Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 69


Buffy walks over and tears stream down her face as she sits down.

Dawn: Buffy, what is wrong. Angel will be fine.

Buffy: I know, I can’t help it.

Willow: Buffy?

Buffy: I am fine, just a little blue I guess.

Lorne: I feel the vibes in here. (he takes her elbow and leads her away) Buffy, you have some work to do. You need to correct what has gone wrong.

Buffy: What are you talking about?

Lorne: The others have tried to destroy the plan but it can still happen.

Buffy: Lorne, you are confusing.

Lorne: I am aren’t I. Hey I just tell you what they tell me. They never expected it to happen so early, they weren’t ready, but they are trying to fix it.

Buffy: Who is trying to fix what?

Lorne: The powers. They need your help again.

Buffy: Uh, I am no shape to help anyone right now. I can’t fight anyone and risk the baby.

Lorne: Not fight. You need to get the others back to their intended paths.

Buffy: Oh, I think I know what you mean now.

Lorne: Good, cause I sure don’t. The others have broken the bonds before but you used the symbol of your love as the key to bring him back to you. They need you to repair the other bonds that forces of evil have destroyed..

Buffy: I know what you mean about the repair, I think.

Lorne: I sure hope you do love because I am drawing a blank.

Buffy: I do, but you said I used the symbol of our love as the key to bring him back.

Lorne: Yes, they could never have done it without your help. The others couldn’t destroy your bond, so they went after the others.

Buffy: I know. I will try to fix it.

Lorne: Good Luck. Time is running out.

Buffy: I know.

Lorne walks away and goes upstairs.

Dawn: Buffy, what did Lorne tell you?

Buffy: Oh he just reminded me I needed to do something.

Dawn: Oh.

Buffy: How is Cordy?

Fred: She will be fine. She just went up to lie down in my room.

Buffy: Good. Uh, Tara can you and Dawn watch Conner? I need to talk to Willow upstairs.

Tara: Sure, do you want me to take him up and get him ready for bed.

Buffy: Please. Dawn can you fix his bottle?

Dawn: Of course. What is wrong?

Buffy: Nothing is wrong I just need to talk to Willow.

Willow: Uh lets go up to my room.

Buffy: Okay.


In the car

Gunn: What was going on with the Buffster back there.

Angel: I have no idea.

Giles: She is not usually prone to tears.

Quentin: None of you guys has any idea what is going on?

Angel: No.

Quentin: The girl is pregnant. She is acting pretty normal to me. I have three kids and mind you I have seen my wife do some pretty unusual things. With my youngest she broke an entire set of dishes because the mash potatoes were lumpy.

Angel: I know you are joking.

Quentin: Not at all.

Gunn: And you thought demon slaying was a tough gig.

Angel: So I have six more months of the roller coaster ride?

Quentin: At least.

Angel: Well I can hope for more highs than lows.

Quentin: Sure you can.


Back at the hotel. Willow and Buffy are sitting in the room Fred put her in.

Willow: What is wrong?

Buffy: Nothing is wrong I just need to explain something to you and I need you to just listen and not talk, okay.

Willow: Sure. Go ahead.

Buffy: Okay, do you know Wesley has been translating the prophecy about the two children. Well he learned that the one child will be born to two warriors. And since we learned Caitlin will be a slayer, we know it must be about her.

Willow: A slayer? Uh sorry, listening.

Buffy: Yes she is destined to be a slayer too. Like her mom. The prophecy mentions the second child and describes the parents. Wesley has had a bit of difficulty with the exact translation but has learned that the parents of the other child are described as one who is possessed of the essence of an animal and the other is one of powerful magics.

Willow: Buf

Buffy holds up a finger. Willow sits back.

Buffy: I know what you are thinking. Now let me tell you about the prophecy dream I had earlier today.

Later Buffy has finished describing her dream or most of it. She does not share the parts about Angel.

Buffy: So I know what the powers intended to happen. But Lorne told me, that the forces of evil tried to destroy the children by destroying our relationships. And they succeeded it seems. But Angel and I were able to resurrect ours. Now before you get all upset, I not expecting you to get back with Oz just because the powers need you to. Never. But I do think we need to find Oz and tell him too. Now I am going to find him and tell him. You can hate me, but I have to tell both of you what I know and then I am stepping away from it. You can talks now.

Willow: Uh, Buffy. Uh

Buffy: I know Will. But you had to know. And Oz does to.

Willow: Uh, I guess, but you can’t expect us to just go back where we left off. We are not you and Angel. There are other things to consider. Other people. And I have no idea if Oz is even well involved and I am sure I am not interested in becoming involved with him. Buffy, I still live Tara.

Buffy: I know this, but I am contacting Oz. And I am telling him exactly what I told you.

Willow: I understand, I guess.

Buffy: How is things with Tara?

Willow: Better, not great, but better.

Buffy: Good, you know you can talk to her about this. But no one else. I trust Tara. I don’t want to tell anyone else but you and OZ about the dream. Wesley and Giles know.

Willow: And Angel?

Buffy: No. I think it is best if he doesn’t know. I know him and he would be too affected by it.

Willow: I suppose, it is his daughter too.

Buffy: Okay, well I will leave you unless you have any questions.

Willow: No, but can you ask Tara to come in when she can.

Buffy: Sure, are you going to tell her?

Willow: Yeah. I need someone to talk to, uh sorry.

Buffy: Don’t be. I would not be the right one to talk to, I have my own issues right now.

Willow: Oh. Uh Buffy, I got a postcard last summer from Alaska, if that helps.

Buffy: It might, thanks.

Buffy stops by her room.

Buffy: I am going down to talk to Fred. Is everything okay?

Dawn: Fine. He just fell asleep.

Buffy: Good, Dawn will you sit with him till I get back?

Dawn: Sure.

Buffy: Tara, Willow wants to talk to you in her room.

Tara: Uh, okay, what’s wrong.

Buffy: Just go talk to her.

Buffy heads downstairs.

Buffy: Fred, can I ask you a favor?

Fred: Sure, anything.

Buffy: I need you to find someone for me. I am not sure where he is exactly. Last anyone heard was a postcard last summer from Alaska.

Fred: What it the name?

Buffy: Daniel Osbourne.

Fred: Daniel Osbourne. Uh what does he look like? Is he blonde?

Buffy: Uh sometimes, why?

Fred: Sometimes?

Buffy: He has a tendency to like change. Why did you ask if he was blonde?

Fred: Well, uh you know Mr. Nabbitt put the computer in here for us to talk to you.

Buffy: Right.

Fred: Well he left us the list of contacts for the others in the test. And I did as he asked and contacted a few. And one was a Daniel Osbourne. Not sure where he was. But he was blonde, that I do remember.

Buffy: You are kidding, can you find him again

Fred: Sure, I just have to find the file with the list.

Buffy: I’ll be back while you look.

She dashes upstairs. She knocks on Willow’s door.

Willow: Who is it?

Buffy: Me.

She opens the door.

Buffy: Sorry, uh Willow, did you ever get through the list of test people David gave you?

Willow: Not all of them, but quite a few.

Buffy: Says there is guy with the name I am looking for on the list.

Tara: Oz? Are you talking about Oz?

Buffy: Uh yes, I was not sure what she had told you.

Tara: Enough. Do you think it is him?

Buffy: Not sure but I plan to see.

© 2005 Tara