Final Thoughts by Cheri

Chapter 25


Fade in Cemetery

Angel is the only one not seemingly panicked at the recent turn of events. The ground shakes and the First cries out, the demons and vamps grow angrier and the combined forces of Sunnydale and LA seem overwhelmed at what is happening. Yet Angel remains.

His hands and knees on the ground, his eyes close and he seems to go somewhere else in his mind. Oblivious to those around him, he feels something. His fingers curl against the hard earth and his own body shakes separate from the tremors in the dirt.

Angel: (to himself) Oh God, No. Buffy, no…


Cut to Grave site.

Dawn looks around as the earth begins to sink underneath her.

Willow: Dawn!

She reaches for Dawn just as she scoots backwards before falling into the sinkhole. Willow grabs her under the arms and pulls her back further.

Anya: What the hell is that?

Fred: What did she do?

Willow: We have to get to the others.

Dawn: I’m not leaving without her.

Anya: She’s gone Dawn.

Dawn: Shut up! She’ll be back! (chokes back tears) She always comes back. Willow tell her!

Willow looks as if it’s all she can do not to break down and just looks at the ground dejectedly shaking her head.

Dawn: Willow! Say something! Tell them she’ll be back! She just went to kill this thing! To stop this thing right? She’s coming back.

Dawn looks around at the women surrounding her and realizes they have given up.

Dawn: Buffy always comes back! Do you hear me? She would never just give up! She’s coming back!

Willow: Dawnie, it’s not the same this time.

Fred: Whatever she did, whatever she fixed by leaving, I don’t think it would work if she came back. I mean I’m not real clear on what exactly this all means, but…

Dawn: That’s right, you’re not clear! But I am! I know Buffy, and she’s coming back. So you go do whatever you have to but I’m not leaving without MY SISTER!

Anya: Ok, so Buffy’s gone, the earth’s ending, we’re doing nothing and Dawn’s crazy right? Is that the deal?

Willow: I’m so sorry.

Anya: No need to apologize. I just want to make sure we’re clear.

Willow: I wasn’t talking to you.

Fred: Shouldn’t we get back and try to help the others?

Dawn: I told you…

Willow steps forward and raises a hand.

Willow: I love you Dawn.

Before Dawn can react Willow places her hand on Dawn’s forehead and she falls back unconscious.

Fred: Oh my God!

Willow tries to catch Dawn but barely keeps her head from hitting the headstone.

Fred: What did you do?

Anya: Willow? (takes a step back) What color are your eyes?

Willow turns around still normal.

Willow: It’s me Anya. Fred’s right, we have to find the others.

Anya: So you killed Dawn?

Fred: oh my God!

Willow: She’s not dead! Geez, try to end the world one time and they never let you forget it.

She starts walking away and the others look at Dawn briefly before following her.


Cut to Cemetery

The shaking has stopped. The First as the Anointed One is enraged.

Boy: Kill them now!

Everything begins to move at lightening speed. Spike takes a harsh blow to the head and rolls away from the attack. Xander is jumped from behind but Faith sees it and retaliates quickly. She dusts the vamp and gives Xander a hand up.

Giles is knocked to the ground by a demon that begins to choke him.

Lorne runs away from the main show with a vamp close on his tail.

Gunn and Connor are taking three on back to back. Connor uses Gunn as leverage to deliver a devastating kick to one in front of him and Gunn is basically street fighting another.

Angel finally begins to realize he must do something and struggles to his feet. Something catches his attention out of the corner of his eye.

The demon on Giles is winning the battle. Giles is spitting and clawing trying to free himself from the hands around his throat but is failing miserably. Just as his eyes begin to roll back in his head, merciful air is sucked into his lungs. He rubs his throat weakly as he rolls to his side to see the demons neck being snapped viciously. His eyes follow the line of attack and see the hand reach out to him to help him up.

Giles: (raspy) Yes, thank you then.

Angel: I’ve been waiting a long time for that.

Giles: Beg your pardon?

Angel: (smirks) To be able to help you. I figure I have a long way to go to make up for a lot of things.

They exchange a look and Giles nods curtly.

Giles: Well the past is the past. I never held a grudge.

Angel: Yeah, but my past is…well let’s just say…

He doesn’t finish before a holler from Connor gets his attention. He rushes to help as Giles tries to make sense of what’s happening.

Boy: I will retaliate. Do you think this is over?

Xander: (dodges a blow) Who is he talking to?

Faith: (throws a punch) Does it matter at this point?

Wesley runs into the middle of the battle.

Gunn: It’s about time!

Gunn is kicked down to his knees and Lorne runs back into frame just in time to trip over him.

Wesley: Angel!

Angel hears him but is busy fighting alongside Connor.

Wesley looks around frantically.

Anya, Willow and Fred jump one from behind that is going after Gunn and Lorne.

Giles: We’re not making a bloody dent!

Spike: You think?

Spike grunts with the effort of staking one in front of him. For each that the group destroys it seems two more appear out of nowhere. The boy begins to laugh.

Boy: They always think they can have the last word. My army only grows!

Wesley rushes into to assist Angel and Connor.

Wesley: Angel something’s happened!

Angel: (gets punched) Yeah Wes, I kind of noticed.

Wesley deflects a blow and kicks the vamp away.

Wesley: No Angel, it’s Cordelia!

Angel: (jumps backwards to avoid a dagger swipe from a demon) Where is she?

Wesley: (stops to look at Angel) Not where Angel…what.

Angel is caught off guard by this and stops to look at Wesley who is struck with such a vicious force that he immediately falls to the ground unconscious. Angel yells out enraged and tackles the thing responsible.

Boy: (smiling and yelling for all to hear) You all will lose. Whatever the Slayer thinks she did, it was for nothing! The damage is already done. It’s too late for your world. My time has come!

He begins to laugh again but is cut short by a staggeringly bright light.

Cordelia: Angel!

All motion stops as both sides look to the sky to see Cordelia floating above them illuminated in the light. She looks terrified and completely unaware of what’s happening.

Faith: What the…?

Xander: Cordelia?

Willow: She’s beautiful.

Lorne: That’s our girl.

Boy: What…what are you…who is…

Angel and Connor look up to see Cordelia’s eyes roll back in her head and she goes limp but stays afloat. After only seconds her eyes open and she smiles down at everyone beneath her.

Gunn: What’s happening to her?

Connor: Cordelia?

Angel: Sshh.

Fred: What is it Angel?

Angel: It’s Buffy.

Spike: Have you gone mental?

Giles: (stunned) Good Lord.

Cordelia/Buffy: Surprise.

Boy: No.

Cord/Buff: (eyes narrow) Shut your mouth.

The boy cowers a bit and his minions seem to follow suit.

Xander: Cordelia’s Buffy? How?

Willow: She’s back.

Anya: Dawn is going to be so pissed you made her miss this.

Connor: Where’s Cordelia?

Cord/Buff: I thought I was done. She said I would be done. I’m not real clear on the meaning here.

Willow: (whispers) Xander.

Angel is still staring up at her not able to speak.

Boy: You think you can play with me? I was only biding time. Do you think this is over?

The boy disappears and the group looks around. Then, there a tremor and a darkness shoots upward from the ground. The earth rolls and moves and soon everything’s moving and everything that once was dead is not and they arise from the ground.

Fred is pulled into a sinkhole and screams. Gunn reaches for her but he’s sideswiped by another escaping it’s grave. Before he can react it punches through his gut. Blood seeps from the wound and out Gunn’s mouth as he collapses onto his knees looking wildly around him for help.

Lorne: Charles!

Cord/Buff: No!

The blackness is searching for the light. Trying to overcome it. The body in the middle being pulled and pushed until it cries out.

Cord/Buff: Oh God what’s happening?

Faith is jumped from behind while Spike screams out.

Spike: Buffy!

He rushes towards the silent battle between dark and light but is knocked aside like a ragdoll. Connor dives to assist Anya who is being pulled into another hole. He pulls on her arm and it snaps like a twig. She cries out in agony as Connor lets go helplessly.

Willow: Xander!

Xander looks at her finally and she pleads silently.

Xander: What is it Will? What do you want from me?

Willow: You have to be the one Xander! You have to lead!

Xander: Stoop saying that! I can’t! Okay? I can’t!

He breaks off almost in tears as he looks up at his former lover and best friend suffering. He slowly looks around at what’s happening around him. Gunn is bleeding and looks close to death yards from him. Wesley is unconscious and helpless on the ground by a headstone. Spike tries to stand but is jumped by 2 vamps ready for the kill. Faith is deflecting the best she can but is growing tired.

Giles seems transfixed in thought while Angel finally moves to begin fighting with the others. And as far as Xander can see, more come. From every direction there are vampires and demons coming. So much so that it will only be minutes before they are all dead and the First will own the world. All will be lost. He sees all of this yet can do nothing. Still, he’s not attacked. He’s the only one not fighting for their lives and he wonders why that is.

The darkness is winning. The light is fading and Willow watches as her last spell fights to stay alive. She protects Xander so he can do what only he can do. But in the midst of protecting him, she has forgotten herself. She feels something hit her head and just as the world goes black she cries out, but no one hears. She falls to the earth and Xander is alone.

Cord/Buffy: Stop it! I did what you asked! Please stop this!

She calls out to no one in particular and no one answers. She’s helpless and the tears fall down her cheeks with abandon. She sees her friends, her love, her life falling apart in front of her and she can do nothing.

Cord/Buffy: Why am I here? Why isn’t it working?

A clap of thunder showers down rain on the maylay. The ground turns to mud and those who can still fight struggle to see what’s right in front of them. Giles, still thinking, suddenly moves.

Giles: Xander! It’s us first Xander! Whatever must happen to save us, it will start with us. Do you hear me Xander? It has to start with us!

Xander spins to see him calling out to him and tries to understand the meaning. Slow motion on the battle being waged. Finally, something happens.

The light stops fading and Xander looks up at her.

Xander: You have to go now Buffy.

He says it so quietly that no one hears, not even her. But the darkness stops pushing and she steadies. The rain slows to a mild soak and the beasts seem to lose strength. Connor, Faith, Lorne, Angel, and the rest that aren’t wounded suddenly get a burst of strength and they all go flying. The others that were coming stop and seem to await the next occurrence.

Angel looks up instantly as does Spike at the woman they both love. Giles walks to pick up Willow and carry her to stand next to Xander. Willow begins to awaken and moans at the pain.

Xander: Buffy, it’s time to go. Time to let go.

Spike: What the hell are you…?

Anya: For God’s sake shut up!

Spike seems surprised by her outburst but listens.

Cord/Buffy: I can’t leave you yet. I can’t let you all fight alone. They sent me back for you, don’t you see?

Xander: No, that’s not why you’re here. We’re losing because you’re here Buffy.

Giles swallows hard as Willow stands next to him on the verge of tears.

Cord/Buffy: You need me. (pause) We need each other.

Xander seems pained and looks to the two standing next to him. They nod and he looks back at her.

Xander: We did this Buffy. The four of us. We went too far. Don’t you see? The reasons were good, the motivation was noble, but we screwed it up. Back in the college, we won because we were joined. And when it was over, we never gave all of it back. We all kept a piece of each other. And it worked.

Cord/Buffy: That’s right. I shared the power. You all deserved it. We had to do it!

Xander: (nodding) Yes. Yes it was necessary. But we went too far. You died and we didn’t let you go. We brought you back because we loved you. And then it was all wrong again. And we didn’t know until now. None of us knew how wrong it was.

Cord/Buff: What are you saying?

Xander: Willow said I was the only one that could do it Buff. She said it was my love that would de the difference. And she was right. But she missed one thing. You said you’d give up your power, you said you would do it to save us. But They couldn’t make it work because you’re not letting go. You have to let go Buffy.

She starts to cry in the light and it grows brighter.

Giles: Let yourself have peace Buffy.

Willow: You deserve it.

Cord/Buffy: Not when you all could die.

Xander: It’s our turn to fight Buffy. You taught us how. Now it’s time to trust what you’ve done for us. For all of us. If we win, it’s because of you. If we lose, it’s because of us. You have to let us try.

Cord/Buffy: What about the others? What do they want?

She looks at the others and they look away. Angel and Spike are the last to look at her. Slowly Angel glances at Xander and then Giles. Finally he turns his back. She cries out to him, but he won’t look at her.

Spike: You sodding bastard! Buffy, I’m not leaving you! Do you hear me?

Xander: Spike, you told us we shouldn’t have done it! You knew where she was before we brought her back, before any of us did! Are you telling her now that you wish her not to have that peace? That joy? Spike, who is it that you really love? Her…or you?

Spike has no response and looks at Angel once more before looking down. He refuses to turn his back, but he stops looking at her.

Cord/Buffy: How could you do this to me? After..?

Giles: It’s because of what you’ve done Buffy. You’ve done this for us. For the world. Now you can let go. It won’t hurt.

Willow: They won’t let it hurt.

Xander: It’s time. Please Buffy. Let us go.

Cord/Buffy: I only wanted to help. I always only wanted to help.

Xander: And you did Buff. You really, really did. We’re still here because of it. Because of you. Now it’s our turn. We’ll stop it, I swear. The First will not win.

Giles: I’m so proud of you.

Willow: You brought us all together.

Cord/Buffy: And you’ll take care of each other? (looks at Angel and Spike) All of you?

Xander: Yes. It’s who we are. It’s who you taught us to be Buffy.

Cord/Buffy: I love you. All of you.

Willow: (crying) Bye you.

Xander: We feel the love Buffy. We’ll always feel it.

Giles: Go then Child. Go make the next world better like you did ours.

Spike: (clears his throat) Hell of a run it was Slayer.

Angel finally turns back to look up at her.

Buffy: With friends, with weapons, with hope. I’m going.

Angel: (smirks up at her) Save me a seat.

The light surrounds them, blinding them, screams from the beasts as they are wiped out by the energy. The sound deafens them and they cover their ears.

The First appears one more time in the sky in it’s true form. It snarls and spits and reaches out for them.

First: I’m not done with you! My reign will not end here! You only delay what is destined to happen!

Lightening fills the sky and joins with the light pushing any sign of the black energy back into the ground. The First cries out once more primally and then disappears. The demons and vamps that haven’t already gone now run into the night. The only sound then is the rain, still pouring down, drenching the group of combined fighters from Sunnydale and LA.

Willow begins to cry anew and only her wails are heard over the rain.

Dawn: Is it over?

Everyone turns to see Dawn limping into the circle of people.

Dawn: What happened?

Giles: It’s over Dawn. For now.

Fred: Charles!

She rushes to his side and tries to stop the bleeding. Spike turns to pick Anya up from the ground.

Spike: They’ll be needing help now.

Wesley comes to and sees the aftermath.

Wesley: Cordelia.

Angel seems to snap out of his trance and look up. She’s gone. Connor looks around frantically.

Connor: Cordelia!

Faith: Over here!

They rush to see Cordelia laying on the ground, soaked. She mumbles something and raises her head.

Angel looks back at Xander. He walks to him purposefully.

Xander: It’s not going to do any good to hit me Angel.

Angel: I don’t want to hit you Xander.

Xander: You don’t?

Angel: What you did…it had to be. And you were right. Only you could have done it.

Dawn: She’s really gone.

Willow: But we’re still here Dawn. The world is still here. Because of her.

Giles: Because of us.

Faith: So what next then?

Wesley: We continue our work. We fight and we win. That’s as much as we can guarantee.

Xander: Together? All of us?

No one answers as the rain finally stops.


Cut to LA – six months later

Angel Investigations

Cordy: Angel! We’ve got another one!

Angel walks out of the office and joins Gunn at the weapons cabinet.

Angel: Maybe you should sit this one out.

Gunn yanks an axe off the wall.

Gunn: Man, if you don’t knock it off with that mess I’m going to use this on you. Got it?

Angel smiles and holds up his hands defeatedly. They head for the door.

Angel: Call Wes and Fred, tell them what to research and call us if they find anything. What’s the address?

Cordy: Just follow Connor. I’ll call Xander and Willow and have them meet you.

Angel: (mutters) Lucky me.

Cordy laughs and picks up the phone.


Cut to Alley

Xander, Angel, Gunn and Willow are walking out with blood on them from the demon they just defeated.

Xander: What is it about LA demons that they just don’t know when to lay down?

Gunn: Humans in LA have that problem too.

Angel: See how evil brings the world together?

Willow: Yes. Yay evil.

The all laugh until they get to the street.

Willow: This is me.

Angel: No celebration for our kill?

Willow: You know me. I love to celebrate the kill as much as the next guy, but Xander and I better check on Dawn. Things still aren’t completely copasetic with the Dad.

Angel: But she’s okay right?

Willow: (nods) Sure. You know that Summers blood. It’s kind of got the being okay gene imprinted you know?

Angel seems to go somewhere else in his mind. The others notice but leave it alone. Xnader starts walking in the opposite direction of Gunn leaving Willow and Angel looking at one another.

Willow: You’re good?

Angel; (nods) Does okay work?

Willow: (smiles) I guess it’ll have to. See you tomorrow.

Angel: Yeah.

They move away and Gunn signals that he’s going on. Angel walks slowly into the night. Suddenly he hears something. He stops and looks around not seeing anything at first. But he moves across the street. Finally he sees her. Her back is to him, but he knows her. He can feel her. He swallows hard afraid she’ll disappear but moves closer. Before he realizes it, he has her by the arm.

Angel: Buffy!

He spins her and she startles.

Buffy: Hey! Watch it!

She pushes him away and Angel seems lost.

Buffy: What? Why are you looking at me like that?

Angel: Don’t you…?

Buffy: No I don’t. (she pauses and studies him for a second longer than a complete stranger would) I have to go.

Angel: You have to…oh, I’m sorry.

Buffy: Sorry for what? Geez, every day it’s another crazy person.

Angel: I’m sorry. I.. I thought you were someone else.

Buffy: Well, I’m not. So if you don’t mind.

She walks away from him and Angel starts to go after her. But just as she gets several yards from him, a figure emerges from the shadows. It’s Giles. He’s too far away to speak and Buffy doesn’t see him appear. Angel stops in shock. He and Giles stare at one another for several moments. Then Giles slowly smiles and nods his head. Angel’s brow creases trying to understand. Then he seems to. He nods back and Giles turns away to follow her down the street. Angel watches for a moment before twirling the throwing axe in his hand and turning to walk away…still smiling.


The End