Forced into Love

Chapter Five


Late Sunday afternoon, Buffy walks into the living room and glances around. Her father is quietly smoking his pipe as Liam sits staring at the fire.

Hank: There you are.

Buffy: Did you need something, Father?

Hank: I just wanted to let you know I will be pulling out on Wednesday morning. I need you to make sure all my clothes are laundered and mended.

Buffy: Yes, sir.

Liam glances over at her.

Liam: Buffy, would you like to take a walk?

Buffy looks over surprised.

Buffy: Yes, that would be lovely.

He slips on his coat and turns to lay her cape over her shoulders before picking up his hat. She lifts her hood over her head as he opens the door. She steps out and he offers her his arm before descending the steps. They both move quietly down the nearly deserted street.

Liam: I thought we might take a moment alone to talk.

Buffy: Oh.

They continue to walk in silence as Liam takes in the sights and smells.

Buffy: We could go closer to the water.

She points to a well worn path. He guides them down to the bank of the river. He notices a rough hewn bench over looking the water. They walk over and sit.

Buffy: The local boys built this for fishing.

Liam: Looks like a good place.

Buffy: There is supposed to be a hole or something right out there that attracts a lot of fish .

Liam: Oh.

He turns toward her and smiles.

Liam: I was hoping we could talk and maybe learn about each other. So things won’t stay so awkward all the time.

Buffy: I guess we should.

Liam looks back over the water for a moment before glancing back. She is again sitting looking at her hands and twisting her ring around.

Liam: This is not easy is it.

Buffy: I guess not. I am not sure what to tell you.

Liam: Why don’t we try a few easy questions and see where it goes?

Buffy: Okay. You go first, please.

Liam: Hmmmm. What food do you like the most?

Buffy: All kinds of seafood. Well except oysters. I hate oysters.

Liam smiles: I hate them too.

Buffy: I also like chicken. Willow makes wonderful roasted chicken with herbs.

Liam: Sounds good.

Buffy: So your turn. What do you like the most.

Liam: Well besides sweets, I like roasted beef and the salted pork today was good.

Buffy: I would have to agree. Willow is a wonderful cook. Not as good as Mother of course.

Liam: Well your pie was excellent

Buffy: You should know. You ate half of it.

Liam: I like sweet things.

Buffy: I will remember that.

Liam: You said earlier you like to read. What else do you like to do?

Buffy: I like sewing.

Liam: My mother does too.

Buffy: My mother says I am very talented. Even better than her.

Liam: Did you make that dress?

Buffy: I make all my clothes. And Mother and I make all of Father’s. We also help Willow. She may be an excellent cook, but has difficulty with a needle and thread.

Liam: My mother says Kathy is sorely lacking in the skill as well.

Buffy: Kathy? Is that your sister?

Liam: Yes. She is but twelve but she already assists my mother with all her duties.

Buffy: Do you miss her?

Liam: A little.

Buffy: Oh.

She pauses and looks at him and smiles.

Buffy: So what do you find pleasure in?

Liam forces down a smirk at her unknowing verbiage.

Liam: Like you I enjoy reading. I also like drawing.

They both fall silent for a moment. Buffy looks at him and smiles weakly.

Liam: You have a question?

Buffy: Well we told what we like but I wonder what you hate.

Liam: You mean as in foods?

Buffy: As in anything. But food is a good start.

Liam: Well I hate mushrooms. Actually I should say detest. I also do not like liver of any kind. And not a big lover of carrots unless they are raw or in a soup or stew.

Buffy: Oh. Anything else?

He smiles.

Liam: Not that I can think of.

Buffy: Well I can agree on the mushrooms and the liver. Father loves both unfortunately. But we always make something else when it is served.

Liam: Do not put yourself to extra work.

Buffy: I won’t. So now what else other than foods, what do you hate?

Liam stares out over the water in silence. Buffy glances at him out of the corner of her eye waiting for him to speak. She again begins fiddling with her ring.

Liam takes a deep breath.

Liam: Church.

Buffy: Pardon?

Liam: I hate going. I find it false and hypocritical.

He turns and looks in her face.

Liam: I can’t live a lie.

Buffy: Oh.

She looks down at her hands.

Buffy: We can tell Father Gabriel the truth. We can end it now.

Liam: End? End what?

Buffy: The lie. If he knows the marriage was held outside the church, he will know it is invalid. And you will not be stuck in this lie.

Liam: Buffy, is that what you think? That the marriage was not real?

Buffy nods.

Liam: Well it was real. The inn use to be a part of a monastery until they outlawed the Catholic Church and shut it down. It is where we are forced to hold all our weddings and christenings. Buffy, it is not a lie.

He looks down at her hand.

Liam: Is that why you keep playing with the ring? It represents a falsehood?

Buffy: No. I am just not use to wearing it………….yet.

Liam: Oh.

Silence engulfs them once again.

Buffy: So you hate church?

Liam: Most the time. I go during Easter and Christmas and when I feel I need it. But not every week.

Buffy: Oh.

Liam: But I will escort you there if you ask. I will not turn you down.

Buffy: I will not ask.

Liam: Thank you.

Buffy: But I have to ask you something.

Liam: Yes, ma’am?

Buffy cocks her head at the word ma’am trying to get use to it.

Buffy: Why do you insist on the floor? I thought it was because you knew it was fake.

Liam: No. Buffy, I am not much more than a stranger and we may be married but I have no right to invade your bed.

Buffy: But you slept beside me before.

Liam: Not in your bed. It is yours and I shall respect it.

She looks back down before speaking

Buffy: Even if I tell you I hate thinking of you on the floor and…

She stops and glances over the river.

Liam: And what?

Buffy: I felt safe when you were beside me.

Liam: Safe?

Buffy: Yes, safe. You are right, we are strangers but I trust you.

Liam looks surprised.

Buffy: Besides if you continue to do something I hate, then I will be forced to make you attend mass with me.

Liam glares at her a second but she just smiles.

Buffy: I will.

Liam: Some reason I believe you.

Buffy just nods her head. Liam looks around at the darkening sky

Liam: I think we should head back.

Buffy: I agree.

He helps her to her feet and they begin walking home.

Buffy: Talking was a good idea.

Liam: Thank you.

Buffy: Maybe we can take time again.

Liam: Of course. Anytime.

They arrive back at the house and enter. As Liam helps her with her cloak, Hank turns to them.

Hank: Good, you’re back. I want to go over what we need to do tomorrow.

Liam nods and turns to Buffy.

Buffy: I will make some coffee.

She steps into the kitchen as Liam lowers himself into the large rocking chair.



Later that evening, Liam steps into the bedroom. A low light emits from the oil lamp on the nightstand near Buffy’s head. He quickly shucks off his outer clothing down to his long shirt and underdrawers. He glances down at the sleeping goddess before extinguishing the light. He moves by the light of the moon to the foot of the bed. Stopping for a moment, he glances at the quilt he used the prior night draped on the footboard. He shakes his head and moves to side of the bed. Lifting the thick cream colored sheets and quilt, he lays down. He sighs at the feel of the feather ticking of the mattress. He closes his eyes and snuggles down deep into the pillow. His eyes close against the moon bathed room.

Buffy: Thank you.

Liam’s eyes open in surprise but smiles.

Liam: Anything to please a lady.

Buffy: Night, Angel.

Liam: Good night, Buffy.

They both snuggle down to sleep.



The next day after Liam and Hank head to the office, Buffy and Willow start a fire in the back yard to warm the water for the laundry. Buffy brings out Hank’s soiled clothes before entering her own room. She kneels by Liam’s trunk and slowly lifts the lid. She begins removing the dirty garments from inside. She lays them aside until she comes to the clean and neatly folded articles. She tries to remain unaffected by the intimacy if handling his personal belongings. She stacks the items on the bed. At the bottom of the trunk she finds six well worn books. She glances at both the familiar and unfamiliar titles. She flips through a volume that peaks her interest. She is unfamiliar with Jonathan Swift but the title, “Gulliver’s Travels” entices her curiosity. She stacks the books on the top of the dresser and moves to the second chest.

From the other trunk, she again removes the articles that need cleaning before placing the clean ones on the bed. She smiles as she reaches the bottom. There are more books and a large flat wooden box. She lays the box on the floor and guiltily opens it. She sees a stack of large thick paper and tied with a string is a number of wooden pencils. There are also bottles of ink and quills. Buffy remembers him saying he enjoyed drawing. She quickly closes the box before she is tempted to examine the papers. She slides the box under the bed out of the way.

After unloading the books, she takes the laundry out to Willow and returns to unpack her trunks. With her bed now covered with both their wardrobes, she begins trying to adjust the drawers space and armoire. She looks dejectedly at the space and the large amount of clothing and adding in the ones being washed, she knows it will never all fit. Mulling over the problem, she goes to check on Willow.

Buffy: You need my help?

Willow: I am fine. But I need to start the mid-day meal.

Buffy: Oh. I almost forgot. I will take care of it. I guess I am not as organized as my mother.

Willow: You will do okay. Master Liam does not seem to be all that demanding.

Buffy: No, but father is.

She scurries back inside to prepare lunch before the men arrive.



Buffy sits nibbling her salted pork and baked apples.

Hank: I see you have started the laundry.

Buffy: Yes. I have unpacked the trunks but I do have a small problem.

Hank: What might that be?

Buffy: I do not have enough space in my room.

Hank: Oh, I guess you might not. Why don’t we move the other highboy from my room.

Buffy: Mother’s highboy?

Hank: Yes. It is the mate to yours. Liam and I can move it before we head back to the office.

Buffy: I….I…. Guess.



Later Buffy helps Willow hang the last of the laundry to dry and walks back into the house. She avoided being inside while her father moved her mother’s things. She walked in her room and glanced around. The second highboy flanked the other side of the armoire. It looked like it belonged there. She also noticed one of her trunks missing. She trailed back to her father’s room and saw her trunk in the corner. She tentatively lifted the lid and saw her mother’s things. She dropped the lid as if it burned her and ran from the room. Tears threatened to surface as she again stood staring at her room.

Willow: Do you need help?

Buffy swallows hard but does not turn around.

Buffy: No, I am just going to put away the clothing. We will head to the market as soon as I am done.

Willow: Very well madam.

Willow exits as Buffy moves with determination and opens the first drawer. She travels with purpose around the room. She refuses to let herself dwell on her grief again. Each item eventually finds a home.


Later on Market Street

Buffy and Willow walk slowly down the street.

Harmony: Hello Buffy. Where is that handsome husband?

Buffy: He is at the shipping office.

Harmony: Oh I heard he was going to take over running it.

Buffy: He is.

Harmony: I still don’t understand it.

Buffy: Understand what?

Harmony: How you ended up with a man that good looking? I mean, it just doesn’t make sense.

Buffy: Makes perfect sense.

She smirks.

Buffy: It seems the moment we met we could not wait to get married.

Harmony: Really. Love at first sight?

Buffy: One could say that.

Harmony: Well my mother seems to be have finished speaking with Miss Post. I have to be going.

Buffy: Good bye.

Harmony walks off as Willow struggles to control her laughter.

Willow: Love at first sight?

Buffy: One could say that. They would be wrong but they could say it.

Willow: You are so absolutely evil.

Buffy: I know.

They quickly move on down the street and continue their shopping. They traipse over to the produce market and are examining the fruits, when the owner’s wife approaches.

Mrs. Hamilton: Mrs. O’Connor, I just want to tell you that my husband Herbert and I met your husband on Saturday and find him quite charming.

Buffy: You did? Why thank you.

Mrs. Hamilton: I just adore his accent. Irish, right?

Buffy: Yes, ma’am.

Mr. Hamilton: Hello Buffy.

Mrs. Hamilton: Mrs. O’Connor now, Herbert.

Mr. Hamilton: I am sorry. Mrs. O’Connor, what can I help you with today?

Buffy: I am just trying to decide on a desert.

Mrs. Hamilton: Does Mr. O’Connor have a bit of a sweet tooth?

Buffy: He does.

Mr. Hamilton: I think I might have the perfect thing. I got a shipment of peaches in two weeks ago. Most of them are gone but I have a few hidden in the back for my more special customers. And a new bride would be very special

He and his wife walk toward the back

Buffy: This is so unusual.

Willow: Why is that?

Buffy: I just feel everyone is treating me so different. I am still same old Buffy.

Willow: Not anymore. You are Mrs. Liam O’Connor. And you both are beautiful, intelligent, and graceful people. And everyone can see that. I just cannot wait to see the children of this union.

Buffy looks down at the nearby beans and bites her lip nervously until Mr. Hamilton approaches again. Buffy thanks him and after waiting on Willow to pick what she needs, they move on.


That evening, Willow helps Buffy dress for bed and brushes her hair.

Buffy: Go ahead and braid it tonight.

Willow: Yes, Ma’am.

She deftly plaits the long golden tresses and ties the bottom together with a piece of ribbon.

Buffy: Thank you.

Willow says good night and leaves the room. Buffy climbs into the bed and picks up the two new tomes off the nightstand. She flips through each until Liam enters. She concentrates on the volumes as he begins undressing. Once he slips in beside her, she moves to place them on the nightstand.

Liam: You are not going to share your new treasures?

Buffy: Oh, Angel, I am sorry. I thought you wanted to sleep.

She hands him the two books and he glances at the titles.

Buffy: What is that odd expression?

Liam: Oh, I am sorry. Daniel Defoe is an exceptional author. I am just surprised you would be reading “Moll Flander”.

Buffy: Oh. Well it was actually for mother. “Robinson Caruso” was for me. Have you read them?

Liam: Only Caruso. I had intended on reading the other one day.

Buffy: Well it is here when you want. But you will have to share your wonderful collection with me.

Liam: Are my books here?

Buffy: Yes. They were in the bottom of the trunks. I set them in the bottom of the armoire with mine and mothers.

Liam: You keep your books in there?

Buffy: Father hates books. He thinks they are a waste of time and take up space. Mother and I found it easier to keep them hidden.

Liam: Sounds like my father. Only book he reads is the Bible.

Buffy: Well my father does not even read it.

Liam: Well, you can read anything of mine you care to.

Buffy: Oh, I almost forgot. There was also a large flat box in the trunk.

Liam looks excited.

Liam: Where is it?

Buffy: I slid it under the bed.

Liam gets up and Buffy giggles at his exuberance as he retrieves the box. He lays it on the bed and slowly opens it. His one hand grips the pencils as his fingers caress the paper.

Liam: You know what this is?

Buffy: Your drawings?

Liam: Yes.

He eases out the pages and carefully flips through them silently. Buffy watches quietly until he hands her one. She glances at the large eyes and sad smile of the young girl.

Buffy: Kathy?

Liam: Yes.

Buffy: She is very pretty.

Liam: I think so.

He hands her more of his mother and his sister.

Buffy: None of your father?

Liam: No.

He quickly begins to repack the box and put it away.

Buffy: You don’t love him do you?

Liam takes a deep breath and looks into her soft green eyes.

Liam: No, I love him, I just don’t respect him.

Buffy: Oh.

Liam: Sorry. He should never have had children. He knows how to run a company but has no idea how to be a father.

Buffy reaches out and touches his arm.

Buffy: You okay?

Liam: I just think children should not be treated like a burden. My children will never feel that way.

He quickly glances at the books on the bed and picks up “Moll Flander”.

Liam: You want to read for a bit?

Buffy nods and accept his quick subject change. She settles down and they each immerse themselves in the tales of Daniel DeFoe