Final Thoughts by Cheri

Chapter 12

Fade in Highway

Vehicle interior. Wesley drives, Cordelia in pass seat and Lorne in rear.

Cordy: I can’t believe we’re all just leaving town. What if that thing comes back?

Wes: If my suspicions are true, it will be headed here as well. Everything that’s happening is all leading to a cataclysmic event that only Sunnydale is capable of. Willow has been sensing this since the summer according to Giles.

Lorne: That Willow is something else. What I’d give for just a glimpse of a reading. I bet she could send me on a wild ride.

Cordy: Well I’ll see if we can do a quick round of karaoke when we get there. I’m sure there’s time.

Lorne: Nice to see the whole higher being thing hasn’t impeded your sarcasm.

Wesley: I just hope we’re not too late.

Cordy: Buffy’s used to this sort of thing. She’ll be fine.

Wesley: I wasn’t referring to Buffy. It’s Angel who hasn’t much time.

Lorne: It’s Angelus now remember? Let’s not add fuel by calling him the wrong name.

Wes: But if we hope to ever get Angel back, we have to find him and get him back to LA as soon as possible.

Cordy: Why do I feel like you neglected to me something important Wesley?

Wes: It’s only important if we don’t find him.

Cordy: What’s going on? Tell me.

Wes: It’s the harness. I was warned that it couldn’t be held for too long without the risk of losing the soul forever.

Cordy: Are you telling me even if we find Angel and get him back home, he might be minus the soul permanently? How could you have agreed to that?

Wes: (sarcastic) Yes, how silly of me? Because we all know how well bartering with those from other worlds who possess great power usually works out.

Lorne: Interrupting now. How about we save the arguing for when we are either crossing that bridge or being pushed off it by whatever baddie finds us first?

Cordy: (crossing arms) As if the evil arriving isn’t enough. Or Angelus showing his sadistic self. But now I’m being forced to go back to the one place that witnessed some of my worst moments. Well I’ll tell you one thing, things are going to be way different since the last time I was here. I swore I’d never come back but here I am. That’s fine, but I’m going to make damn sure everyone knows that the girl who left here after graduation is nothing but a faded memory.

Wes: We have a purpose Cordelia. Let’s not get sidetracked by that which one should have outgrown.

Cordy: All I’m saying is the hierarchy has changed and Buffy and the rest of them need to know that. Angel and I aren’t even close to the same people who left four years ago.

Lorne: Angel’s not the same person he was four days ago.

Wes: Good point.

Cordy: Oh God, Connor.

Wes: I told you. He and Faith were already at the bus station when I spoke with them.

Lorne: I still don’t get why they didn’t wait for us and while we’re at it, how did they know before we did?

Wes: They were about to board a bus Lorne. They’ll beat us there this way and maybe we’ll get lucky enough that they can intercept him before he reaches Buffy and the others.

Cordy: I didn’t mean that. What if Connor shows up at Buffy’s with Faith? She has no idea. And Faith isn’t exactly subtle-girl. Wes, we have to get there before she hears everything. Angel wouldn’t want it to happen this way.

Wes: I’m going as fast as the law allows Cordelia.

Cordy: Screw the law!

She reaches over and presses down on his accelerator leg.

Cut to Sunnydale

Summers House

Buffy stares as the others move back.

Buffy: Please tell me this is a joke.

Angelus: (stepping into the room) What? The semi-conscious Giles isn’t convincing enough? (looks at Giles) Gosh, that brings back memories doesn’t it? I see you’ve long since healed though.

Giles: (standing up) And I see you’re just as foolish as always. Coming straight to the one who sent you to hell one last time. Rather risky don’t you think?

Angelus: What can I say? I love danger. (Back to Buffy) So, how ya been? From the looks of this place I’m thinking not in the mood for cleaning. It’s a shame really. So disrespectful to everything Mommy Joyce worked so hard for.

Dawn: Don’t you say her name?

Xander places a warning hand on Dawn’s arm but Angelus heard and looks their way.

Angelus: Oh look, it’s little sis. Except not so much an actual sister as a now meaningless body of energy. How’s it feel to be nothing more than an irritating distraction?

Xander: Leave her alone.

Angelus: (looks at Xander) You’re still here? Man, when are you gonna get it? She’s never going to want you Boy. (grins) Not like she wanted me.

Buffy: Are you almost finished?

Angelus: You know me better than that Buffy. At least you used to. I guess a few things have changed.

Buffy: We had an agreement.

Angelus: No you and your pathetic ex had an agreement. But I’m here now and all bets are off.

Gunn: What agreement?

Angelus: (turning to see Gunn and Fred) Gunn! Look at you. And Fred? (smiles and shakes a finger at them) You two crazy kids. Still giving it the ole college try are ya? Good for you. (pause) Completely useless mind you, but whatever keeps you going.

Fred: Wesley’s on his way. And Faith.

Angelus: More the merrier. And Cordelia? Is she coming too? Or better yet, Connor. (smiles at Buffy) Oh Buff, I really want you to meet Connor.

Buffy: Who’s he? Another vampire buddy?

Angelus: (laughs) Oh, this is going to be fun.

Anya: If you’re looking to end the world again, you’re going to have to get in line.

Angelus: (to Anya) So what? You’re human now? I still smell it on you. What is it about this place that sucks the evil right out of a perfectly good demon?

Xander: Shut your mouth.

Buffy: Ok, share time’s over. If you’re here to fight, let’s do it. Otherwise get out of my house and stop boring me.

Angelus: See I always liked that about you. Quick wit to go along with that quick temper.

He suddenly stops and tilts his head as if hearing something. He frowns and looks around the group in the room and then slowly turns around to look behind him. Spike has come downstairs and is standing in the foyer facing Angelus.

Angelus: Spike.

Spike: Hello Angelus.

Cut to LA

W&H – Lilah’s office

Lilah throws some things in a briefcase and shuts it as her assistant watches.

Asst.: And how long will you be out of town?

Lilah: Well, I would imagine it will be a few days or until the end of the world. Whichever comes first.

Assistant: And what should I tell the senior partners?

Lilah: Use your imagination. You do remember what that is right?

Assistant: Yes Ma’am. I’ll do my best.

Lilah: Good girl. Now if you’ll excuse me.

The girl leaves and Lilah waits until the door is closed behind her to open a desk drawer and pull out a stone. She rubs it between her fingers and then drops it in front of her desk. It vibrates once and then a man appears in it’s place.

Man: So it is time?

Lilah: Yes. I need you to take a trip with me to Sunnydale.

Man: The hellmouth.

Lilah: Yeah, catchy little nickname for the tourists. Let’s go.

Man: Have you eliminated the ones who could impede our work?

Lilah: Yes. I always come prepared.

Man: Over a year in your time has been spent preparing. I hope you have thought of everything.

Lilah: I always think of everything. Every move I’ve made has been in search of this one moment. It’s about time I got my reward. Do you have what we’ll need?

Man: I am what we need. It all lies within me.

Lilah: Charming.

She looks down to close the drawer and sees some old surveillance photos of Wes staring up at her. She reaches to touch a picture.

Man: Is there a problem?

Lilah: (waiting a beat and then shutting the door) No.. No problem here. Let’s do it.

The man nods and follows her out the door.

Cut to Sunnydale

Bus Station

Connor and Faith are walking out of the station when Faith catches sight of someone going behind the building.

Faith: Something’s up.

Connor: What?

Faith: (points) There.

Connor has no choice but to follow her. They walk around to the back of the station and see a man entering a small building across the alley.

Connor: It’s not him. We should…

Faith: I know him.

She heads for the building and Connor realizes that she’s not telling him everything.

Connor: Who is it? How do you know this man Faith?

She opens the door and the daylight casts enough light to see the back of the man just as he turns around and smiles.

Mayor: There’s my girl.

Faith freezes in shock and Connor runs into her as the door closes behind them.

Mayor: What? Not even a hello? I’m hurt Faith.

Faith: How did you…?

Mayor: Come now dear, the how is never as important as the why. You’ve lost your edge.

Faith: You’re dead.

Mayor: Well gosh! This reunion isn’t going at all like I’d planned. And who’s’ your new friend? Oh wait, I know this one. You’re quite the little miracle aren’t you Son?

Connor: I’m not your son. You’re not my father.

Mayor: Well you don’t really have one of those do you? I mean, not one that you’re willing to claim anyway.

Faith: You’re part of this. Did you bring the First here? Are you responsible for this? Is it revenge?

Mayor: (laughs) Oh sweet Faith! Sweet, simple Faith. This isn’t about me, or you or even that tramp Slayer that hurt you. Things are about to become so clear.

Faith: Where’s Angelus?

Mayor: Now that’s a treat. Never thought he’d go so willingly. But then again, what else did he have to lose?

He looks at Connor and raises an eyebrow. Connor looks away uncomfortably.

Connor: Let’s get out of here.

Faith: We can’t leave him here.

Mayor: Don’t worry. I wasn’t ever here to begin with.

Faith frowns and then sees the Mayor morph into something hideous for an instant before disappearing in a burst of energy knocking them both backwards. Connor helps her up and she still seems unsure of how to react.

Connor: Come on. We have to go. (He pulls her arm) Now!

She allows him to drag her out of the building.

Cut to Summers Home

A silence has never been so deadly. Buffy looks from one to the other as Angelus and Spike face off.

Buffy: Spike.

Spike: Good to see you awake. I guess I missed all the excitement.

Angelus: Don’t worry, we’ve just gotten started. So tell me Spike, why are you…

He stops and his eyes narrow as he steps closer to Spike.

Angelus: You too? Was it the gypsies?

Spike glances at Buffy and she shakes her head slightly before Angelus turns to look at her. He hesitates and then seems to realize what’s happening. Buffy looks to Xander and Giles and nods.

Angelus: Oh please tell me this isn’t what I think it is.

Buffy watches Angel move closer to Spike and Xander pulls Dawn, Anya and Willow into the kitchen. Giles steps over to Gunn and Fred and they begin making their way towards the dining room as Spike moves to meet Angelus in the middle of the living room.

Spike: You need to leave here now.

Angelus: (laughs) Oh right! Yeah cause I came all this way to see Buffy and now I’m just gonna walk away. Hello? Remember me?

Spike: Yeah I do. And you should remember me as well. I don’t think our last meeting worked out too well.

Angel: You betrayed me. And Dru. Was this the reason? The Slayer got to you?

Buffy: (a little too suddenly) No!

Angelus: I gotta say. I’m impressed. You were playing him the whole time. And I bought into it. Color me ashamed.

Buffy: You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Angelus: No I really think I do. Here I thought you had a soft spot for me. For what the gypsies turned us into. But it wasn’t that at all, it was all about the soul. Not the man.

Spike: You’re not a man.

Angelus reacts instinctively and connects with Spike’s jaw doubling him over. Buffy watches unmoving.

Angelus: Neither are you Friend. I don’t know how you did it, but that soul only makes you worthless. But you’ll find that out soon enough. You think it’s a gift? A blessing? I almost wish the world wasn’t ending so I could truly appreciate watching you suffer.

Spike: (rising up to face him) I’d rather suffer or eternity than be like you.

Angelus hits him again. This time in the chest where he’s already wounded. Spike collapses onto his knees in agony. Buffy takes a step forward and Angelus faces her.

Angelus: I don’t like being replaced. Now you’re going to have to be punished. (smiles) But you always got off on that didn’t you?

Now its Buffy’s turn for instinct. She reaches him in two steps and kicks him away from Spike and into the wall. Angelus bounces back like it was nothing. His fist connects with her face almost instantly and she stumbles back a bit before blocking the next blow with one arm while catching him in the chest with the other. He smiles sadistically.

Angelus: God I’ve missed you.

He comes at her with both fists flying and she ducks under all the swings. She kicks a leg out as she bends the last time and knocks his feet out from underneath him. He reaches out to take her down with him and they roll together until Angelus stops on top.

Spike jumps on him from behind and pulls him off her. Angelus vamps out and grabs Spike by the throat and throws him into and through the wall.

Xander O.S.: Not the walls!

Buffy grabs his arm as he descends upon Spike and spins him to face her.

Buffy: Come on, I thought you said you missed me.

She tries to swing but he grabs her arm and picks her up by the neck with the other hand. He pushes her against the wall, her feet dangling off the ground. He leans into sniff her neck and then pulls back slightly.

Angelus: I smell him on you. You’ve been with him. More than you were with…you wreak.

Buffy: (struggling to speak against his hand around her throat) And you’re a bed of roses?

She doesn’t wait for an answer before head butting him as hard as she can. He drops her to grab his face and she kicks him between the legs. It’s his turn to drop.

Buffy: Now that brings back memories.

She steps past him but before she can decide what to do next, he has her around the waist and pulls himself up.

Angelus: You can’t just walk away from this.

She turns to fight but he grabs her by the shoulders and kisses her hard. Spike rushes to stop it but it’s too late. Angelus picks her up and throws her through the plywood barricading the front windows.

Dawn: No!!

Angelus walks through the hole but stops short of finishing her off. Outside standing almost guard like over Buffy’s battered form is Faith and Connor. Faith sees him and smirks while Connor pulls a stake from his belt and readies for battle.

Angelus: Oh look, it’s just who I’ve been waiting on.

He steps through the opening and looks at Buffy trying to stay conscious.

Angelus: No naps Buff. We’re just getting started. And look who’s here. Connor, I’d like you to meet someone. And Buffy, this is my…

Spike hits him from behind and Angelus goes down. Connor leaps over Buffy as Faith bends to help her to her feet. They both look to see Connor and Angelus going at it hand to hand.

Angelus: (barely moving under the impact of Connor’s blows) Like father like son. If I had a soul, I’d have to be proud.

He hits him sending him into Spike.

Angelus: Luckily, that’s not an issue anymore.

A stake appears out of nowhere and goes into Angelus’s lower back. He flinches and tries to reach around to pull it out before turning to see Gunn holding a crossbow in the demolished front wall of the house. Dawn, Fred, Anya and Willow all stand just behind him. Xander is surveying the damage.

Gunn: You’re outnumbered. Why not just give it up before someone gets dusted?

Angelus: (smirks) Did you say outnumbered?

He turns to look beyond the yard and the others follow his line of sight. Slowly, several vampires and miscellaneous demons emerge from the shadows and Buffy, Faith and Connor all step back to assess the situation. Spike keeps an eye on Angelus who nods and walks toward the others like him.

Angelus: Well, I hate to cut the reunion short folks, but it looks like I’m needed elsewhere. Don’t worry though, I’ll be back. (looks at Buffy) I’ll always come for you. (looks at Connor) Maybe you could introduce yourself properly. Don’t be rude. Daddy would be so disappointed.

The two groups now face off. Buffy in front of hers and Angelus in front of his. She’s bleeding from the eye and he allows one of the vamps to pull the stake out. He grunts at the pain and then takes the stake from him and turns back to his former friends.

Angelus: How’s the shoulder son?

Buffy frowns in confusion and looks at Connor. The Sunnydale gang seems lost at this term of endearment and the ones present from the LA side stare coldly at the demon that has taken over their one time leader.

Faith: You’re not making it out of this one alive.

Angelus: Newsflash sweets. I never was alive. Tell someone who cares.

He turns and motions for the others to follow him and the ones left behind just watch in shock. A vehicle squeals to a stop just as they disappear into the shadows and everyone turns to see Lorne, Cordelia and Wesley jump out of the car.

Cordy: Connor!

Connor: Cordelia.

He goes to her and they hug while Wes and Lorne make their way onto the grass.

Wes: Why is everyone just standing here? What’s happened? Faith? Did you find him?

Faith shrugs and Buffy answers.

Buffy: Congratulations Wesley. You’ve managed to screw up even worse than you did in your watcher days. You’ve brought back the one person who has the power and the complete lack of conscious necessary to kill us all and send the world into the lap of the First. Quite a day for you isn’t it?

She doesn’t wait for a reply before limping back towards the house. Spike puts a hand on her arm to help her but she shrugs it off. He looks down at the ground helplessly as Buffy opens the front door and walks straight for the stairs ignoring everyone watching her.