Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 117


Friday night August 23, 2002

Buffy walks down the stairs. She looks around at the group in the living room.

Willow: Hey Buffy. You look so pretty.

Buffy: Thanks Will. Best friends are suppose to say that but thanks anyway.

Gunn: Well I am not your best friend and I think you look wonderful.

Buffy: Thank you very much. Cordy, he is quite the charmer.

Cordy: I know.

The door opens and Oz walks in.

Willow: You’re here. He is here, so we can go.

Buffy: Did he get off okay?

Oz: Yes. He is on his way back to England.

Dawn: I am going to miss him.

Buffy: We all are.

Cordy: So are we ready to go?

Buffy: You guys head on. We will follow as soon as Crystal gets here.

Angel walks down.

Cordy: Uh Angel? Is that you?

Angel: Yes.

Cordy: I didn’t even know you owned a pair blue jeans.

Angel: Buffy bought them.

Cordy: I knew you would look good if you got away from all the black on black.

Angel: It is for one night.

Buffy: We will see about that. Besides you use to wear white shirts all the time.

Angel: I like the shirt.

Buffy: Just not the jeans?

Angel: They are alright.

Cordy: They look great.

Fred: They really do.

Buffy: That is three against one.

Willow: Make it four.

Gunn: Give it up man. You are on a losing streak.

Cordy: So are we going or what?

Willow: Buffy, you sure you do not want us to wait with you?

Buffy: No, Crystal will be here and besides it is still not dark yet.

Willow: But you are coming?

Buffy: Yes. Of course. Now go.

The group heads out and Buffy closes the door. He takes her hand and leads her into the living room. He sits on the sofa and pulls her down beside him.

Angel: Hear that?

Buffy: What? Conner playing?

Angel: No the sounds of our empty house.

Buffy: It is nice.

Angel: We could stay home.

Buffy: Pike will be at the Bronze.

Angel: Right. We are going.

Buffy: Thought so.

Angel: I still do not agree with her seeing him.

Buffy: Do you remember when I was her age?

Angel: Yes. But that was different.

Buffy: How?

Angel: Are you saying I was like him?

Buffy: I am saying Mom would have thought so. You seem to forget how I had to sneak around to see you. Heck I used the window more times than the front door.

Angel: That was because she did not know you were the slayer.

Buffy: Oh sure but do you remember when I was grounded and some guy sat on my windowsill just so he could get his nightly smoochies.

Angel: It was your idea.

Buffy: I know. But you were the adult.

Angel: So I corrupted you?

Buffy: Pretty much so. Now if mom had known about us and we had spent our time together with her around do you think we may have slowed down?

Angel: Possibly. But you would have still snuck out to slay.

Buffy: Yes. But Dawn has no other reason to sneak out and since I had Xander take down the trellis she can not get out her window.

Angel: Your mom’s roses?

Buffy: We moved them and the trellis to the back of the yard.

Angel: Not taking any chances?

Buffy: Should I?

Angel: No.

There is a knock on the door.

Buffy: Boost please.

He helps her up and she answers the door.

Crystal: Sorry I am late.

Buffy: Your not. It just got dark anyway

Crystal: I guess.

Angel: How are you feeling after this afternoon?

Crystal: Sore. And my lip hurts like heck.

Buffy: It will be healed by morning. Now Wes and Pike will be feeling theirs for days.

Crystal: My dad always has joked about how fast I bounce back when I get hurt. I never realized it was because I had special powers.

Buffy: You know you can’t tell him.

Crystal: I know. He would never believe me anyway.

Buffy: I know the secret identity stuff is hard but it is necessary.

Crystal: I get that. So did you ever tell your parents?

Buffy: I told my mom after a few years when she saw me dust a vampire in the front yard.

Angel: Huh?

Buffy: One of your guys.

Angel: Oh.

Buffy: And I just told my dad last December.

Crystal: But they accepted it?

Buffy: Took my mom a year to come to terms and my dad is still working on it.

Crystal: Oh.

Buffy: Conner has had his bath. Just fix him a bottle and he should go right to sleep. He took a short nap today.

Angel: He was the only one.

Buffy: We were tired.

Angel: Keep telling yourself that.

Buffy: Any questions, Crystal?

Crystal: I got it.

Buffy: Both our cell phone numbers are by the phone.

Crystal: We will be fine.

Angel: Come on. We have chaperoning to do.

Buffy: The others are there, but let’s go.

Crystal: Have fun.

They walk out the door and close it behind them. He reaches for her hand as they move down the steps. They stroll down the sidewalk toward the Bronze. Buffy looks up and smiles.

Angel: What?

Buffy: Nothing.

Angel: I see something in your eyes.

Buffy: I was just thinking how you look good enough the eat.

Angel: Turning into a vampire?

Buffy: Not talking eating blood.

He raises his eyebrow and smiles at her.

Angel: You are bad.

Buffy: But you love it.

Angel: Maybe.

He leans in and brushes her lips with his and they continue walking.

Angel: Think we should take a pass through the cemetery?

Buffy: I guess. But if we find any boogey men, you are on your own.

Angel: I will protect you.

They head down the path. Buffy suddenly stops.

Buffy: (m) Do you hear that?

Angel: (m) Of course. You stay here.

He slips off the path and moves into the shadows of the nearby crypt. He creeps through the shadows and peers around the back of the building. He jerks back and returns to the path.

Angel: Let’s go.

Buffy: What was it?

He moves quickly down the path with her at his side.

Buffy: Angel?

Angel: I am so mad. I thought she had more damn sense than that. She is an idiot.

Buffy: Who?

Angel: Faith. You will never guess what she is doing.

Buffy: Spike.

Angel turns and looks at her in shock.

Angel: You knew?

Buffy: I had an idea for awhile. But the match today confirmed it. The way he was able to pin her.

Angel: She is an idiot. What is she thinking? She must not be thinking at all. Hell, let’s go.

He stalks off.

Buffy: Slow down.

Angel: Let just get to the Bronze.

They walk on.

Angel: I can not believe she is that ignorant. She knows what he is. How can she let him touch her?

Buffy: He can’t hurt her.

Angel: He is a twisted sick animal. She has lost her mind. Only an absolute fool would lie down with that vile creature.

Buffy stops in her tracks and stares at his retreating back. She turns around and walks off as tears fill her eyes.

Angel: I have to talk some sense into her.

He realizes she is gone and looks around. He runs after her retreating figure. He can hear her muffled sobs as he approaches.

Angel: Buffy?

He grabs her shoulder and she jerks away.

Buffy: Don’t touch me.

Angel: Honey?

Buffy looks up at his face.

Buffy: It so nice to hear what you really think for once.

Angel: What? Why are you mad at me?

Buffy turns toward home. Angel follows.

Angel: Honey, please stop and tell me what is wrong.

Buffy: Wrong? What could be wrong? You just told me what you think of me and I am suppose to go hidey ho and forget it.

Angel: I was not talking about you. I was talking about Faith and her screwing Spike.

Buffy: Yes, only an idiot or a absolute fool would do that.

Angel stares at her as he realizes what he said.

Angel: Oh honey. I was not talking about you. You are not an idiot or a fool. You were just in a bad place and he took advantage of it.

Buffy: But I did it.

Angel: It wasn’t your fault.

Buffy: Yes it was. I knew what he was and I slept with him.

Angel: What do you want me to say? I am sorry I hurt you by saying what I did, but Faith is not thinking. Just like you weren’t back then. She will get hurt.

Buffy: Faith is a big girl, besides he can’t hurt her. Physically at least. Besides it insures we don’t end up with two pregnant slayers as long as she has him to fill her needs.

Angel: Great . Do it with a soulless demon as a form of birth control.

Buffy: Yeah doing it with a demon who has a soul can lead to pregnancy.

Angel: (smirks) You should know.

Buffy: All too well.

Angel: Baby, I am sorry I hurt you.

Buffy: I know.

Angel: How can I make it up to you?

Buffy: Hmmm. I am thinking multiple slow dances are in order.

Angel: How many is multiple?

Buffy: Not sure yet. I’ll let you know.

She turns toward the Bronze. He stands watching the gently sway of her hips. She looks over her shoulder

Buffy: You might not want to get yourself worked up like that. I don‘t put out with demons. I am no idiot.

He catches up to her.

Angel: Even ones with souls?

Buffy: Especially them. Look where is got me the last time.

Angel: Actually the last time you were already like that.

Buffy: (laughs) Oh yeah I was.



The Bronze


Buffy walks up to the group.

Willow: You made it.

Buffy: Said we would.

Willow: Where is Angel?

Buffy: Checking in with Gus.


At the counter.

Angel: Hey Gus. Everything going okay?

Gus: Fine lately. Where is Buffy?

Angel nods to Buffy standing talking to the others. She looks over and waves.

Gus: My lord is she pregnant?

Angel: Yes.

Gus: Well congratulations.

Angel: Thanks.

Gus: That explains why she has not been around I guess.

Angel: Uh huh.


Across the room.

Buffy: (m) Gunn.

Gunn looks up at her.

Buffy: (m) Do you see that group over there in the corner?

Gunn looks and nods. He stands up and walks beside her.

Gunn: You wondering why four hot numbers are chatting up a bunch of losers?

Buffy: No. I know why. Just thought you guys might want to change the menu. Why munch on computer nerds, when you can have big strapping men.

Gunn: Gotcha.

Buffy: Just get them outside away from the crowd.

Gunn: Tell the others while I see if I can remember how to pick-up a girl.

He saunters over. Angel walks up to Buffy.

Angel: I see you saw them too.

Buffy: Yes. Get Wes and Oz and follow Gunn.

Angel: Got it.

Buffy: Oh and keep your hands in your pockets.


Gunn: Hello Ladies.

The group looks up at him.

Gunn: Sorry to disturb you but my friends and I are from out of town and we saw you over here and thought you might like some company.

Hildy: (looks him over) What friends?

Wes and Oz walk up. Angel hangs back. Hildy and the others look at them.

Carmen: Mmmm Mmmm Mmm.

Hildy: So you are from out of town?

Gunn: LA. In town on business.

Hildy: I think we can spare a little time. Just let me get rid of theses losers.

She flicks her wrist and the nerds sulk off.

Carmen: I want the one in back.

Hildy: Sorry sweety, he is mine.

Carmen: Uh.

Hildy: But I bet….

She looks at Gunn.

Gunn: Charles.

Hildy: Charles here would love to keep you company.

Gunn: Let me introduce my friends. This is Wesley , Daniel, and Angel.

Hildy: Angel? How yummy.

Gunn: So is this the best place this town has to offer?

Hildy: Not quite. There is one more place you might like better.

Gunn: So what are we waiting for?

Carmen: I say let’s go.

Hildy hooks her arm through Angel’s and heads out the door. Carmen wraps her arm around Gunn and follows. The other females latch onto Wes and Oz and soon they are outside.

Gunn: Which way ladies?

Hildy: We can get there faster cutting down the alleys.

They walk through the warm night. As they turn down an alley, Angel stops.

Angel: Ladies, why don’t we go first. Just in case there is someone hiding in the dark.

Hildy: What a brave man.

The men walk away down the alley.

Carmen: (w) Are we thinking dinner or a long term commitment?

Hildy: (w) Oh we are turning them. No doubt about it.

Carmen: (w) Yes!

As the near the other end of the alley, the men stop and turn around.

Angel: Uh ladies, this is a dead end.

Hildy: You are so right.

Buffy: He usually is.

The four females turn to see Buffy, Cordy, Willow, and Fred.

Carmen: The slayer.

Hildy: That’s the slayer. She don’t look in any condition to slay anyone.

Buffy: I don’t have to. My friends and family can handle it.

Hildy looks over the other three women.

Hildy: None of them look very capable to me. You come from a family of weak looking females.

Buffy: Oh they are not my family. They are my friends. I was referring to my husband.

Hildy turns her head and looks at the men. Angel pulls his hand from his jeans pocket and shows her his wedding band. He steps forward and he morphs his face.

Angel: If you are thinking about turning someone you might want to make sure they are still alive.

Hildy: You are a vampire?

Angel: Name’s Angelus.

He flicks a stake from his sleeve and into her chest. As she turns to dust, Carmen runs toward the space between Fred and Cordy. Fred sticks out her foot and as the vampire falls, Cordy shoves a stake through her back and into her heart.

Gunn: That’s my girl.

The other vampires try to fight but are soon dust. The group looks around.

Cordy: With vampires, there is no bodies to dispose of, but I am sick of getting dust in my hair.

Buffy: I feel your pain.

Angel: So are we heading back. Dawn and Pike are there alone.

Buffy: Yes we are. You owe me a dance or two or three.



Later that same night.


She stands in the shower and relaxes as the warm water cascades over her body. The water quickly washes away the smoke and other smells of the Bronze. She turns her face into the gentle spray until she feels two warm hands on her hips. She sighs and leans into his broad chest. He reaches for the soap and works up a thick lather in his hands. He begins at her neck and shoulders. He massages and washes away the lingering tension. His hands move down her shoulders and her arms and back up. He strokes her firm breasts, taking time to tease her nipples into attention. His hands slip down her flat stomach. As his fingers glide over her thighs, his lips place soft kisses to the round curves of her bottom. He washes her legs and works back up to her hips. He runs his hands under the warm water. She leans her head back and looks into his eyes. He brings his lips down on hers hungrily. His hand slips between her firm thighs and his fingers slide into her hot folds. His hand grasp her shoulder and eases her forward. She plants her hands on the ceramic tile as he removes his fingers and slips his hard manhood deep inside. He grasp her pelvis and uses her shoulder and hip for leverage and begins thrusting in and out. She bites her lip to keep from wailing her pleasure. As she feels his deep thrust, she slides one hands between her thighs and strokes her hard nub. Her hips buck backwards to meet his demanding thrust. Small groans escape both their lips as the rhythm increases. He feels her muscles constricting and her legs wobble. He leans forward and wraps his strong arm around her waist. He continues stroking deep inside until he nears his climax. He stands up and takes two last strokes before slipping out and discharging against her back. She stands and turns . She wraps her hands around his neck. His lips consume hers as the water rinses away the mess. His hand seeks out and cradles her breast.


In the hallway.

Angel steps out of his room and sees Willow look out her door.

Angel: You need something?

Willow: No just wanting to take a shower.

Angel: Well the water just went off.

Willow: Finally.

Angel: Well I am heading to the kitchen to get Buffy something to drink. You need anything?

Willow: No thanks.

He heads down the stairs. The bathroom door opens.

Willow: You finished?

Cordy: All yours.

Cordy and Gunn head for the stairs.

Willow: Cordy, I never took you for an environmentalist.

Cordy: Me? Why?

Willow: Conserving water.

Gunn: We all have to do what we can.

© 2005 Tara