A Fighter's Love by Cheri

Chapter 42


Fade in INT.-Buffy’s room

She lays in her bed tossing and turning unable to sleep. Camera cuts to various flashbacks

{Angel and Buffy in bloodbank just after his escape from the ocean

Fighting side by side

Cordelia in alley, the hug

The kiss they shared outside the door to his training room}

When the camera leaves the kiss, it fades back in to Angel in LA doing the same thing.

He sits in a chair in his room staring at the bed unable to sleep. The flashbacks continue.

{Buffy watching him in the midst of the empty blood bags

Spike standing in the sun

Cordelia appearing in the lobby to them

The argument in the alley

Buffy in the box, then kissing Spike

Him taking Cordy’s hand on the roof}

Split screen as they both stand and pace to push the memories away.

Cut to EXT.-Van on highway

You understand this is the only way the senior partners won’t kill you. If it weren’t for your connection to the slayer you never would have gotten off that roof.


Connected to the Slayer. (smiles softly) I suppose she got me didn’t she?


I’m not sure what you mean.


And you never will. You’ll never be one of us.


One of who?


It’s complicated I’m afraid. But everything she touches is sucked into her web. No regards to love or hate. We’re all the same to her. She’ll destroy him.


So you’re after the other one with a soul. Not quite the beau he was in the good old days though is he?

Dru snarls and grips his neck in an instant.


You don’t know my Spike. It’s not his fault you see. She did this. And if I don’t save him, she’ll ruin him forever. He needs me.


And when you get him, you’ll bring him to us? That’s the deal.


I’ll do what’s best for my Spike.


Well achieving shanshu without preparation would be anything but okay trust me. If he has a shot at slipping in under the prophecy’s radar and stealing Angel’s glory then he’s in for something bigger then anyone could possibly realize. Angel only knew of the prophecy. We’ve been researching the implications for years. The consequences of this occurrence can go either way. If you want any semblance of the same Spike you…made, you’ll listen to me.


I won’t be bothered. You get to Sunnydale by nightfall and just leave the rest to Dru. I have much to do to ready him.


(raises eyebrow)

Whatever you say. And you think you’re strong enough for this? You had quite a trip back there.


Hell is nothing. I survived Angelus twice over. I can’t say the same for the girl.

Cut to EXT.-Van drives off down the highway

Cut to Cemetary-Sunnydale

Spike is sitting on a large headstone smoking a cigarette.




(startles and drops the cigarette in his lap. He hops down doing a little dance to get the hot ashes off him)

Bloody hell Little Bit! What are you trying to do, finish what the sun didn’t?



I’m sorry about the sunlight thing Spike. (pauses) If it helps any, I like you better in the dark.


I’m not sure how to take that.


(clears her throat)

Forget I said anything.


Right. (steps past her looking around) Where’s…I mean, did you come here alone?


Everyone’s sleeping. It’s been pretty intense lately.


I was there remember?

Dawn nods and walks to take a seat on a headstone.


Dawn, what are you doing here? Buffy wouldn’t like it if…


Why do you do that?




Why do you care what she thinks? She sure doesn’t return the favor.


I don’t. Not anymore. Didn’t she tell you?


She didn’t have much to say once Willow told her she couldn’t go chasing after Angel again. (She notices the look on Spike’s face but continues) She agreed to get some sleep only when Giles promised they would discuss it again in the morning.


And you just figured you’d talk a walk instead of taking their advice?


I wanted to check on you.



I don’t need checking. I’m fine. I’m a creature of the night, this is where I belong. Not you.


You don’t have to do that. You don’t have to play all tough guy with me. I know you were upset when you left. Buffy doesn’t realize that you’ve been through something big. She’s so wrapped up in her own thing, she doesn’t see what’s right in front of her. I know how that feels.


Oh I get it. You want to teach Big sis a lesson for not paying enough attention.


No, that’s not it. I’m not some stupid kid anymore Spike. You’re not the only one who’s changing.


If you’re looking to have the birds & bees chat you’re way off track.


(smiles and hops down)

See? You always make me laugh. With Buffy its always don’t do this, and you can’t do that. And if you don’t listen to me the world will end. It’s like she’s given up living for fighting and that’s all she cares about.


It’s kind of territorial with the slayer gig. It’s not her fault.


There you go defending her again! After everything that she put you through in Los Angeles, after seeing her with Angel, you still defend her. Why?


Listen, I’m not defending her. I’m protecting myself. If she wakes up and finds you here, I’m in for another lecture and to tell you the truth, I could do with out hearing so much as a peep from her right now if not ever.


Then we have something in common. So lets forget about her and just talk. We used to do that. Before she came back. You talked to me and we helped each other. I miss that.


You can talk on the way back to your place. I’ll walk you home and that’s it.




They walk side by side out of the cemetery.

Cut to Empty Place

Cordelia paces around excitedly wringing her hands.


How long am I going to get the silent treatment? (pauses) I get it okay! I kind of lost sight of the purpose. But she started it! (pause) Granted, it wasn’t even all her, but the things she said came straight from Buffy. I know it!

She puts her hands on hips and looks around in circles.


But I helped anyway! I took on that Nefer-macalit and wiped out his energy! I kept hell from reigning supreme on earth didn’t I? (pauses) Okay, it wan’t all me. (pauses) Okay, I don’t know if it was me at all, but I felt something pass through me. I know I did something.


You did only what you were asked. Nothing was from you.


Well sure it was Willow’s idea but I made it happen. Don’t I get points for that?


What points do you speak of?



Never mind.


You were told what would happen. You were told what you must do.


Yes. Big battle coming and I had to fight. I did it! Dru came from Hell and I faced her and helped everyone survive.


You are claiming victory as a human for humanity.


And that’s wrong?


Your purpose is no longer derived from humanity. You are a higher being. The battles you will face now are greater than simple earthly life or death. You hold the power to change the course of life on your earth.


So I’m not fired?


That word has no meaning to us. You are what we made you. That will never change. However, you have proven yourself unworthy of direction.


What does that mean?


You are of no use to other dimensions until you can save yours. You will go back. Alone. And when the time comes, if not ready, all will be lost.


When what time comes?


You must learn for yourself. We will not help you. No more pictures or visions until it is done. You have the knowledge it requires. You just have to recognize it.


Going back? Am I going home?


It is foretold. One with a soul will become human. It is inevitable. Which one will shanshu is not so certain.


So it could still be Spike?


You will be of no help to either side until you accept your path. It is the way of forever.


I don’t understand that.


Don’t call on us again before it is time.


Wait! You can’t just…

She finds herself standing in the middle of the Hyperion lobby. The lights are off and only faint light filters through the windows. She begins to head for the stairs when the voice stops her.


I’ve been waiting for you.

Cut to Hallway just outside closed door

Angel slowly turns the knob and peeks inside. Connor is sleeping on the bed. He breaths evenly and Angel listens to the sound for several minutes. He closes the door with a satisfied smile and goes back to his room.

He lays on the bed this time and his eyes close.

He has a flash of the Mohra demon from before he got out.



You chose demon over humanity to protect her. Now you must do the same to ensure it.


(closing eyes against sight and growls back)

Ensure what?


The End of Days.}


Back to Angel sitting up in bed. Another flash.



No. The End of Days will come, of this it is certain. You must choose your side.


You want me to fight for you?


No. We do not want you to fight at all.}

Back on Angel jumping off the bed and running out of the room.

Cut to Sunnydale

Buffy wakes up and sees the first hint of light through her window. She hasn’t slept long. She gets out of bed and walks down the hallway to a closed door. She opens the door to check on Dawn but the bed is empty.

She heads downstairs to the kitchen. No sign of Dawn but then she hears voices. Goes to listen at the door.


I’m sorry you didn’t get what you were looking for.


No worries. If I had, I’d probably be trying to bite you about now.

Buffy peeks through the curtains just in time to see Dawn lean over and bump shoulders with Spike playfully as they sit on the steps. She swings the door open in an instant.


What the hell is this?


(standing up quickly while Spike moves slower)

Buffy! Hey. What are you doing up so early?


Is this your idea of a joke?


I just…


Dawn get in the house.


Stop talking to me like that!


(deadly calm looking Dawn in the eye)

You get in this house and go to your room. I will be in in just a minute.

Dawn looks at Spike and he nods slightly at her. Buffy doesn’t miss it and clinches her fists at the familiarity. She waits for Dawn to close the door behind her.


Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t tear your head off right now.


What is your problem? I just walked the girl home. Would you rather I have let her alone to face whatever the hellmouth has waiting in the wings for us next?


I would rather you didn’t try and make me jealous by playing with a child’s feelings.



Pardon? (then realization as his face registers complete shock and horror) Have you gone mad? Little Bit? You think I would…oh that does it!

He steps down and starts across the lawn. Buffy chases after him.


I sawn the way you wer sitting next to her and the little playful touching. Have you no shame? I thought a soul meant you were more human, not less.


(stops and spins to face her. She crashes into him and jumps back quickly)

I don’t know what looney bin you belong to, but I wish you would find your way back there and leave me the hell alone! The thought…just you thinking that I could ever…oh my God.



Spike laughs and leans his head back.


I guess it would be about the same then wouldn’t it?


What are you talking about?


Little Bit, I’d say she’s coming up on 16. I guess that registers special meaning to you doesn’t it? And you went and lost it to a 240 year old vampire back then, so why wouldn’t you think Dawn would be at the same risk?

Buffy swallows uncomfortably at the words but doesn’t speak.


The way I figure Dawn and I are closer to the same age than you and he were at this point. Maybe I should do some thinking.

Buffy hauls off to slap him and he catches her hand in his. H epulls her hard against him and their mouths are only inches apart.


Only difference is I don’t have a yen for the young ones. That’s your precious Angel’s gig. And seeing as how I already told you once that I want no part of you, its not likely I’d go for little sis.


You’ll never leave me alone. I wouldn’t dream of being that lucky.


He always called me his lucky charm.

Buffy barely has time to turn before she’s knocked from Spike’s grasp and thrown against a tree in the yard.


Mummy’s home dearies.

Cut to Factory

Angel enters slowly watching his surroundings carefully. It’s not long before he encounters his first obstacle.


I’m not here to fight.


You won’t have a choice.


The End of Days. You said it was coming again.


Not again. It was always coming.


But it’s soon.


You deserve no answers.


This is the second time you came for me. Why am I so important? What do you want?


You hold the key to the end.


Why won’t anyone tell me what tat is? How can I do my part if I don’t know what part it is?


You will know when it’s too late. Then it will be left to the others.




The warrior of the people.


Buffy’s gone. She’s not coming back. She can’t be involved with this.


A decision already made.


No. I know what will happen if she fights in the end of days. I won’t let it be.


She is not required to come. It will happen without intent. My people will not survive. We know this to be our fate. Yours is not so certain.


I don’t care what happens to me as long as those I care about survive.


The feelings of a demon are not important. It is done now. And I must perform as expected.


One of us isn’t leaving here.


That is the way of things. And if it’s me that falls, then more…


Yeah yeah, more will come.

He charges the demon and kicks his feet out from under him. When it falls Angel hurdles it to find a weapon to crush the jewel in his head. He finds a salt container just as the mohra comes after him. He turns and hits him in the forehead with the bucket. The light show follows and Angel exits the building.

He only makes it a few steps before he hears the applause. He turns to see Lilah standing clapping at him.


What do you have lojack on me or something?


You know I can’t tell you that Angel. A girl has to retain some mystery.


How about retaining it on your own? I’m not interested. (walks past her) I thought the deal was we let you live and we get down time.


I just thought you might like some information.


And why would I believe anything you say?


No reason. I don’t care to b ehonest with you. Its just a game I like to play.


What game is that?


That’s not as important to you as who’s playing.


I’m listening.


Linwood and Gavin cut a deal with Drusilla. She’d be allowed to exit the premises if she could bring us someone better.


Let me guess.


No, none of your team. She’s presently on her way to Sunnydale. (Angel straightens while Lilah looks at her watch) Actually, I’d bet she’s there already.

Angel starts to say something when his phone rings. Lilah smiles at his fumbling to answer it.


What? (pauses) I’m on my way there now. We have a problem. (pause) Okay, make that two problems. (pause) No, just stay put and I’ll be there.

He turns the phone off and Lilah wtches with curiosity.


Thanks for the tip. Now stay away from me and mine.

He walks away determinedly.


(calling after him)

You’re welcome!