those are?

Buffy: A pillow for the tub and some sponges and a brush.

Angel: A pillow? We will never see her again.

Buffy: We can only hope.

Angel: Buffy.

Buffy: Just kidding.

Angel: What about my mom? I got her the Llardo figurines but maybe I should get her a little something more.

Buffy: That’s up to you.

Angel: I’ll think about it.

He heads for the checkout and she waits smelling the various bottles. She glances over and watches him. Her mouth goes dry as the sales girl smiles at him and leans forward to unload his basket. Buffy moves closer and touches his hand. He turns and smiles.

Angel: Hey baby. You find anything else.

Buffy: Nope.

The sales girl rings up the order as she watches Angel lean over and brush his lips gently over Buffy’s. She darts her eyes away and tells him the total.



Christmas Eve

Buffy looks around the living room. Everything looked perfect. The decorations were amazing but the man next to her looked even better. His smile out shown the lights on the tree. His happiness made her almost giddy.

Buffy: Why are you so happy tonight?

Angel: Not sure. I guess cause my life couldn’t get any better. I graduate in May and I already have been accepted to UCLA Law School in the fall. My family is all here and happy. I may have a summer internship in a law office. But all that pales against having a wonderful woman to love and love me back.

He leans over and gently kisses her.

Buffy: So it has nothing to do with all the presents surrounding the tree?

Angel: Presents? There are presents?

Buffy laughs and reaches for his hand.

Buffy: I still can not get use to the idea of opening presents on Christmas Eve. It still feels funny.

Angel: Oh, well we always have. But when we were little we still had Santa in the morning. Mom and Dad still keep one or two presents for tomorrow.

Buffy: Well it makes it easy too. We can do Christmas with my Mom tomorrow. We won’t have to rush around.

Angel: She okay being home alone tonight?

Buffy: Oh yeah. She is on a baking spree. House smells like house of pies.

Angel: Well even Consuelo said that the pie and cake she sent over looked wonderful.

Buffy: She did? I will have to tell mom. She will be thrilled.

Carter: Okay, who shall we start with. Faith can you give me a hand.

Faith: Sure. What ya need?

Carter: Can you help me pass out the packages?

Faith: Why not?

Carter looks under tree and lifts out a square package.

Carter: To….uh….Cordelia.

He hands it to Faith who passes it on to her cousin. Carter pulls out the next gift and soon the room is strewn with paper and ribbons. A few packages for friends remain under the tree. Everyone sits back and relaxes.

Clarissa: It always amazes me how fast we can go though it all.

Carter: I know. One second there is a pile of fancy packages and the next chaos.

Angel: Not chaos. Just slight disorder.

Everyone takes a few moments to thank each other. Buffy is awed by her gifts. Cordelia bought her a light green sweater that Angel said matched her eyes. Clarissa gave her two designer dresses. Even Carter gave her two gift certificates to the local spa for a complete head to toe treatment. Each allowed her to bring a guest. She had already decided that she was taking her mom one time and Willow the other. Faith gave the same thing to everyone. A gift certificate to North Beach Leather.

She glanced over at Angel fondling his sculpture.

Buffy: What is wrong?

Angel: Nothing. I just can’t believe you bought it. I thought your mom had sold it.

Buffy: She did. To me.

Angel: Not that I don’t love it, but you spent too much.

Buffy: I know the proprietor, you really think I paid retail.

He smiles.

Angel: I guess not.

Buffy: Besides, I made enough helping out at the gallery, to pay for it and buy all the rest of my presents.

Angel: Well I love it. And I love you.

He leans over and kisses her.

Buffy: And I love this locket. When do I get the picture for inside?

Angel: When we go the photographer’s. We can get one of each of us for each side. And then one together for my room.

Buffy: Are you serious?

Angel: Uh huh.

Buffy: I get one for my room too?

Angel: Of course.

Carter: So any one want desert and coffee?

Everyone stands up and moves into the dining room.


Christmas Day.

Buffy fusses with her dress once more. She loves how it fits her shape. She will have to thank Angel’s mom again. She glances out the window as she hears the low hum of the engine. Smoothing her skirt once more quickly opens the door. Angel walks in bearing gifts and a smile.

Buffy: Let me help you.

She helps him place the packages under the tree. She is surprised to see her name on one.

Joyce: Hello Angel. Dinner will be in just a few minutes.

Buffy takes Angel’s coat and hangs it up. She turns and finds herself wrapped in strong arms.

Angel: You look wonderful.

His mouth captures hers and a quick battle of lips and tongues begin. After a few moments they both pull back flushed.

Buffy: I better see if mom needs my help.

He nods and she scurries away. He closes his eyes and forces his desires down. He sighs and steps back into the living room. He squats down in front of the fire.

Buffy: I know. Mom insist on a fire on Christmas. She don’t care about the weather outside.

Angel: I have to agree. I love a fire.

He stands back up and walks over to her.

Buffy: Well I think we can eat.

She takes his hand and guides him to the dining room.

Joyce: I only cooked a turkey breast since it was just us three.



Buffy leans against Angel’s shoulder as they watch the fire.

Buffy: I can’t believe you went back to Bath and Body Works.

Angel: Couldn’t buy anything with you there.

Buffy: So did the sales girl hit on you this time?

Angel: Sales girl? What sales girl?

Buffy: The one who was ready to throw herself at you when we were there.

Angel: I never noticed.

Buffy just shakes her head as Joyce walks in.

Joyce: You two want anything before I put the last of the stuff away?

Buffy: I’m fine. Angel?

Angel: I’m good. You need any help?

Joyce: No, I got it.

She walks back into the kitchen and Buffy tilts her head back to look at Angel.

Angel: What?

Buffy: This has been the best Christmas ever. Everything has been perfect.

Angel: Even without your dad?

Buffy: Yes. I will see him this weekend.

Angel: But you will be back for New Years?

Buffy: Of course. Can’t miss that. Besides we have the whole set-up going on.

Angel: You sure about this?

Buffy: Yes. Aren’t you?

Angel: I guess. I just am not a fan of match making.

Buffy: You don’t have to be. As long as he is interested.

Angel: He seems to like the idea.

Buffy: I think they will get along great. You will see.

Angel: Hope you are right.

Buffy: Trust me.

Angel: I always do.

She leans back against his shoulder and he kisses the top of her head.

Angel: I love you.

Buffy: I love you too.
