Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 35


Buffy pulls into the driveway. Spike walks up to her jeep.

Buffy: Spike where have you been. No one has seen you in a week.

Spike: Miss the boy did ya?

Buffy: No. Just knew you were missing.

Spike: I see ya still got the little nipper there.

Buffy: What do really want?

Spike: Can’t a guy be nice without wanting something.

Buffy: A guy can but not you Spike. Now I need to get Conner in out of this night air.

Spike: Let me help you there.

Buffy: Spike just leave.

Buffy starts heading for the house with Conner. Spike stands in front of her. She is forced to stop.

Spike: Buffy I just want to see how you are doing. I thought we had something love.

Buffy: No we had nothing. I love Angel and only Angel. I only want……….

Buffy is hit with a tranquilizer dart. Spike catches her and Conner before they hit the ground. W&H men pull up and swarm toward them. One grabs Conner. Another grabs Buffy.

Spike: Hey not her. They said just the kid.

Spike hits the one carrying Buffy. No pain, because Gavin has the transmitter in the van turned on. Other W&H men fight off Spike who can no longer hit because Gavin has turned off the transmitter. Spike sinks to the ground in agony. As he sees the van take off with Buffy and Conner, he attempts to run but is in too much pain from the beating and migraine. He drops to the ground staring at where the van went.

Spike: Damn it they said only the kid. Only the kid. Oh Buffy.

As he sits there trying to figure out what to do he notices Buffy’s stuff left on the ground. He grabs her keys and bags. He throws the bags on the seat and climbs in and takes off.

Spike: Okay where did they take them? Where? Damn it how do find them? Oh bloody hell.


He starts driving like a maniac though highway traffic.

Meanwhile in LA at Angel Investigations, everyone is going about their various duties.

Fred: I got i. I got it. I got it.

Angel: What Fred the source of the web sights.

Fred: Uh no not that. I found that book you and Wesley wanted. The one on mind talking. There is a copy in a bookstore in Bunnlevel, NC.

Angel: Bunnlevel?

Fred: Uh huh. That is what it says Bunnlevel. I just need to contact them and have them ship it here.

Wesley: Good work Fred. Bunnlevel, sounds quaint.

Cordy: Sounds like somewhere I would not live.

Wesley: Oh she who lived on a Hellmouth.

Cordy: But at least it was a Hellmouth with a nice normal name.

Angel: Lets just get the book and forget where it comes from.

On the highway, Spike is driving like a mad man. Zipping in and out of traffic, even driving on the median for awhile. Up ahead is a sign LA 40 miles.

Riley and Graham are now ensconced in an office near by where they can watch the hotel. They are both looking through high powered night vision goggles. As they watch a man walks up to the front of the hotel. He looks around before going in.

Riley: I know him.

Graham: Him too?

Riley: Uh yeah he is a friend of Buffy’s.

Graham: Buffy again? Who is this one?

Riley: Uh he was her high school librarian.

Graham: High school librarian?

Riley: Well they were friends. I meet him when she took me to his house a few times.

Graham: So why is he visiting the vampire.

Riley: Not sure I thought he had moved back to England.

Graham: England?

Riley: Oh yeah, he is English.

Graham: Didn’t one of the men with the vampire speak with an English accent?

Riley: Hmmmm, maybe.

They continue watching.

Meanwhile at Angel Investigations, everyone is going about their business.

Giles: Hello.

Wesley: Giles? What are you doing here?

Angel: We thought you were in England.

Giles; I was, been tracking Holtz since the Council let him go last week.

Angel: And you followed him here?

Giles: Actually I tracked him to a cargo plane headed this way. It took off before I could stop it. So I grabbed the first flight out I could get. He had an almost twelve hour jump on me, so he could be anywhere.

Angel: And I know right where hi is headed.

Giles: That is why I am here.

Angel: No he will go after Buffy and Conner first.

Giles: After what you did to his family?

Angel: Uh huh.

Angel grabs the phone and calls the house.

Angel: No answer at the house.

Cordy: Angel, the cell phone.

Angel: What did I do with the number?

Cordy: I got it.

Angel calls the cell phone.

Spike is driving down the road and hears the ring.

Spike: What the hell? A phone?

Spike starts digging around the seat. The phone stops ringing. Spike finds the phone in the diaper bag.

Angel: No answer. Where the hell is she?

Cordy: Calm down. Buffy is fine. She can take care of herself. I will keep trying the numbers.

Fred: Cordy you call the house and you call the cell.

Angel: Thanks guys. Where is she?

Fred tries the house letting it ring and ring. Cordy calls the cell again. Spike almost drops the phone when it rings.

Spike : Okay how the hell this work?

He starts hitting buttons. Finally he hits the right one.

Spike: Hello.

Cordy: Uh hello, who is this?

Angel: Give me that (grabs the phone)

Spike: Who the hell is this?

Angel: Spike is that you? Where the hell is Buffy?

Spike: Angel? She’s gone. They got her.

Angel: Who’s got her? Holtz?

Spike: Hell no, the bloody lawyers got her. Her and that brat of yours.

Angel: What?

Spike: They snatched her. They said they wanted the baby, but they took her too.

Angel: They said, you helped them?

Spike: Not really. I am on the way to find her.

Angel: To where?

Spike: LA, I have no idea where else to go.

Angel collapses into a chair.

Cordy takes the phone.

Cordy: Spike, what is going on?

Angel: Wolfram & Hart have Buffy and the baby.

Spike: I am on my way.

Cordy and Spike hang up.

Wesley: Both of them? Where?

Angel: No idea, I have no idea where they would take them.

Wesley: To the office building?

Angel: No. Where?

Wesley: We will find them.

Angel: Lindsay!!!

Wesley: What?

Angel: Find Lindsay, he would know.

Wesley: Okay, Fred we need you to find someone fast.

Fred: Tell me who.

Wesley: Lindsay McDonald, he is lawyer.

Fred: Works for Wolfram & Hart?

Wesley: Use to. Angel any ides where he might have headed.

Angel: No.

Fred: Uh have found 13 Lindsay McDonalds in the US. Here are the numbers.

Wesley: Lets start dialing.

Wesley, Gunn, and Cordy start calling until….

Wesley: Lindsay, thank god we found you.

Lindsay: Who is this?

Wesley: Wesley of Angel Investigations.

Lindsay: What do you guys want?

Wesley: We need help.

Angel grabs the phone.

Angel: Lindsay, I need your help.

Lindsay: Angel, like I will help you.

Angel: Damn it Lindsay a woman and baby’s life are on the line here.

Lindsay: And how am I suppose to help.

Angel: Wolfram & Hart grabbed them and we need to know where they might take them.

Lindsay: Why? Why they take them?

Angel: They want to examine and maybe even dissect the child.

Lindsay: Why?

Angel: Do you know where they would go or not?

Wesley: Let me talk to him:

Wesley takes the phone back.

Wesley: Lindsay if you have any idea where they may have taken them, we need to know.

Spike walks in. Angel flies up in a rage and grabs Spike and throws him into a wall.

Angel: I am going to kill you. How could you?

Angel throws him again. Then grabs him by the throat and pushes him against a wall.

Angel: Someone want to get me damn stake.

Giles: Angel, we may need him first.

Angel: Need this sorry excuse, for what?

Giles: We need everyone we can if we are going to help Buffy and Conner. You can kill him after we save them.

Angel drops Spike.

Spike: It was not suppose to happen like this.

Angel spits on him.

Angel: You were going to let them take my son weren’t you?

Giles: Angel, later.

Angel stalks off,

Wesley: Okay Lindsay thinks he knows where they are. He is faxing directions and a sketch. There is some kind of underground compound they use. He says it is not too big but hard to find.

The fax machine rings and everyone runs to watch the paper come off. Angel grabs it.

Angel: Lets go. Weapons all around.

Giles, Gunn, Cordy, Fred, Wesley, Spike, and Angel head out.

In the desert. They leave the car and the truck and continue on foot. The near the entrance to the compound.

Gunn: Well what’s the plan?

Angel: Let me see if I can talk to Buffy first.

Spike: Huh?

Cordy: Shhh

Angel: (mentally) Buffy honey, can you hear me?


Angel: (mentally) I am right outside, speak to me.

Buffy: (mentally) I can hear you.

Angel: (mentally) Good. (outloud) She is in there.

Spike: How did you?

Cordy: Shhh.

Angel: (mentally) Can you tell us who is there and how many?

Buffy: (mentally) Lila, Gavin, some old guy. A couple of doctor types and about 7 or 8 guards.

Angel: (mentally) Human?

Buffy: (mentally) Think so, hurry they are all over Conner. He is crying.

Angel: (mentally) We are coming. Hold on. Are you okay?

Buffy: (mentally) Other than these damn chains fine, still groggy.

Angel: We got three lawyers, 7 or 8 guards and some doctors. We are going in. Cordy, you get to Conner. Gunn you get the bolt cutters. They have her chained.

Spike: I can do that, with this bloody chip, I can’t fight humans.

Gunn: Her man.

Angel: Okay, lets get in and out.

Angel kicks the door, it shakes but doesn’t budge. Spike comes up beside him and they kick it together and it flies open. They run in. Spike hits a guard in his way in without pain. Then he hits another. Still no pain. On the third hit he grabs his head. Spike sees Gavin with a small black control in his hand. Spike heads for Buffy. Angel and the others battle the guards and clear a path for Cordy to grab Conner. Cordy heads toward the hallway leading to the outside but is stopped and crouches protecting Conner with her body. Spike cuts the chains. He notices Gavin is down and no longer sees the control box. He looks around as Buffy stumbles toward Cordy.

B: (mentally) Is he okay?

Cordy looks toward Buffy and nods. Buffy makes it to Cordy as a guard comes at her. Buffy summons her strength and shoves the guy across the room with her hand. She and Cordy head down the hallway. Buffy is still groggy from the tranquilizer. Another guard comes at them. Cordy hands Conner to Buffy and uses the high kick Angel and Buffy taught her and takes the guy down.

Buffy: You learned well (she hands back Conner)

Back in the room the Wolfram and Hart people lay about the room injured or unconscious. Angel walks over to Lila lying on the floor blood dripping down her face from a cut on her forehead. He kicks her. The sound of breaking ribs is heard. She cries out. Angel heads toward Linwood when additional men arrive. Buffy and Cordy head back to the room. The battle continues until Angel Investigations decides to retreat. Angel lifts Buffy and carries her down the hall. Cordy follows but is soon picked up by Spike, Conner and all. They run to the car. Angel leaps in the backseat with Buffy. They sit down with him in the middle. Spike drops Cordy in beside him and jumps into the front. Wesley drives off. Gunn and Fred jump into the cab of his truck. Giles dives into the truck bed just as it takes off too.

Wesley: Where to?

Angel: The hotel.

Buffy: Conner, how is Conner?

Cordy: He is fine. Do you want him?

Buffy: No but he is fine?

Angel reaches for Conner.

Angel: He is okay. See.

Buffy looks and lays her head on Angel’s shoulder. Angel puts his arm around his wife and holds their son in his other arm. Spike turns and looks at the three jealously.

As they pull up in front of the hotel, Angel hands Conner to Cordy. Gunn and Giles get out and stand near the car like guards. A carries a still shaky Buffy into the hotel.

At the stakeout office.

Riley: My god that is Buffy. What the heck happened?

Riley jumps up and runs out. Graham still watches.

Angel and the others enter the hotel. Before them is Holtz and about six others.

Holtz: Hello Angelus.

© 2005 Tara