Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 67


A couple hours later at the hotel. Lorne comes in.

Lorne: Hideho all.

He looks around.

Lorne: Hello, where is everyone?

He looks around.

Lorne: Must be out. Bet they are out there fighting the big bad evils. Got to love those guys. Now myself, I think I will make myself a little drink and turn on little music. Damn I need a woman. I live the most boring life. Hey but when I get my new club it will be hopping. Now I am talking to myself. I definitely need a someone.

He heads upstairs. As he heads toward his room he is stopped by the sounds coming from another room.

Lorne: Lord help me sounds like a fight. I I I I am not a fighter.

He slips up to the door and listens. Lorne he gently knocks. No answer. He knocks again still nothing but the noises continue. He takes a deep breath and crack the door open but immediately closes it.

Lorne: Well looks like someone is having a good night.

He heads to his room.

Downstairs the others file in.

Fred: That was fun. The walk, the food, everything. I kinda forgot how much fun it was just to walk somewhere and not be afraid.

Wesley: Fred, do you still get afraid?

Fred: Not really, but well sometimes. But not when I am with you or Angel or the others.

Wesley: And when you are alone?

Fred: It can get scary.

Wesley: I guess that is understandable. You were trapped in Pylea for five years, and you have only been back a year now. I guess it may takes years.

Nigel: Uh what’s Pylea?

Wesley: Oh and alternate dimension. Fred here got sucked in through a portal about six years ago. Then well Cordy got pulled in too last year. So Angel, Gunn, Lorne and I went in and found not just her but Fred and we all were able to get back here.

Nigel: Now I know you are not serious. You went to another dimension. This is preposterous.

Quentin: I would have agreed not too long ago but I have learned not to rule out anything. We do have a pregnant slayer. Pregnant by a vampire at that. They also have a child who was carried to tem by another vampire. So Nigel, I suggest you become a bit more open minded. It might serve you well in the future. Now Giles, since it appears we will not be able to speak with the slayer for at least another hour or so, can I suggest we find somewhere private we can discuss the Faith matter.

Giles: Of course. Wesley, can we use your office?

Wesley: Of course.

Lorne comes down the stairs.

Lorne: Well I see everyone has returned. I was wondering where everyone ran off to.

Cordy: Dinner. What brings you home so early.

Lorne: Club is ready. Just need to get the supplies in and we are open for business this.

Fred: Oh I am so glad. I really liked Caritas.

Lorne: Well I am thinking of a new name. Caritas has had some really bad vibes around it. Might not get too much attendance if you know what I mean.

Fred: I guess, what are you thinking?

Lorne: Not quite sure yet. Still in the thinking process.

Fred: Well it is suppose to be a place of shelter. How about defendo?

Lorne: Defendo? Has a nice sound.

Fred: Or perhaps, Consensio.

Lorne: Consensio? Oh, harmony.

Cordy: Harmony? Oh please not Harmony.

Fred: What’s wrong with Harmony?

Cordy: Everything. Everything is wrong with Harmony.

Lorne: Have you seen her again?

Cordy: No but Angel said she was in Sunnydale recently. But she got away, again.

Fred: Who is Harmony?

Cordy: Only one of my best friends from high school who is now a vampire.

Fred: Oh, thinking that is not good.

Wesley: Well lets hope we have seen the last of her.


Later at the hotel.


Angel is half dressed while Buffy is still lying under the sheets.

Angel: Are you getting up?

Buffy: In a minute. Just basking in the afterglow, if you don’t mind.

He reaches down for his shirt.

Angel: Well this won’t be worn any time soon.

Buffy: What’s wrong with it?

Angel: Just the fact that it is missing half the buttons.

Buffy: Oh. Hey have you ever thought about shirt with snaps.

Angel: No but I may have to if you keep it up.

He heads to the closet. And stops in front of a pile of wood and canvas/

Angel: Uh Buffy, I really did like that painting.

Buffy: Well then you should have hooked it to the wall better.

Angel: Does that mean you had to throw it?

Buffy: When things fall on me, I instinctively get them off.

Angel: Well now we have a big bare spot over the bed.

Buffy: Will find something else.

Angel: Fine. Well so much for me making sure you rest. I really screwed up.

Buffy: Not just up.

Angel: You have a mouth on you.

Buffy: Don’t you know it, and don’t you love it

Angel: Time is up, so please behave.

Buffy: Fine, lets get dressed. Before they send a search party.

Angel: Good idea. I wonder who that was at the door earlier.

Buffy: Don’t know.

She slips on a leather skirt and lace bra and blouse.

Angel: Uh Buffy, you forgot something.

Buffy: No I didn’t.

Angel: Yes you did. You are not leaving this room like that.

Buffy: You will be the only one who knows. Now lets get down there and get this over with.

Angel: Are you that sore?

Buffy: Not at all. I am just doing it to drive you crazy.

She walks out and he stares after her in shock.

© 2005 Tara