Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 64


In Sunnydale.

It is just minutes from sunrise. Spike returns to his crypt after spending the night patrolling for demons to take is anger out on. He walks toward his bed piled with sheets and blankets. He falls into the middle and lands on something hard amongst all the linens. He grabs the covers and jerks them back.

Spike: What the bloody hell are you doing here?

Harmony: Spike. Spikey. Aren’t you happy to see me? Huh? My little blondy wondy sugar bear.

Spike: You need to get out of my bed and go home.

Harmony: Home? I don’t have a home since you and your friends crashed the little party at the mansion.

Spike: Well you ain’t staying here. I live alone and I like it that way.

Harmony: But she is after me. She said if she saw me near the mansion again, I was done for.

Spike: Who, the slayer? Well doll she ain’t here right now so go back to your fancy little pad and leave me be.

Harmony: Uh I can’t, the sun is up already.

Spike: Oh bloody hell.

Harmony: I guess I am stuck here with you…….all day………..we can find something to keep us busy.

Spike: You and me. I think we played that record already, actually twice I believe. I am not so much in for the replays.

Harmony runs her hand down his chest.

Harmony: We can come up with some new and different ways to play.

Spike: Stop that. I am not sleeping with you.

Harmony: I wasn’t thinking about sleeping.

Spike: Harm.

Harmony: Yes my cuddly wuddly big stallion.

Spike: Ah what the hell. But you are leaving at sunset.

Spike grabs Harmony’s arms and pins them above her head. He lowers his face to hers and begins assaulting her mouth with his.

Out side the crypt

Dawn walks up. She creeps into the upper chamber.

Dawn: Spike?

She heads down the steps to his bedroom.

Dawn: Spike?

Spike pops up from under the covers along with Harmony.

Spike: Little Bit?

Dawn: Oh no. Oh my lord.

She hurries back up. Spike grabs his pants and uses them to cover himself as he races after her. He gets between her and the door,

Spike: Stop. Don’t run off. If you came here you had a reason.

Dawn turns away so he can get his pants on,

Dawn: I came here to make sure you were okay. I knew you were hurt about Buffy and I wanted…..oh I don’t know what I wanted.

Spike: Come on it has been over with Buffy for months.

Dawn: You couldn’t tell it by you. But I see you found a way to heal your broken heart. But Spike, Harmony. Ewww. You could have better. You should have better but you can’t see that. And I know now you never will.

Spike: It’s not like I have women breaking down my door.

Dawn: I am not that strong, but I would if I could.

Spike: What are you talking about?

Dawn: Oh nevermind I have to get to school.

Spike: But we need to talk. Come back after school. I will find a way to get rid of Harmony.

Dawn: Can’t. Willow and I are leaving for LA, today.

Spike: What to see the expectant mommy and her vampire lover?

Dawn: No to see my sister and her husband. We want to celebrate the news with them. Besides I want to see my dad too. Oh and you can forget about talking. I am through trying to pretend to be your friend. I will be 16 next month so I am not child. I am going to find me a man who will appreciate me. Now I have to go.

Dawn pushes past Spike and he lets her go. Harmony appears from below.

Harmony: My that little kid has it bad for you. What is it with those Summer girls and going for the vampires? Uh you coming back down here sweety.

Spike: No way. I am going to stay up here and watch the telly. So you can have the bed all to yourself.

Harmony: Some 16 year old kid comes in here and now you are all through with Harmony. Sounds like you got it in for the girl too.

Spike: Shut up she is just a kid. And besides her sister would stake me for sure.

Harmony: That is so true. Not that she wasn’t doing the exact same thing at that age.

Spike: Go to bed Harm.


In LA.

Buffy starts to awaken. The memories of the prior day and night flood her. She slowly opens her eyes and quickly notices a pair of brown eyes peering at her from just above the bumper pad of his crib. She smiles at him. She attempts to extricate herself from the protective cocoon of her husband, but he pulls her tighter to him.

Angel: Where do you think you are going?

He moves to kiss her.

Buffy: Uh, we have an audience.

Angel: What?

Buffy tips her head toward the crib. He looks over.

Angel: Well good morning little one.

He looks back at Buffy.

Angel: I guess I should make this a G rated kiss.

He gently teases her lips with his. Then climbs out of bed and scoops up his son.

Angel: Lets get you changed and go downstairs for breakfast. Mommy needs to sleep.

Buffy: Mommy is getting up. Mommy is not tired.

Angel: Buffy, please quit being difficult.

Buffy: I’m not. I am not tired so I am getting up. Now if I get tired, I will come up here and take a nap.

Angel: You will?

Buffy: I promise.


At Wolfram & Hart

Lila walks into Linwood’s office with a file.

Lila: Looks like we finally got something from the surveillance.

Linwood: On Angel?

Lila: Looks like he is the world’s first fertile vampire.

Linwood: What are you talking about.

Lila: He and the Mrs. made a little visit to a clinic last night. And after they locked up we slipped in and made a copy of her file.

She drops it on his desk. Gavin walks in.

Linwood: She is pregnant.

Lila: Oh yeah, three months along. Which matches up with the weekend at the inn.

Gavin: Who are you talking about?

Lila: Angel and his wife are expecting yet another baby.

Gavin: Are you sure?

Lila: Doctor records right here. Even did an ultrasound. Doctors notes says everything looks normal.

Linwood: I want to know more.

Gavin: I will get right on it.

Lila: I thought I was handling this.

Linwood: Why don’t you two handle it together.

Lila: No Gavin can take it. I think I have another project I can get started on.

Linwood: Are you going to share?

Lila: Not yet. But soon.

Gavin and Lila walk out together.

Gavin: Good thing you didn’t actually have sex with him. Partner’s frown on unwed mothers.


At the hotel

Angel and Buffy come downstairs with Conner.

Angel: Where are you going to sit?

Buffy: Can I get all the way down the stairs first.

Cordy: Morning. Gunn picked up breakfast. Buffy, he got you eggs, toast, and juice.

Buffy: Uh sure, I usually just have juice.

Angel: Not anymore. You

Buffy: I know. I have Caitlin to think about. I get it

Angel: Well you sit and I will bring it to you.

Buffy: I am not an invalid.

Angel: Did I say you were? I just want you to take it easy.

Buffy: Fine, next thing you will have me doing is needlepoint or kntting booties.

Angel: Knitting booties? Not a bad idea.

Buffy: In your dreams.

Angel: That is not what I dream about and you know it.

The computer rings out

Buffy: Must be Will. I guess I will sit at the computer. Okay with you?

Angel: As long as you sit somewhere.

Buffy: Hello Will. Did Dawn get off okay.

Willow: Actually she got out of here early. Must have wanted to meet some friends before class.

Buffy: I remember those days, but I was just rushing into meet Giles.

Willow: Oh the fond memories. Rushing to school to research demons before class.

Buffy: If we had not stayed there the whole night before.

Willow: True.

Angel hands her the food.

Angel: Eat before it gets cold.

Buffy: Will, I never thought I would see the day that Angel acted like and mother hen. He keeps it up and I am going to have hurt him.

Willow: Buffy, he is not that bad. He only wants what is best and you did let things go to long.

Buffy: I know.

Angel: Eat.

Buffy: I am.

Angel: No you are talking.

Buffy pick up the food from the desk and glances at the notepad below it. She stares at it.

Buffy: Uh Cordy, what is this?

Cordy: Uh let me see, oh that is Wesley’s notes on the prophecy. Why?

Buffy: Cause have you read them?

Cordy: Note really. Why?

Buffy: Read them and see if you see what I see?

Willow: Buffy what is wrong?

Buffy: Oh nothing Will, just some translation Wes is working on.

Willow: Oh, well I just wanted to check on you before I head to class and wanted to tell you we are packed and will be leaving here as soon as Dawn gets home from school.

Buffy: Okay. See ya then.


Buffy: Cordy, do you see what I see.

Cordy: You really don’t think?

Buffy: Oh I do.

Angel: What?

Cordy hands him the notes. Angel reads them

Angel: Hey, where is Wes? I can not believe he has not said anything about this to me or to any of us.

Gunn: What are you three going on about?

Buffy: The prophecy about the two children.

Gunn: The one about your baby and the other one.

Angel: Yes, Wesley here has made reference to the other parents.

Gunn: And what does it say?

Angel: One parent is possessed by the essence of an animal and the other is the vessel of powerful magic’s.

Gunn: And it doesn’t sound like anyone we know.

Buffy: Does to us that went to Sunnydale High, and well Angel.

Gunn: You think you know the other couple.

Cordy: Well you have met Willow, and you know what a powerful witch she is

Gunn: So you think she is the mother of the other child but isn’t she gay.

Cordy: Buffy, Oz is gone. So it can’t be them.

Buffy: It has to be.

Angel: I tend to agree.

The front door opens.

Cordy: Giles? My lord Giles. I thought you were in England.

Giles: Hello Cordelia. I was, but I felt a need to come here and see what on earth is going on..

Angel: Hello Rupert.

Giles: Angel, I guess you and Buffy have something to tell me perhaps.

Buffy: Nothing you don’t already know.

Giles: What are you saying or more important not saying.

Buffy: Oh I don’t have to tell you, not with all the watchers council at your disposal.

Giles: So I guess it is true. I can’t believe any of this.

Buffy: How do you think I feel, to have you call me from England and tell me I am having a baby and not just any baby. A baby whose future has already been decided. A future I would not chose for anyone.

Angel: Buffy, calm down. You don’t need to be getting upset.

Buffy: I am not upset, but if you don’t quit treating me like a china doll that could change fast.

Angel: Cordy, Gunn do you feel like a work out, because I sure do.

Buffy: Thank god. Now where is Conner?

Angel: Fred is feeding him.

Buffy: So now I can’t even feed my own son.

Angel: You don’t appear to be able to feed yourself (pointing at her half eaten breakfast).

Buffy: Urgg.

Angel: Guys?

Gunn, Cordy and Angel head downstairs.

Giles: What was that all about?

Buffy: I don’t know. He has been a royal pain for the last two days. I am surprised he lets me brush my own hair. I might wear myself out.

Giles: You are getting a bit irrational Buffy and I think you know it.

Buffy: I know but I know how I feel and I know what I need to do.

Giles: Hmmm I guess he just wants to take care of you and make sure you don’t overdue, which is you r tendency. He loves you.

Buffy: And I love him. And I want him to take care of me but I don’t want him to smother me in the process.

Giles: Can you say that to him like you just said it to me. Without the snide remarks.

Buffy: Of course.

Giles: Then I recommend you do when he returns.

Buffy: Okay. Now we need to discuss things I guess.

Giles: Yes we do. Quentin and Nigel flew in with me, but I convinced them to wait until this afternoon to come by. I figured it would go better just the two of us.

Buffy: You got that right.

Giles: Well, it looks like we have a big problem and not many good options. You are essentially out of commission for at least six months or more.

Buffy: Exactly. But I have an idea, and it may work and it may be a bust.

Giles: I hope it is better than the rest of teaming up like last summer because even with Spike, we only were semi successful because the demons did not know. But Buffybot is history and I have a feeling in a few months the word will be out about your uh condition.

Buffy: Giles, repeat after me. Preg-nan-cy. Come on it is easy.

Giles: Please, no time for kidding.

Buffy: Okay, do you want to hear my suggestion.

Giles: Fine.

Buffy: Put another slayer in Sunnydale.

Giles: Another slayer, but the only other slayer is……..oh you want to get Faith out of jail.

Buffy: She is coming up for her first parole hearing and I can assume that the council has enough power to pull it off.

Giles: Probably but do we really want to take the risk.

Buffy: I think she might really be ready but I need to see her again to be sure. I also want you to meet with her and see what you think.

Giles: I guess we should at least consider it. How long has she been in?

Buffy: Two years and according to the warden she is really working hard. She has had to take a lot of abuse from the other prisoners but she has resisted any retaliation. Now I may be wrong but I see that as a sign she is developing some character.

Giles: Has she had counseling?

Buffy: I believe so. And of course Angel has done his own form of guidance.

Giles: I am aware. But I want to talk to her myself.

Buffy: So I suggest we go to the prison. And sooner, not later. I only have one problem.

Giles: What.

Buffy: My jailer probably won’t let me leave.

Giles: Buffy, he is not that bad.

Buffy: Yeah right and Atilla the Hun was pussy cat.

Giles: Buffy.

Buffy: Okay you go tell him we need to go see Faith this morning and see how far you get.

Giles: Where is he.

Buffy: Basement.(points toward the door) Good luck.

Giles heads downstairs. Moments later he and Angel come back up.

Angel: Giles here says you two want to go see Faith.

Buffy: No, we need to go see Faith. We need to determine if she is ready to come back and take over for me.

Angel: Why don’t I go?

Buffy: Two reasons. One is the sun is very bright today and because you my dear husband are too close to the situation.

Angel: Okay, but do you think you are up to the long drive and the less than comfortable conditions.

Buffy: Yes, I do. Last time we took Conner and you didn’t blink an eye.

Angel: I know. I just keep getting the vision of you fainting. It keeps going over and over in my mind.

Buffy: Oh.

Giles: Angel, the rental car is air conditioned and I will be with her. I think she can handle a little trip. Besides I doubt there is any big beasties in the prison.

Angel: Oh yeah like the prisoner she had to kick into the wall to keep her from killing the warden.

Giles: What?

Buffy: Last time, a prisoner came at the warden with a broom handle and I kicked her away. Angel, I tell you what if any one tries to kill anyone, I will watch. Now can you please quit.

Angel: Fine, but Giles watch her, she has fainted twice in two days.

Giles: Oh, okay I was not informed. Buffy?

Buffy: Hey has not happened in over 24 hours. That was before I knew what was wrong.

Giles: Well I guess we should head on.

Angel: I love you.

Buffy: I love you too. And I will be fine.

Giles and Buffy head to the prison.

© 2005 Tara