Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 62


Wesley: So you see Angel maybe not be sterile.

Cordy: Now you tell us.

Fred: (raises her hand) I have one question. Uh how did that guy Giles find out before Buffy?

Wesley: Giles?

Fred: That’s his name, right? The watcher guy?

Wesley: Yes, his name is Giles. But what does he have to do with any of this?

Fred: Well he called and talked to Buffy. He is the one who told her she could be pregnant, I think.

Cordy: I think you may have been confused.

Fred: I tried not to listen but she was talking to Giles about making love to Angel and then got off and told me she might be pregnant. I think he is why he called.

Wesley: That makes no since.



At the Clinic

Buffy and Angel enter and walk up to the counter.

Angel: Uh we are Mr. and Mrs. Summers. We called.

Lady: Yes, the pregnancy test?

Buffy: Uh huh.

Lady: Just fill out these papers and we will be right with you.

Buffy takes the papers and guides Angel to the waiting area.

Angel: I hate waiting.

Buffy: Just pretend you’re lurking or something.

Angel: Not cute.

Buffy hands him a magazine.

Buffy: Then read.

Angel looks at the cover.

Angel: Parents? Cute.

Buffy: Read you may learn something.

Angel: I know plenty.

Buffy: Well find something to do why I fill these out.

Angel: I wish they would hurry up.

Buffy: I have to fill these out first so please hush.

Angel: Oh.


Lady: Mrs. Summers, come on back.

Buffy: Stay here and behave.

Angel: Here?

Buffy: Yes, I will get you if I need you.

Angel: Fine. I will read this magazine. But hurry.

In the examination room.

Doctor: Mrs. Summers, I understand that this is a big shock. The nurse said you told her your husband was suppose to be sterile.

Buffy: Yes, but it is not a bad shock. Just never ever expected.

Doctor: Well the test is positive but I want to do an examine to confirm. Okay.

Buffy: Fine.


Doctor: Well you are definitely pregnant. And I believe you are right about the three months. But I would like to do an ultrasound to so I can be sure.

Buffy: Really?

Doctor: Really.

Buffy: Can you really see something already?

Doctor: Definitely. Do you want us to get your husband?

Buffy: Yes, please do.

The nurse gets Angel.

Angel: Buffy?

Buffy: Angel, the doctor is going to do an ultrasound, want to watch?

Angel: So it is true. You are pregnant.

Buffy: I am. Not sure how.

Angel: Me either.

Doctor: Okay, Lets see here. There it is. Can you see?

Buffy: I think so. I am still in shock

Angel squeezes her hand.

Angel: Buffy, we have another miracle.

Buffy: I know.

Doctor: According to the measurements I would say you were right about the three months. This would definitely explain why you are so tired. But I hate to say this, seeing you told me your son is only six months but I think you need to stop nursing. You are going to need to give everything to this little one now.

Buffy: I know.

Doctor: Well get dressed. I am going to give you some vitamins and I want you to come back in 4 weeks.

Buffy: But I li

Angel: She will be here.

Buffy: Angel.


In the car on the way home.

Angel: Buffy, are you okay?

Buffy: I am more than okay. Angel we are having a baby. Conner is going to have a little sister.

Angel: A girl? You sound sure.

Buffy: Angel pull over a second. I need to tell you something.

Angel pulls over.

Angel: What? You sound serious.

Buffy: I am. I have to tell you how I found about the baby. Giles told me. He called and told me.

Angel: Told you what?

Buffy: Told me I was pregnant, it had never crossed my mine. Why would it?

Angel: I am lost, how did Giles know?

Buffy: Because the council told him. Don’t get upset, please.

Angel: Buffy, please don’t say it.

Buffy: You know how the council knew?

Angel: Our little girl is destined to be a slayer. Rather poetic don’t you think. A vampire’s miracle child is a vampire child.

Buffy: I know. Not the life I would want for her at all. But at least she will have me to guide her.

Angel: I know, but she is not even here and her life is already planned.

Buffy: Speaking of planning, I want to throw something in the air right now.

Angel: What?

Buffy: My first choice on her name.

Angel: What?

Buffy: Caitlin.

Angel: Caitlin?

Buffy: Caitlin.

Angel: Why Caitlin?

Buffy: I prefer it over Kathleen, which was my first thought.

Angel: You thought about Kathleen?

Buffy: Of course.

Angel: So you know about Kathleen?

Buffy: Yes, of course

Angel: It is Irish.

Buffy: I know. Just like Conner is and I think so is their father.

Angel: An Irish name for our little Irish lass.

Buffy: Do you like the name or not?

Angel: You know I do. I am just teasing you ,but what is the hurry. We have six months.

Buffy: Which will fly by, just like the last six months.

Angel: True. Come on lets go home. Lets call everyone we know and tell them Caitlin Summers is on her way.

Buffy: We have to start with Dawn and Willow.

They enter the hotel.

Cordy: Well?

Angel: I guess everyone knows.

Fred: Oh I am so happy, well if you two are happy that is. Babies are so sweet.

Buffy: We are happy. Just shocked and confused still.

Angel: Still not sure how it is possible.

Fred: Oh but Wesley knows.

Buffy: Wesley knows what?

Wesley: I know why Angel can father a child.

Angel: Want to fill us in?

Wesley: Of course. You know that when Darla showed up carrying Conner, I did a lot of research trying to find out how it was possible. I discovered something that could explain how Angel might be able to produce a child but since it still didn’t explain Darla I didn’t tell anyone. Then we later found out about the whole temporal fold and I realized it had nothing to do with Conner at all.

Angel: You discovered that I might not be sterile and you did not tell me.

Wesley: Well I really didn’t think it was important since you and Buffy were not suppose to be able t have sex anyway. And nobody bothered to tell me things had changed.

Angel: I don’t go telling everyone when I make love to my wife. Sorry. So you want to tell me what you know?

Buffy: Preferably tonight.

Wesley: Right then. When I was looking for how Darla and Angel conceived a child, I came across a reference to a vampire that was able to impregnate a human female. And well he had only one unique characteristic with Angel.

Buffy: What? Did he have a soul?

Wesley: No, he had also survived the "Killer of the Dead" .

Buffy: The poison, he survived the poison. But there is only one known cure.

Angel: And it cures more than the poison I assume.

Wesley: That is my assumption.

Buffy: So I am responsible. That is priceless. I save one life only to get a bonus in the package.

Angel: So you have known this for six months and you have told no one till now.

Wesley: Well if I knew you were going to bloody shag the girl I mighta bloody told ya!!!!

Buffy burst out laughing.

Everyone looks at Wesley and then everyone starts laughing.

Angel: Okay, not laying blame, actually if we had known we might not have a child on the way. And I personally am not complaining.

Buffy: Me either. Oh and Wesley..

Wesley: What did I do now?

Buffy: Oh nothing really, I just want to tell you that I think you are wrong about that prophecy being about Conner.

Wesley: Why do you think that?

Buffy: Cause more likely it is about Caitlin.

Cordy: Caitlin?

Buffy: Caitlin.

Cordy: So I assume you think it is a girl.

Buffy: All slayers are.

Wesley: Slayers? Oh that is why Giles called. Oh my lord.

Cordy: What?

Gunn: Buffy’s little bun is a future slayer.

Buffy: Afraid so. Destined to walk in her mother’s shoes.

Cordy: Now, that is not fair.

Angel: Tell us about it.

Wesley: Well you could be right about the prophecy then. It might not be Conner, but the new baby instead.

Buffy: Caitlin.

Wesley: Yes, Caitlin.

Fred: Where did you get the name Caitlin?

Buffy: It is a variation of Angel’s little sister’s name, Kathleen.

Fred: Oh. Uh Angel you have a little sister.

Angel: I did.

Fred: Oh yeah she is probably dead by now.

Angel: She is.

Buffy: Angel, I thought we were going to call home.

© 2005 Tara