Final Thoughts by Cheri

Chapter Seven

Fade in:

Prison transfer area

Faith: (shocked) Wesley. (pause) What's wrong?

Wesley: Still not much for the pleasantries I see.

Faith: I figure you'd be insulted if I tried.

Wesley: You figured right. There are some things happening Faith.

Faith: Let me guess, a new and improved big bad is loose and this one's something special.

Wesley: So you've heard?

Faith: I heard them in downplaying/cover up mode on the news. My radar picked up on it. TV's like the only thing to do around here other than working out. And I think I'm good to go on that front you know.

Wes: Yes...well, I'm sure you are. And how are your other...skills?

Faith: If you're asking if I can still kick ass, the answer's yes. I

won't bother with an offer to give you a sample.

Wesley fidgets uncomfortably and Faith immediately seems to regret her


Faith: I didn't mean anything Wesley. My sense of humor was never up to

par and its taken some hits in this place.

Wesley: I guess that's to be expected. You look good though. I mean,

you've managed to fare exceptionally well it would seem.

Faith: Thanks. So, are we done with the small talk yet?

Wesley: (clears throat) Yes, we have some things to discuss. (motioning towards door) Shall we?

Faith: I guess I deserve the cruel joke bit from you.

Wes: More than you'll ever know. (pause) But I'm not joking. Did the

guard not tell you?

Faith: Little tip Wes, guards aren't interested in pleasantries

either, at least not if you're not willing to exchange other things as well.

Wes: Oh. Well, I didn't come by just for a visit and advice. I came to

bring you with me. Back to the Hotel.

Faith: And they're just going to let me walk out of here? I don't

think you understand the criminal justice system.

Wes: Do you remember Wolfram & Hart? You were hired by them once to kill us?

Faith: (swallowing hard) Yeah. I remember them.

Wes: Well, they may be evil incarnate but they also practice law

occasionally. Lilah was able to arrange your release.

Faith: And why would she do that? Why would she do anything to help


Wes: It's a long story and we don't have time right now. I have a lot

to fill you in on in the car. I just hope we're not already too late.

Faith starts to follow him out the door.

Faith: Hey Wes, why you? I mean, I know Angel’s kind of been MIA the last few months but why didn't he come down? Where is he?

Wes: He's at the hotel. At least he was when I left.

Faith: Why am I not diggin your tone?

Wesley just walks off leaving her no choice but to wait for an answer.


Cut to Hotel

Angel walks to meet Giles at the bottom of the landing stairs.

Angel: Giles, what are you doing here?

Giles: I guess a friendly visit is out of the question. It's been a

while hasn't it Angel?

Gunn: You a friend of Wesley's?

Giles: Wesley? Well yes, I know him, but I wouldn't necessarily call


Angel: Giles.

Giles: Oh right. I apologize. Rupert Giles. (He extends a hand to

Gunn) Pleasure.

Lorne: Well isn’t this sweet and inappropriately timed introductions. Should I make some tea?

Giles looks up and does a double take.

Giles: Oh. Well hello. (looks at Angel)

Angel: He's with us.

Giles: Right. (steps into the room to pick up the box) So this is as bad as I thought then.

Gunn: You don't know the half of it.

Angel: You said I was marked. What does that mean? And who were those

guys? And what exactly are you doing here?

Giles: My, that’s a lot of questions isn’t it?

Gunn: I can add mine if you like.

Lorne: And while we’re at it…

Giles: That won’t be necessary. I’ll explain everything as best I can…(looks around) Where is Wesley? And Cordelia?

Angel: Wesley went to check some leads. And Cordelia…well, she is with my… She’s with Connor.

Giles: Connor you say? Another part of the team?

Gunn: I wouldn’t go that far.

Angel: He’s okay. He’s fine.

Giles: So he’s trustworthy?

Lorne: I wouldn’t go that far.

Giles: It appears your friends don’t exactly share your confidence Angel.

Angel: He’s just a kid. He’s gotten into some trouble, but Cordelia trusts him. Can we focus on the more important issues please?

Giles: Right. Well, I suppose I could begin telling you what I know. I’m afraid I don’t have much time.

Gunn: You’re not the only one.

Giles: I take it the Harbingers weren’t your only visitors then?

Lorne: Harbingers? Harbingers of what?

Giles: You mean you didn’t…? Oh that’s right. You wouldn’t remember them would you?

Angel: Remember who? Giles, how do you know these guys?

Giles: Do you remember when you came back Angel? After Buffy…well, when you came back.

Angel: Yeah, I remember.

Giles: And do you remember when you came to me? When you were being haunted?

Angel: These are the guys? They did that to me? Buffy said…

Giles: The harbingers were seeking to raise the first evil. Buffy stopped them before it could be brought forth in corporeal form. What you experienced, what she saw, that was only the manifestations brought on by the harbingers. That’s what they do. They can control spirits and send them to people. Make people see things.

Angel begins thinking hard at this information.

Gunn: I don’t get it. We haven’t been being haunted. We weren’t just seeing things last night. We got our asses kicked by a highly corporeal Hellbeast.

Giles: Something arrived last night? Tell me what happened.

Angel: It wasn’t anything I’ve ever seen or heard of before. It was strong, beyond strong. Nothing worked. Knives, guns, hand to hand. It went through us like we were nothing.

Lorne: It tossed our boy here off the roof.

Giles: And what did it say? Were there demands? Threats? Anything to tell us what might have been it’s goal?

Gunn: There wasn’t much time for small talk Man. It was more like trying to stay alive.

Angel: Giles, you said I was marked. For what?

Giles: There have been occurrences elsewhere. The council has been aware for some time that a very powerful force was building around the world with a disturbing mode of showing itself.

Angel: And?

Giles: Slayers have been being targeted. And not just chosen Slayers, but ones not yet called. Watchers have been on high alert for months and resources have been stretched to the breaking point I’m afraid.

Angel: Is Buffy…?

Giles: She’s fine. Yes of course, she’s fine. At least for now.

Angel: Which brings me to the next question. Why are you here?

Giles: I’ve been working alone of late Angel. I began questioning the Council about the high number of Slayer and Watcher deaths and they cut me off. But I kept in touch with several watchers I knew personally. I learned that there was a link to them all. A sign when one had been chosen or marked for death.

Angel: The box.

Giles: Yes. Whatever that green haze it expels is, it somehow leads them to the mark.

Angel: But they were here. Why not just kill me? Why go through the trouble?

Giles: That is what I’m not clear on. I would assume they came here looking for the Slayer. Why they stopped and chose to mark you as one or something equally threatening I’m not sure. Perhaps they sensed what you were. And with a soul, it makes the game a different one.

Lorne: Ok, not to be the ninny of the bunch or anything, but why come here? You said they were looking for the Slayer? Isn’t this the wrong town? It’s Buffy right? Angel’s former? She’s not here. Didn’t these Harbinger guys get the memo?

Giles: I don’t believe they were looking for Buffy.

Gunn: Then who?

Angel: Faith.


Cut to Connor’s Place

Cordelia is laying on the bed while Connor watches from the lookout. spot.

Cordelia: (eyes closed) Not much good sitting there if you’re not looking out.

Connor: I’m sorry. Did I wake you?

Cordy: (sitting up) No. You haven’t made a peep. I can feel it. Must be leftover higher being stuff. What are you thinking about so hard?

Connor: How much I want you to be safe. If anything happened to you…

Cordelia: Don’t worry. If it happens to me it will most likely happen to you along with the rest of the world.

Connor: I know you said it couldn’t be me Cordelia. But there is a reason it came from that spot. There has to be.

Cordelia: The only thing it might have to do with you is that where you were born and what you came from, it’s something not of this world. It doesn’t mean you’re wrong or bad or that you did this. It just means that sometimes these bad guys look for a source of great power to feed off of. You and your dad have that power Connor.

Connor: Why haven’t you looked at me since we were together?

Cordy: What? I’m looking at you.

Connor: No. You look through me. Like you don’t want to see me. Did I do something wrong?

Cordy: Can we talk about this later? I think we’ve had enough rest. Maybe we should check on the others.

Connor: You make me feel like I forced you. Like I took advantage. I only wanted to help you.

Cordy: (stands up and walks away) What we did didn’t help us Connor. It didn’t help anything or anyone. I thought it would. I felt it would. But then I just felt empty. Like I’d taken something and lost something all at once. And I don’t know why or how it happened, but it’s done.

Connor: You’re angry with me.

Cordy: (turns) No! No I’m not angry with you. Maybe with myself, but you didn’t do anything wrong. How many times do I have to tell you that?

Connor: I know you loved him once.

Cordy: (looks down awkwardly) Sometimes we only get one chance at something. Sometimes it only takes a moment to change everything. When I left before, when I left this world, I lost my moment. If it was ever even really there. I guess we’ll never know.

Connor: So if They hadn’t taken you. If none of that higher being stuff had happened. Would you be with him now?

Cordy: That’s a question I can’t answer Connor and you know it. And we can’t waste any more time trying to figure it out. We’re at the point of no return. Everything we do from this moment on is more significant. It’s not about any one or two people. It’s about surviving.

Connor: And if we survive, what then?

Cordy: Let’s just get through the first part okay?


Cut to Sunnydale

Summer’s House

Xander: Buffy!

He hangs up the phone and reaches for his keys.

Willow: What happened?

Xander: Buffy’s in trouble. We have to go to the school.

Fred: She’s in trouble? But she’s the slayer.

Xander: Yeah. As in magnet for.

Willow: Should I call Anya?

Xander: There’s no time. Move.

Willow: What about…?

She nods towards Fred still standing there.

Xander: You work with Wesley?

Fred: Yes, and Angel and…

Xander: Stop while you’re ahead. Let’s go.

Fred: Shouldn’t we have weapons?

Xander: I keep some in the trunk. This is Sunnydale you know.

Fred doesn’t know how to respond but follows them out.


Cut to Underneath School

Buffy tucks and rolls to her feet to face the attack. She sees the Mayor standing before her.

Mayor: You just never learn do you?

Buffy looks up in surprise and tries to stand as he walks towards her. She glances at Spike to see he’s unconscious.

Mayor: Hurts to see him like that doesn’t it? What would Angel say?

This gets Buffys attention in a major way.

Mayor: Ooh, a little testy on the subject still I see.

Buffy: So you really like living in the past don’t you? First Jenny, now this loser. Why don’t you show yourself you big scary evil?

Mayor: You’re not ready to face me little girl.

Buffy: Let me guess, you’re what the dark fears. Beyond sin, beyond death. (shrugs) Sorry. It just had more impact the first time around.

He lunges for her and she steps aside and kicks him in the mid section as he passes.

Mayor: (recovering quickly to look at her) Soon you will be the last. And you will have no choice.

Buffy: I always have a choice. You don’t control me. And you never will.

Mayor: (laughing) Too cute! You don’t get it do you? It’s fine really. I didn’t expect you would so soon. Wouldn’t be nearly as fun. But thanks to your boy here, we have all the time in the world.

Buffy looks at Spike to see him conscious and struggling to focus on what’s happening below him.

Buffy: So what? You go Dahmer on Spike and time stands still? Not in my reality.

Mayor: So you still believe in reality? Interesting.

He raises a hand and Spike drops suddenly. He cries out in pain and surprise as he hits the seal.

Mayor: Haven’t you learned? What you see isn’t always what you get?

He transforms into Joyce and Buffy is completely taken aback.

Joyce: Oh Buffy, won’t you ever learn?

Buffy: Mom? (pause) No, you’re not real.

Joyce: Do you even know what’s real anymore? Him. (points to Spike) Was he and what you did to each other real?

Buffy looks away at the disappointed tone in her mother’s voice.

Joyce: I had such high hopes for you. And look what you’ve become.

Buffy: (quietly) Stop it.

Joyce: You have no idea what you’re in for. You think you’ve got evil figured out? That you’re something special? You’ll leave them all before it’s done. You’ll destroy everyone who loves you and you won’t look back.

Spike: (moaning) Buffy.

Buffy: (looks down then back at Joyce) So what’s the next? Are you just going to go around hurting everyone’s feelings or do you have a purpose here?

Joyce: Tough little slayer. Always with the quips. Did you think you could take mine and get away?

Joyce transforms into the true vampire.

Vampire: You’ll never have him.

It doesn’t have a chance to speak before a stake appears through its heart from the back. It looks down in shock and Dawn steps around it to join Buffy watching.

Dawn: Looks like you won’t be having anyone either.

She crosses her arms with a smirk but Buffy knows better. It pulls the stake free and looks down at the hole.

Vampire: Idiot child.

Dawn backs up in fear and Buffy steps in front of her.

Buffy: I’m guessing you have more in common with the Mayor than just looks.

Vampire: My time has just begun. Yours is about to end. Choose carefully.

Buffy starts to say something but the vampire closes his eyes and disappears into the ground in an instant.

Dawn: He didn’t die. Why didn’t he get dusted Buffy?

Buffy: (staring at the dirt where he disappeared) Because he is the dust Dawn.

Dawn: What?

Spike moans and Buffy bends to help him.

Dawn: Buffy what’s going on?


Cut to Hyperion

Angel: You came for Faith.

Giles: Yes. I need to bring her to the others.

Gunn: Others?

Giles: My last contact was killed several days ago, along with his slayer. I was nearly killed myself. I had been supplied with a barrier spell from the local coven and certain decapitation was averted.

Lorne: (raising his glass in mock toast) Well bully for you then.

Angel: And why come here? Shouldn’t you check with Buffy first? Faith isn’t exactly out in the open.

Giles: I will go to Buffy once I have Faith. Let’s not forget where the true slayer line lies. Buffy is a wildcard. They will go after her most assuredly. However the real goal for these harbingers is to annihilate the slayer line. Through Faith runs that line.

Gunn: So what are we supposed to do? Break this chick out of jail?

Lorne: And am I the only one that heard the part about Faith’s last visit? How can you be sure she’ll even be on our side if we get her out?

Giles: I’m only sure that if we don’t keep these men from finding her, we won’t have a choice in the outcome. At least this way, we might stand a chance.

Angel: Giles, what about me? These guys know me now. And they obviously have plans for me. And I need to know if this has anything to do with what happened last night.

Gunn: Oh God Fred.

Angel: What?

Gunn and Lorne exchange a look.

Angel: Gunn, where’s Fred? I haven’t seen her.

Lorne: She left a while ago.

Angel: Why?

Gunn: (looks at Giles) She went to Sunnydale.

Angel/Lorne: What?

Giles: Why would this girl go to Sunnydale?

Wesley: (from landing) I think I can answer that.

Giles: Wesley. There you are. We have some things to discuss.

Wesley: I was about to say the same thing. Though I didn’t expect to see you here. Then again, maybe I should have.

Giles: Then you know what’s happening?

Wesley: I spoke with the council earlier. Something’s happened in England.

Giles: You can tell me on the way. I’ve come to take Faith to Sunnydale. She’s in danger.

Faith: (stepping through the door) Gosh, I don’t know what to say. I’m feeling a bit teary over here.

Angel: Faith, how did you…Wesley?

Wesley: I called in a favor.

Angel: You realize you just set us up right?

Wesley: I imagine that remains to be seen.

Giles: You said you knew why this Fred went to Sunnydale.

Wesley: Right. She went because I asked her to.

Angel: What? (looks at Gunn) And you went along?

Gunn: (shrugs) She doesn’t listen to me. Especially where Wes is concerned.

Wes and Gunn exchange a look.

Faith: Ouch. Subtext. I’ve missed that. (steps up to Angel) Good to see you. So when’s the fun start?

Cordelia: Fun for you? That’d be never.

The group turns to look at Cordy and Connor entering through the atrium.

Giles: Well, I guess we’re all finally here.

Lorne: Suddenly the beastie is on the backburner.

Faith: Love the hair Cordelia.

Cordelia: I’ll be sure and change it. Angel, what’s going on?

Angel: I’m still not clear on that.

Gunn: Wesley sent Fred into the line of fire in Sunnydale. And thanks to his bringing this one here (points at Faith) We’re all in the same line of fire.

Connor: Who are these people?


Cut to Sunnydale

Xander, Willow and Fred all run into the high school and right into Principal Wood. Fred literally bounces off his chest.

Fred: Oh!

Prinicpal Wood: Hello there. Mr Harris? Are we having an open house that I’m not aware of?

Xander: (nervous laugh) Ha! Open house. Good one.

Principal Wood: And your friends?

Willow: I’m here for Buffy. I mean, I’m a friend of Buffy’s and…and I had a message. An important message.

Wood: Well let’s go find her together.

Xander: No! I mean, it’s a surprise. A…a surprise message for Buffy, right?

Willow: Right. That’s right.

Wood: And you miss?

Fred: I’m the surprise.

Xander: Sshhh! Don’t tell! (nervous laugh again) Ok, then Principal Wood, I’m just going to go hide the…surprise in my trailer and then Willow will bring Buffy to there and it will be all good. K?

Wood (shakes head) Ok, I guess I’ll allow it this once. I know Buffy hasn’t been herself lately. Go ahead. But make it quick. I don’t like my school being disrupted.

Xander: Yes sir. Toot sweet. That’s what we’ll do.

Wood watches them leave and then heads to his office determinedly.