Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter Eleven

When Buffy returns home Tara lets her in and helps he bring in the groceries. In the living room she sees Liam enjoying his new swing and Daddy sitting in a chair near by checking his eyelids for leaks. She smiles to herself. She heads to the kitchen to put away the groceries. Angel opens his eyes and watches her walk away. He smiles to himself. Tara is sitting in the kitchen and has witnessed the silent scene.

Tara: Buffy, I have never seen two people whose spirits were as completely meshed as the two of you.

Buffy: What do you mean?

Tara: Both of you are so in tune to each other that words are like an afterthought with you. It is like you know each other so deep inside that the outside communication is just for us.

Buffy: I think I know what you are saying. Angel is so deep inside of me that even I don’t know where I end and he starts.

Angel walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist.

Angel: He starts with a hug and you can end with a kiss. (whispers in her ear) and the me deep inside will have to be left up to our dreams.

Buffy gasp.

Buffy: You are…..

She does not get anymore words out before her mouth is claimed by his.

Tara starts putting away the groceries.

Tara: What?!

Buffy and Angel look up.

Tara: Okay I am slow, sorry.

Buffy: That’s okay Tara………not a normal grocery item but I have to take care of all my family’s needs.

Angel: Sorry Tara, I should have put it out of sight.

Tara: No Angel not at all……..I just was surprised at first……….where do you buy it anyway.

Buffy: Butchers, slaughterhouses and such. Or Willie’s Place, for the good stuff.

Tara: The good stuff?

Buffy: Human. Or a animal/human mixture.

Tara: Willie’s sales human blood. Where does he get it?

Buffy: He gets the contaminated or damaged bags from the hospital. But at one time he knew a guy out of town who paid people to donate and then sold it to places like Willie’s. He was making a killing.

Angel: Well until I closed him down.

Buffy: You closed him down? Oh don’t let Willie hear that… put a major strain on his supply. He whined for months.

Angel: Please it was sick….there is nothing wrong with pigs blood.

Buffy: Well what about sheep’s blood? The guy said one of the containers is sheep.

Angel: Hmmmm…I’ll let ya know.

Buffy: Never mind, forget I asked.

Willow and Dawn are heard out front. Tara goes in to let them in. Tara leaves promising to come back that evening so they can go on patrol.

Willow: Tara has been here?

Buffy: Yes, she did not like Liam here unprotected.

Willow: Oh, did she uh…..nevermind

Buffy: She didn’t say anything to me but she spent more time with Angel.

She looks toward the living room where Angel is relaxing on the sofa.

Buffy: Angel did you and Tara talk about anything we should hear.

Angel: Not really.

Willow and Dawn go up to their rooms. Homework time. Buffy joins Angel on the sofa. He wraps his arms around her and they sit watching there son sleeping in his new swing. Buffy closes her eyes in peaceful contentment. Angel gently strokes her cheek with his fingertip. He gently and slowly runs the finger down her cheek and across her jaw and down her neck. He runs it down the front of her shirt until he reaches her waist. He then runs it across the small patch of skin above her waistband to her hip. His finger then trails down the hip and down the outside of her thigh till he reaches her knee. He draws little circles on her knee. But when he starts to run his finger up the front of her thigh, Buffy grabs his hand and opens her eyes.

Buffy: What are you doing? Trying to see if you can make me throw you on the ground and rape you, because I am stronger than you I can do it.

Angel: No, just wondering something.

Buffy: What?

Angel: Well, this may come off sounding macho or full of testosterone….but just wondered if you craved me as mush as I crave you…..and if I am enough for you…..even with my limitations.

Buffy: Are you asking if you are the only man I want? The answer is yes, I want no one else.

Angel: I just know how frustrating it is for you.

Buffy: Angel does this have anything to do with Spike?

Angel: Well not really, but maybe. He can give you what I can’t.

Buffy: Do I look that shallow? Angel I love you and sex is no where near as important as love. And the thing with Spike had nothing to do with love and everything to do with needing to feel…..feel anything. I felt I was missing so much…..I was feeling nothing. After I came back…….I was unable to connect with any feelings. The first real emotion I felt since I came back was when I held Liam for the first time.

Angel: Buffy, I know how you must have felt…..remember I too was trapped in hell….I was not to sure how to trust or feel again at first.

Buffy looks shocked, she realizes she never told Angel the real truth.

Buffy: Angel…….I wasn’t in hell.

Angel looks at her confused then

Angel: What? What do you mean?

Buffy: I was not in hell. Willow did not pull me out of hell.

Angel: Do you know where you were?

Buffy: Yes, actually I think I was in heaven.

Angel is stunned. He can not speak.

Buffy: Angel? I am sorry I thought I had already told you.

Angel: Buffy, you were in heaven? Were you happy?

Buffy: Yes, I was very happy. (she looks at Liam) But for the first time I am actually glad I am here.

Angel: Buffy I am so sorry, I have been so glad to have you back I never suspected you weren’t.

Buffy: Angel it is okay, I have you and Liam and I am happy now too.

Buffy snuggles deep into his chest and closes her eyes.

Buffy: I love you

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