Final Thoughts by Cheri

Chapter 13

Fade in Interior – Summers House

Xander, Dawn, Willow, Anya and Giles are in the kitchen.

Xander: Ok, apocalypses are one thing, but the First forcing an impromptu high school reunion? That’s just going too far.

Willow: I gotta admit it’s a bit on the surreal side.

Dawn: But they’re here to help right? I mean, more power to fight is good?

Giles: One would assume that it would be.

Xander: And Faith? When did she get out of the big house? Isn’t she supposed to be paying her debt to society still?

Giles: I told you I went to LA to gather the Slayer line. Faith is part of that line. Wesley had already done the hard part by the time I arrived. When will you ever start listening to what I say Xander?

Xander: I’m sorry. I guess I missed the get out of jail free card for Faith part of the chat amidst the end of the world part!

Willow: Shouldn’t we get back in there? I mean, aren’t we being rude?

Dawn: I’m going to check on Buffy.

Giles: No Dawn. Leave her be. She needs time to process what’s happened.

Xander: Sure. Her ex shows up, back to his evil self and taunts her and her friends mercilessly before commencing with the beating and the throwing through the front wall. She just needs to process it.

Willow: I really think we should get back in there.

Giles: We do need to decide what our next move is. Perhaps Willow is right. They’ll be wondering what’s become of us.

Dawn: You okay Xander?

Xander: Faith and Cordelia in the same room. Nothing is okay about that.

Anya: Why don’t you just go have sex with both of them then?

Giles, Willow and Dawn all look at her in shock.

Xander: What?

Anya: I mean, it’s obvious you can’t stop thinking about them. Maybe you’ve wanted them all along. Is that why you dumped me at the altar? So you could wait for your precious Cordelia to come back? It’s pathetic really. I mean, she treated you horribly then and she’ll treat you horribly now. Wait, on second thought, maybe that’s what you deserve. Yes, you need to be treated horribly, maybe it will do you some good. So go. Just go and throw yourself at her feet…at both their feet! (beat) I don’t understand you Xander Harris. Did you even look at her hair? I mean, what is that?

The group just stares at Anya completely at a loss for words.


Cut to Living room

Wesley, Cordelia, Connor, Fred, Gunn and Lorne are scattered around the room.

Connor: (to Cordelia) I’m glad you’re here. I can keep you safe now.

Cordelia: You don’t have to worry about me. I can take care of myself.

Gunn: I don’t know if any of us are safe at this point.

Wesley: And I suppose you think it’s my fault as well.

Gunn: I never said that.

Lorne: Come on guys, I’ve got a splitting headache and the last thing any of us need is petty bickering. She was upset Wes, you just happened to be in the line of fire.

Wes: Right. (phone rings and he pulls it out of his jacket) Wyndham-Price. (pause) You too. Now what do you want? (pause) You’re where? (looks at others) I have to take this.

He goes out the front door.

Gunn: He does that a lot lately. I thought he was working with us again. Why is everything so secretive?

Fred: I’m sure he has his reasons.

Gunn: Of course you are.

Cordelia: We have to find him. If I can scare the others, why can’t I scare him?

Gunn: Huh?

Lorne: Cordelia still has some clout it seems. The ugly that came to bring Angelus here cowered from her like a little girl.

Fred: You mean, you’re still a higher being?

Cordelia: I don’t know if I’d go that far, but there’s something in me that freaked him out. But I don’t understand if he’s so bad and he’s linked to the First, why wouldn’t Angelus be freaked?

Connor: Because he knows you. He knows your weakness.

Cordelia: Weakness?

Connor: Him. Angelus knows that you have feelings for him with a soul. That gives him power over you that no one or nothing else has.

She sees the words are painful for him to say but doesn’t respond.

Lorne: But he also knows your other weakness. Just as he knows yours Connor.

Fred: Am I supposed to be understanding this? Cause…not.

Cordelia: Lorne, this isn’t the time.

Lorne: I’m really sorry oh high and mighty one, but this is exactly the time. We’re dealing with the ultimate fight here folks. And our biggest weakness, for all of us, is the secrets we’re all keeping.

Everyone exchanges looks. Fred and Gunn. Cordelia and Connor.

Lorne: As long as we are hiding things from one another, the First or Angelus or whoever else wants to, can use it against us. If we don’t all get on the same page before we take this on, there’s no chance in Pylea that we’ll survive. And right now, we’re not even in the same book, much less page.


Cut to Upstairs

Buffy’s room

Buffy is sitting on her bed staring blankly ahead when Faith taps on the door once and comes in.

Faith: Figured I’d come up and say a formal hello.

She sits on the bed and Buffy still doesn’t respond. Faith stares ahead as well.

Faith: That was pretty intense down there wasn’t it? (pause) Yeah, it’s ironic that the one person who stuck around to make sure I behaved myself is the one I have to fight as soon as I get sprung. (pause) I’m guessing you’re not too keen on the options either. (pause) I’m better now B. I don’t know if you are interested, but I thought I’d let you know. My head’s on straight once and for all. I swear. No more…

Buffy: (interrupting) It’s good to see you Faith.

Faith turns to look sideways at her in surprise. But Buffy is still looking at the wall.

Faith: You too.

They sit in silence for a moment.

Buffy: That’s quite the party you brought along with you.

Faith: (frowns) What? Oh! You mean, the…yeah, I didn’t know the rest were showing up. Guess it’s not a complete surprise though.

Buffy: We tend to travel in groups.

They both stare for another second before breaking into smiles.

Faith: Still in cliques. Just like high school.

Buffy: It’s like we’re moving backwards. The school’s back, hellmouth’s having a resurgence, the end of the world is nigh, and my boyfriend is gathering the dark forces against me.

Faith: Ex.

Buffy: Whatever.

Faith: So what’s the plan? Slayers unite?

Buffy: Giles says that the line is in danger. It’s what the First wants. To destroy the line. No more slayers and the evil gets to rule.

Faith: I was never into monarchies.

Buffy: So we do what we know. We fight until we beat it. I just don’t know who will be left standing at the end.

Faith: Come on, where’s your team spirit? We’ve done this before. Ok, you’ve done this before. I was decidedly absent from the last near miss, but just think what kind of damage we can do together.

Buffy: (stands and turns to face Faith) Faith, this thing isn’t gonna take us all on together. It will toy with us and make us see things and…

Faith: Like dead people?

Buffy: What did you see?

Faith: (stands and walks to dresser to fiddle with trinkets) The mayor. I gotta admit, I was thrown for a minute.

Buffy: That’s just the beginning. It knows you’re here. It knows your weaknesses. All of our weaknesses. I don’t know where to begin to try and beat it. And now Angel…

Faith: Angelus.

Buffy: It’s not just playing with my mind now. He’s here. And it will use him to get to me. And he’ll be more than happy to be used. Now it’s playing with our hearts.

Faith: So we’ll use him right back. Come on B. You can play Angelus. You did it once before. I know it sucks and it’s exactly why you two split in the first place, but you don’t have a choice. And you have a house full of people watching your back this time. We’re all stronger than anyone gives us credit for. Especially ourselves. You’ll see.

Buffy: This isn’t the same. There’s no rules here. (pause) But you have one thing right. I will play. And the countdown isn’t assigned yet. They think it’s for us, for this world? Well I beg to differ.

Faith: That’s my girl. So what do you say we go downstairs and rally the troops? I think they could use it.


Cut to Street – just down from Summers home

Wesley is watching as a car pulls up to the corner. The tinted window rolls down and Lilah leans from the driver’s seat.

Lilah: Get in.

Wes: (hesitates but opens the door) What are you doing here Lilah?

He turns his head and sees the man sitting in the back seat.

Wes: You.

Lilah: Yes, it’s him. So now you know why I’m here.

Wes: Actually I don’t. But I am interested how you came to join up with the man who harnessed Angel’s soul. (to man) It is still harnessed I assume.

The man nods silently.

Wes: Lilah, please tell me this isn’t the double cross that it appears to be.

Lilah: Listen Wesley, I don’t have a lot of time. I do have an itinerary for my visit to this quaint little town, so kindly shut up and listen carefully.

Wesley: You are in no position to…

Lilah’s hand reaches across the seat to mysteriously shut Wesley up. He swallows hard and the man in the back seat raises an eyebrow.

Lilah: That’s better.

Wesley moves her hand away from him with his own and looks at her.

Wesley: Don’t ever do that again.

Lilah: That’s not what you were saying a few days ago.

Wesley: I have better things to do than…

Lilah: I’m in control of his soul Wesley. (Wesley looks at her sharply) You got your help in achieving your goal from me. I supplied the necessary power to let you and your rag tag team play your little game. And just as I knew you would, you’ve lost control of Angelus and now have two no, make that three evil forces to battle.

Wesley: So you did double cross me. You sent me to one of Wolfram and Harts pet projects so you could guarantee Angelus would stay. Why am I not surprised?

Lilah: There are things about this that you can’t comprehend. I’m not working against you this time Wesley.

Wes: Right. So I assume you’ll release the harness now?

Man: It is not time.

Lilah: Shut up. I’ll let you know when I’m ready for you.

Wes: Those people skills have really improved Lilah. No wonder you inspire such loyalty.

Lilah: You have a very small window of oppurtunity Wesley. You can be the hero if you do exactly as I say. (Wes starts to say something but Lilah holds up a hand) My firm sees everything. Thanks to a special recordkeeper that I have eliminated and moles like Gavin whom I have also erased. But another will come to replace them and any others that I have had killed. I will be dead by morning if you can’t fix it.

Wes: I don’t understand.

Lilah: You have to bring the Slayer to me.

Wes: (laughs) That’s rich! And which slayer would you be needing? I’d hate to sacrifice the wrong one.

Lilah: (ignoring his sarcasm) Angel’s. She holds the key to all of this. But she doesn’t know it. You have to bring her to me and let me explain. It’s the only way to survive.

Wes: Tell me Lilah. What could possibly make me believe anything you say, much less trust you to do something so risky?

Lilah: What can I say? Earthly pleasures have gotten the best of me in the past few months. (looks at him seductively) I don’t think I’m quite ready to give them up.

Wes: (clears his throat and glances at the man in the back) I’ll consider it.

Lilah: You have one hour. If you don’t show, I will see to it that the soul is lost forever.

Wes: You really are an exceedingly cruel bitch aren’t you?

Lilah: (smiles) One hour. Now get out of my car.

Wes opens the door and barely has time to move out of the way before the car peels out down the street. He turns to walk back to the house and runs right into Spike.

Spike: Now why don’t I like the looks of this?


Cut to Summers Home – Living room

The group from the kitchen starts making their way into the room.

Willow: Sorry guys. We had to go over some…stuff. Can we get you anything?

Dawn: Is Buffy back yet?

Fred: We’re good, thanks.

Gunn: No, she’s still up there. Faith went to check on her.

Giles: Faith? Oh, well good then. They can work out the best plan together.

Cordelia: As long as Faith’s plan isn’t to turn on us again and feed us to the first big bad she meets.

Faith: (from stairs) Damn, just when I had it all worked out.

Giles: Faith.

Dawn: Buffy. Are you okay?

Buffy: (nods) If that word is even applicable given our current situation. Did I miss anything?

Xander: We just got in here ourselves. It’s been a bit overwhelming.

Faith: Hello Xander. How’s it hangin?

Anya: What is that supposed to mean?

Willow: (changing subject) Buffy, we were just saying we should probably have a plan. So you have one right?

Buffy: So far, I’ve decided on not dying.

Lorne: Now that’s a plan I can get behind!

Gunn: We’re probably gonna need a little more than that.

Cordelia: I’m going after him.

Buffy: Who?

Cordelia: Angel.

Buffy laughs out loud and Cordy’s eyes narrow.

Buffy: I’m sorry. It’s just…you said…it’s so…(She starts laughing again)

Cordelia: Listen here Buffy, you have no idea what I’m capable of. What I’ve been through. What we’ve been through.

Buffy doesn’t miss her meaning and she stops laughing instantly.

Buffy: Really? Is there something you want to tell me Cordelia?

Giles: Now ladies, perhaps focusing on those outside would be appropriate. We’ll get nowhere trading barbs and insinuations about…

Lorne: I was trying to say that same thing earlier. I think we need to have a meeting of the minds before the First starts playing with them again.

Gunn: Yeah. So what’s with this uber-vamp that came to LA?

Lorne has a flash of something and closes his eyes.

(Flasback sequence)

Darla is pregnant and the AI team is in Lorne’s club to find out what’s happening. They are throwing around ideas when Gunn says it.

Lorne: It could be anything. A child born to two vampires…

Gunn: Maybe it’s some kind of uber-vamp.

(End Flashback)

Lorne: Oh no.

Buffy: What is it?

Lorne looks at Connor and back to Buffy.

Lorne: Um…nothing…really. (starts to back up) I just need to…(trips and almost falls backwards) I’ll be right back.

Buffy: Ok, I’m assuming it’s the green-demon part of him that makes that happen.

Fred: (frowning) I’ll go check on him.

Faith: (looking around) Where’s Wesley?

Gunn: He had a phone call. He went outside.

Buffy: You. It’s Connor right?

Connor: Yes.

Buffy: Where do you fit in here? Angelus seemed particularly fond of kicking your ass. How’d you get on his bad side?

Cordelia: None of your business.

Xander: Ooh. Not a smart move Cord.

Cordelia: (snaps at him) And you would be able to spot one of those how?

Dawn: Stop it.

Buffy: Hello? Can we get back to my question? (She walks to Connor) There’s something about you. He said not to disappoint your daddy. Who’s your father?

Giles: Perhaps we should take small steps here.

Buffy: I think a simple question is pretty small.

Faith: Come on B. It’s Connor. You know, Angel’s son.

Buffy’s face freezes without reaction and there are several gasps heard from around the room. Cordelia gives Faith a very dirty look.

Cordelia: (mumbles) Like I said, subtle-girl.

Buffy: I’m sorry, what did you say?

Connor: He’s my father.

Buffy takes a step back and Willow reaches out to steady her. Dawn looks at Xander and Anya in shock.

Faith: You mean he never told her? (to Cordelia) How could he not tell her?

Cordelia: Why should he? I mean, no offense Buff, but you aren’t exactly part of the group anymore.

Dawn: How can you be so hateful?

Gunn: She’s not being hateful. It’s the truth. When was the last time any of you called us to fill us in on the latest? Not that I would particularly care, but seems to me the lines of communication were cut at both ends.

Xander: Can we go back to the Angel having a son part? (looks at Connor then Giles) How?

Giles: I would venture to say that is the question of the day. Although, the answer really isn’t high on the priority list at the moment. But we can reassess after we save the world if you’d like.

Buffy: Angel’s son?

Willow: It’s like some kind of freak magical spell thing right? I mean, a vampire can’t have children. We know that. I mean, it’s not like it happened the old fashioned way or anything.

She laughs nervously waiting for someone to back her up but no one does.

Willow: Oh.

Anya: So he had sex? That’s what this means. Angel had sex with someone who wasn’t Buffy and didn’t turn evil and got to procreate. Hmm.

Gunn: I know this is big news and all for those of you not in the know, but I think we should really think about moving past it.

Cordelia: Buffy, he was going to tell you someday. We talked about it, but things happened so quickly and it was all so new and then he was gone and then back and then we were gone for so long. It just happened too fast. And then it was too hard to think about. He’s been through things you’ll never understand. He’s not the same…

Buffy: (interrupting) But you do. That’s what you’re saying isn’t it?

Xander: Huh? (looks from Buffy to Cordelia then realizes) You mean…! Her…and him? No. Nooo. Cordelia, that’s crazy right? You and Angel? Nooo.

Anya: Are you the mother?

Buffy and Xander look at Anya wild eyed.

Cordy/Connor: No!

Cordy: No, I’m not his…no. We don’t have time to do this right now.

Faith: I’m thinking nows the perfect time. I mean, sorry for being the dummy who told, but it’s out now. No sense in playing ‘who knows what’ any longer. Let’s just lay it out.

Cordelia: And how is this any business of yours Miss loud mouth?

Faith: Because I’m the top of the pyramid. The line runs through me. And if I’m going to be fighting alongside you all I’d rather not have any more revelations that induce a temporary catatonic state!

Giles: No one is catatonic here.

Dawn: Um Giles?

She points at Buffy who is still staring at Connor like he fell out of a tree.

Willow: Buffy.

Buffy: What? No, I’m listening. And I’m not catatonic. Just feeling really insignificant that’s all. Faith, what do you know?

Cordy: Don’t.

Connor: I’ll tell you.

Gunn: I’m going to check on Fred and Lorne.

Faith: I’ll come with. Maybe we can find Wesley while we’re at it.

Gunn and Faith leave as Buffy crosses her arms facing Connor. Cordelia sits down and the others just watch.

Connor: He is my father. But I’ve known since the beginning that he would turn evil one day and I would have to stop him. I was raised to fight him. My father told me…

Xander: Angel told you to fight him?

Connor: My other father. My real father. The one who raised me.

Dawn: Ok, so you were raised, but Angel’s only been gone a few years. So how could you have been born and be what 18 now?

Connor: I was raised in the Quor-toth. It is a place of unimaginable misery and pain to which I became accustomed. I came here looking for the beast. To destroy him before he could hurt anyone else. But when I came back, the beast was dormant.

Anya: Is this the same beast that Willow sent back underground?

Connor: No, the beast I was raised to hate and to kill was Angelus, my father.

Buffy: You were born then? I mean, someone gave birth to you right? You’re human? Who was it?

Cordelia: (standing up) We are wasting too much time with this.

Giles: Cordelia, sit down.

She looks at him in surprise but relents.

Connor: I was born of two vampires. No one can explain my existence, not even Angel.

Buffy: Two vampires. So it was another vampire in LA.

Connor: She died so I could live. I was born at the exact place that the beast rose from. I believe it is tied together, but others do not. (He exchanges a look with Cordy) He rose from where I was born and from where Darla died.

Giles: Darla? Good heavens, did you say Darla?

Connor: Yes.

Buffy: Angel and Darla? They were…together. And they had a child. You are their child?

The group doesn’t speak as the words sink in.


Cut to underground

Angelus walks into the cave with several other vamps. He walks to the corner where another stands. He smiles when he realizes who it is and reaches out but she moves out of his grasp and turns.

Darla: I’ve been waiting for you.